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Today in Titanic History - with Searching
Today in
Titanic History

Wednesday, March 12, 2025
1912 - 1st class survivor Mrs Mary Graham Carmichael Marvin married Daniel Warner Marvin, who was also on the Titanic, in New York City, New York, USA. Their return trip from their honeymoon in Europe was on the Titanic.

1998 - James Cameron's movie "Titanic" was released into theaters in Croatia.

1997 - The sinking scenes for James Cameron's movie "Titanic" were filmed from the 6th to the 12th and were the most expensive filming days in motion picture history.

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Titanic: Aftermath - Act 2, Installment 16

Rated PG
© 1999 Laura @
based on some characters
and situations originated by James Cameron

INT. CAL'S BEDROOM - 1811 WALNUT STREET - EARLY AFTERNOON Cal drags himself out of bed, sending an empty bottle of brandy toppling off his dresser as he brushes past it. He curses at it, as he wearily shuffles over to the mirror. He appears irreparably crumpled. His head is pounding, and his hair hangs incorrigibly in his eyes.

The next morning, I could think only of Anna. I knew I needed her by my side. Indeed, if she really wanted me, who was I to deny her this? And perhaps she was right.Perhaps I really had changed. Cal studies his reflection.CAL (VO)
I trusted in her judgment in all else, why not this? Regardless, I should never have stormed out of her room that way, not giving her a chance to speak.


Cal knocks on her door. Silence. He knocks again.



Cal stands in the doorway, watching the children play. They seem oddly subdued. The children notice his presence, and everyone stops what they are doing. All stare solemnly at him. Molly stops tending to a child who holds a toy ocean-liner. She approaches Cal.

I was looking for Anna. Has she gone out? Molly takes him aside, out of the room. She scolds him angrily under her breath.

She's gone, Cal!


Yes, gone! I don't know what you did to that poor girl, but she wasn't here when I got up this morning! Molly produces a note from her pocket. She stuffs it angrily in Cal's hands. His eyes sweep frantically over the paper. ANNA (VO) "Given the present circumstances, Ino longer consider it appropriatethat I continue working at 1811Walnut Street as governess andtutor. I hereby resign myposition. - Anna Livingston." Cal glances up, devastated.


Cal rushes into Anna's room, followed by Molly. The room is empty, sterile. All that remains is the blue evening dress, and the necklace he gave her. Cal reels around and rushes back to Molly. He clutches Molly's arms desperately.

Well, where did she go? I must find her and persuade her to return!

I don't know, Cal. Maybe she's back in Atlantic City with her folks.

Yes, of course!

EXT. ANNA'S AUNT AND UNCLE'S HOUSE - ATLANTIC CITY - DUSK Cal knocks insistently at the front door. Aunt Mary opens the door. When she sees Cal, her eyes widen. She pushes the door shut. Cal raises his hand to knock, then indecisively lowers it back to his side. He hears Aunt Mary and Uncle Robert fuss at each other inside. Uncle Robert opens the door, but stands in Cal's way. UNCLE ROBERT (diplomatically) She's asleep now. She was up most of the night. Be on your way, and I'll tell her you called.

I wish to wait for her. AUNT MARY He said to go away! She doesn't want to see you! This assertion visibly tears at Cal. UNCLE ROBERT I think it will be a rather long wait, Mr. Hockley. Cal hangs his head down, and responds in a near whisper.

I would still wait. Uncle Robert steps outside, and shuts the door behind him. UNCLE ROBERT We continue to be appreciative of all you have done for our niece, Mr. Hockley... Uncle Robert ushers Cal unwillingly to the front gate.


Anna stares out her window. Aunt Mary comforts her.

Poor Mr. Hockley. I'm just not ready to talk to him, that's all. AUNT MARY Don't worry, dear. A man worth having will wait for you.


Cal lies, gazing up at the stars. The waves churn and crash below.

INT. PARLOR - ANNA'S AUNT AND UNCLE'S HOUSE - MORNING Anna takes a seat nearby Uncle Robert.

Good morning, Uncle. UNCLE ROBERT Good morning, Anna. How are you faring this morning?

Better. I'll be ready to speak with him soon. Do you know if he returned to Philadelphia, or if he's staying here in Atlantic City? UNCLE ROBERT He didn't really say. Hmmm... Ah, yes. He said he'd meet you where you first met... but that's odd.That would be at the beach, now, wouldn't it? Anna turns pale.

Oh, God!


Anna tears across the sand. She climbs the stairs to the first pier. She sees nothing. She bounds down the stairs, and runs toward the second pier.Anna reaches the top of the stairs of the second pier. She gazes down its length, her heart pounding. She thinks she sees something at the very end. She starts toward it.


