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Today in Titanic History - with Searching
Today in
Titanic History

Tuesday, October 22, 2024
1886 - 1st class survivor Mr George Achilles Harder was born to Victor Achilles Harder and Minnie Mehl Harder in New York City, New York, USA.

1974 - 2nd class survivor Mrs Antonine Marie Mallet died in Paris, France at the age of 86.

1888 - 3rd class passenger Mr Nils Martin Ödahl was born to Ola Öhdal and Hanna Nilsson.

1887 - 3rd class passenger Mr René Aimé Lievens was born in Heldergem, Belgium.

1926 - Able Seaman and survivor Mr William Henry Lionel Weller died in a shipwreck at the age of 44.

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Starting Anew: Chapter 21, Wedding Dance

Rated PG-13
© 1999 Shirley @
based on some characters
and situations originated by James Cameron Jack leaned back in his chair and raked his hands through his hair. He was tired. All the events of the past few weeks were finally catching up with him. But now he and Rose had three weeks ahead of them. Three weeks in which they could relax, get to know one another better and maybe get some normalcy back into their lives. He wanted to be alone with Rose and leave New York with its newspaper headlines of Titanic far behind them.

Rose had been gone quite a few minutes now and he was getting concerned. He looked around the room to see if she was coming. Then he glimpsed a familiar figure walking toward him. It was Molly.

"What is she doing here?" he wondered.

"Jack, Jack," cried Molly. "Where is Rose?"

Jack wondered why Molly was suddenly so concerned about Rose.

"She went to the ladies room a few minutes ago to fix her hair. But I'm getting kind of worried about her."

Molly frowned and said, "Well we both should be worried. You're not going to believe this, but I think Ruth is in the ladies room too."


"That's right Jack. She came to me today after the Hockley's threw her out. I once told her that if she needed anything she could count on me. She showed up this afternoon right after the weddin'. We came here to eat and just now she took off for the ladies room."

"Shit," said Jack, as he banged on the table with his fist. "Now what do we do?"

"Well right now I've gotta to find her. Believe me Jack, if there was any way I would have known you were coming here, I would have never left the hotel."

"Oh it's not your fault Molly. But I'm worried about Rose. You better go see what's happening."

He nodded his head toward the direction of the ladies room.

"I haven't heard any loud noises. But that doesn't always mean anything. "

"That's right Jack. Some of the worst damage can be done with those looks of Ruth. You ought to know that."

"Yeah," said Jack. "Looks that could turn you to stone."

"Listen," as Molly laid a hand on his shoulder, "I'm gonna see what's happening. I hope I can salvage this evening for you."

And she was gone in a rush to look for Rose and Ruth.

Jack poured himself more champagne and shoved the bottle back into the ice.

"Shit! Why today of all days?" He was angry, but deep inside he knew that harsh words and loud voices would only compound the matter. Ruth considered him the enemy. That was easy to figure out. What he needed now was a plan on how to deal with such a formidable enemy.

Jack sat back in his chair, sipping his champagne. This was an impossible situation. He had expected that one day Rose might see her mother again. Some day far in the future. But not today. The fact remained that she was here and he would have to deal with her. They had both been in that ladies room for awhile now. He wondered what was going on.

He knew that stooping to Ruth's tactics of insults or embarrassment were not for him. No, that would not work. Jack thought for a moment. Then he remembered how his mother had handled some of the ladies from the various organizations she had belonged to. Edy Dawson had very forward thinking ideas about issues that concerned women. But many of the ladies she knew didn't understand her way of thinking. In order to enlist their aid and co-operation for her many projects, Edy's method had been to charm and disarm them. Before long, these same women were thinking how clever they were to have the very same ideas.

"Maybe I can do the same thing with Ruth. Gently upset her balance. Maybe I can slowly get her to come around."

Jack felt that even with such a stubborn woman as Ruth, it was worth a try. Then something his mother had once said to him came to mind.

"Jack Dawson, with those eyes of yours and that smile, you could charm the birds out of the trees."

"Well, Mom," thought Jack, "you never led me wrong before. Let's just see how we can charm Mrs. Ruth Dewitt-Bukater."

Molly stood in the hallway just outside the door to the ladies room. She heard no raised voices. Just some low murmuring. Were they even still in there? She pushed the door open slightly. Apparently Ruth had heeded some of Molly's advice. She heard Ruth pleading with Rose for reconciliation.

"My God," thought Molly. "That poor girl having to deal with all this on her wedding day."

Molly opened the door and Ruth and Rose looked at her.

"Say girls, how are things goin' in here?"

Rose looked pale and shocked.

"Just fine Molly, I was just a little surprised to see Mother, that's all."

"To tell the truth Rose, I was a little shocked myself, when Ruth here arrived today. I didn't intend for things to turn out this way, for all of us to end up here."

Rose looked at Molly and then her mother.

Quickly she said, "It can't be helped. Please excuse me, it's so warm in here."

"Sure thing, darlin', Jack is waiting for you."

Jack turned and saw Rose coming quickly toward him. He half expected to see her eyes red from crying. Instead she looked white from shock.

"Jack," she said, as she sat down next to him, " can you believe this? Today of all days? It's my worst nightmare come true. Can you believe that she stood there talking to me about us being friends and starting over and all the mistakes she has made? Mother never talked like that. I am wondering if Molly had something to do with all this."

Jack took her hand.

"You know Molly, she is not one to give up. Did she say anything about me?" he asked.

