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Today in Titanic History - with Searching
Today in
Titanic History

Friday, March 14, 2025
1871 - 1st class passenger Mr Frederick R. Kenyon was born.

1916 - 1st class survivor Mr Dickinson H. Bishop remarried.

1939 - 2nd class survivor Mr Masabumi Hosono died at the age of 68. He was the only Japanese passenger on the Titanic.

1980 - 3rd class survivor Miss Carla Christine Nielsine Andersen-Jensen died in Ferritslev, Fyn, Denmark at the age of 87. By her own request, she was buried in the nightdress she had worn on 14th April 1912.

1890 - 3rd class survivor Miss Velin Öhman was born in Eks parish, Mariestad, Västergötland, Sweden.

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Titanic: The Artifact Exhibition (Chicago)
Titanic: The Artifact Exhibition (Los Angeles)
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Titanic Theatre Restuarant (Victoria, Australia)
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