Anna kneels down beside Cal, and turns him over, onto his back. He grunts, and his eyes open. Anna gasps a sigh of relief.


Mr. Hockley! I was afraid... Cal slowly rises, stiff from sleeping on the pier. As his eyes meet hers, he can see that she cares for him deeply. Cal takes Anna's hands gently in his, as he struggles for words.

Anna... I'm sorry. I behaved terribly the other night. I never wanted to chase you away. I just have a very hard time... forgiving myself enough to consider having such joy in my life. I will try... but I will be trying for YOU for a good while, you understand. Cal's gentle, humorous admonishment leaves Anna in tears.

I'm sorry I left you! I just didn't know what to do!

If you still want me, the wretch that I really am, I'm yours, God help you! Anna beams up at him joyously. She moves toward him, but he prevents her embrace. To Anna's surprise, Cal removes a gun from his jacket pocket. He holds it gingerly, then drops it ceremoniously into the water.

I think you should know... there have been times that I wanted to exchange places with that man I hit with the oar. I've lived for the longest time not knowing whether I have a duty to live or to die.Quite honestly, I'm still not sure how I'll ever forgive myself. That man's father hasn't forgiven me--

But the truth is, you never meant to seriously injure that man, did you?

No! I just... panicked! But so many men behaved so nobly that night.

Oh, Mr. Hockley! There's a slumbering nobility that dwells in the heart of every man! Yours just took a little longer to emerge, that is all. But it is here now, and that is what is important.

(unsure) Yes, yes. I suppose you are right.

I know this may seem like a small consolation, but I too have felt some of what you describe. We all have... Mrs. Bingham surviving when children had died... all the widows, and poor Max!

(ashamed) Yes, he's spoken with me.

We all wonder why we were spared when others were not. There were times I felt so strongly that I belonged by Benjamin's side. And after Dorian died, the loneliness was more than I could bear. You see, I didn't just fall off the pier that night.

What? You!?...

I thought of jumping. I had climbed to the other side of the railing, and then realized that no good could come from my death... But when I turned to climb back, I slipped. Cal recognizes this story. His mind drifts to Rose, then back to Anna. He grasps Anna's hands in his.

I lost my will to go on, but you restored my faith that night. When I saw you... caring so deeply whether I was all right... I knew I had to keep trying. I soon knew I had something to give... to you, and to all those wonderful children you brought into my life. It is you who restored the light within me.

Oh, Anna...

You helped me remember that joy comes from giving selflessly, and if I devote myself to helping others, I'll never be alone.

I thought you had taught me that! They laugh, with tears in their eyes.

No, Mr. Hockley... You see, you are needed, not just for your money, but for your heart.Everyone in that house, and all the men at the steel company... we all need you, but especially me. Your kindness serves as an inspiration for us all. Anna holds his hands tightly.

So, you must never pay heed to that force that draws you away from us.The force of love will tell you that you must live, and that is the only voice you ever need obey. Cal searches for words, but finds only tears. He gently embraces her.

(laughing and crying) You've given me back the joy of living, so you HAVE to let me do that for you. If you didn't, it simply wouldn't be fair!

I do want to be with you, Anna. Of that I've always been certain. Cal steps back. His back aching, he struggles to get down on his knees, then removes a jewelry box from his pocket.

Anna, would you do me the honor of considering becoming my wife? The woman of inspiring words is suddenly rendered speechless. She nods, with tears in her eyes. His hands trembling, Cal removes the ring from the box. He drops it. It bounces onto the pier.

Aargh! He carefully picks up the ring and slips it onto her finger. She gapes in awe at the ring, overwhelmed with joy.

Oh, Mr. Hockley! It's overwhelming... It's lovely!

You can call me Cal, Anna. You ARE my fiancee... They laugh. He rises, and they stand close, poised to kiss. To Anna's surprise, Cal turns his head toward the water.The waves tumble gently in toward the shore. Benjamin's ghost is nowhere to be seen. Cal turns back toward Anna. She wonders at his bizarre behavior. Then, she thinks she understands.

Yes, darling. This is where we first met. Cal smiles and they delve into a passionate kiss. Sunlight flows everywhere. A noise in the distance distracts them both. Cal sees the source of the disturbance. He nods toward the shore. Perplexed, Anna turns to look. Uncle Robert, Ruth, Mrs. Bingham, Max, Sheila, and Molly Brown realize they've been spotted. Molly applauds, and the others join in. Molly waves. Anna and Cal wave back, and break into a fit of snickering. Cal waves for them to go on, frowning jovially.

And before long, we found ourselves making plans to embark upon our lives together. I soon felt I could face anything, with Anna by my side.

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