"That's the strange thing. She had always been so venomous when she talked about you on the ship. Now she is only worried that you might not be responsible."

Jack gave her a half smile.

"I really expected her to drag me out of there and have the marriage annulled. She didn't even say anything about breaking us up. It's as if she is a stranger. I've never saw her like this before."

"What if she really wants to change? Can you accept that Rose?"

"Jack how can you even ask me a question like that when you seem to be the biggest target of her hatred."

Jack shrugged his shoulders.

"People can change. You did Rose, because you wanted to. Maybe her time has come too."

Rose looked at him somewhat skeptically.

"In any case, I can't deal with this tonight. I tried to be polite to her. Did Molly tell you that Cal threw her out this morning?"

He nodded.

"How typical of him," said Rose bitterly.

Rose watched as Jack got up and started to move two more chairs to their table.

"What are you doing? Who are you expecting?"

"Look, Rose, I think I can deal with your mother. You just have to let me do it in my own way, alright?"

Rose wrinkled her forehead.

"What are you up to Jack?"

His eyes were twinkling with mischief.

"Just trust me. Have I ever let you down yet?"

"No," she smiled. "Alright, I trust you. But I don't understand."

"You don't have to. Just watch," said Jack smugly."

"Ruth, I hope you dealt with things alright in here, no talk about annulments or things like that."

Ruth glared at Molly and with some of her haughty behavior temporarily returning, she said,

"I'm quite capable of handling my own daughter."

Molly pursed her lips and nodded.

"Come on Ruth, let's get out of here. It's too hot!"

Molly led the way down the hall back into the main dining room. Since there was no other way out, they would be passing Jack and Rose's table. Ruth followed somewhat unhappily. She did not relish being in the noise and the crowd and least of all in the presence of Jack.

Jack saw them coming and stood up.

"Molly, Ruth, you can't leave tonight without joining us for a toast. After all today is our wedding day," as he looked pointedly at Ruth and smiled his most winning smile.

"You're right Jack. Here Ruth sit down for a minute. We'll have our champagne, then I'll take you home."

Molly sat down and Ruth had no choice but to follow suite.

She was annoyed at this delay. It was enough that she had received some assurance from Rose that they would try and mend their relationship. But to prolong the evening, sitting here next to Jack Dawson listening to him go on about his marriage to Rose was more than she could stomach.

Jack had asked the waiter for two more glasses and now he poured a little of the remaining champagne into those glasses. He looked around the table.

"Ladies, it isn't every man that can share his wedding party with three such lovely ladies."

Rose looked at him like he had lost his mind. Jack's behavior was becoming more outrageous every second.

"Please join me in drinking to our happiness." Jack, Rose and Molly all took a sip as they watched and waited to see what Ruth would do.

"Cheers, folks," said Molly. "Hey Ruth you're not gonna waste that good stuff now are you?"

Ruth turned her head away. She felt like she had been kicked in the stomach. Rose happy with him? This was madness. Maybe this was a bad dream that she would awaken from. Then she heard Molly's voice again.

"Come on now Ruth, take your drink and we'll go."

Ruth looked back at Molly and numbly drank the cool, sparkling liquid.

Jack continued to try and make eye contact with Ruth, but she kept looking away. Rose tried to signal him with her eyes trying to say that nothing would work with her. Then Jack started talking to her again.

"You know Ruth, in the part of the country where I come from, wedding dances are a big part of the celebration. All the guests dance and all the family members dance together too."

Jack rose from his seat. Molly's jaw dropped. Rose decided that she had indeed married a crazy person. He came next to Ruth's chair and stood there.

"We're family now Ruth. It's a tradition for the groom to dance with the mother of the bride."

He held out his hand.

"Come on Ruth, they're playing a nice waltz."

Rose looked at this whole scene that was playing out in front of her.

"Mother will never do this," she thought. "Jack really has gone mad."

Jack remained motionless in front of Ruth. His hand was still out, waiting for her. Finally she looked up at him. Wavy visions of long ago danced in front of her eyes. Voices from that morning at the stable echoed in her ears. She could not do this. She closed her eyes, hoping that when she opened them again, he would be gone. But it was not to be. Jack's clear penetrating eyes continued to look through her soul. She got up shakily, as if those eyes had willed her to obey. Jack took a breath. He felt like he had just taken the first steps in taming a wild colt. Ruth tentatively put her hand in Jack's as they began dancing. The revulsion was beginning to rise in her. She had been forced into this. With the other diners looking on, she had not wanted to make a scene. This farce would last but a few minutes and then she would be done with him. But what did this man want with her? What was he trying to prove?

As Jack and Ruth began their dance, his plans of what to say to her were vague at best. She was vulnerable now. There was no where for her to run, without making a disturbance. That was all in his favor. He sensed that there was something about him that bothered him. But Jack could never have guessed just how serious a problem it was. He merely intended to wear her down with his polite, impetuous behavior.

The music continued and Jack made small talk. Ruth was unable to speak. Her thoughts were back on the early morning in England years ago. She up until now she had still seen that vile stable boy when she looked at Jack. Now when she was close to him, she expected that he would smell of horses and hay, but instead she detected the scent of sandalwood soup. His hands, though roughened from work, held her gently. His clothes were crisp and clean and he was taller and more lithe of build than............She didn't want to think about it anymore. Jack was polite and quite literate. She wished he would stop talking, so she could sort out her thoughts.

"You know Ruth," continued Jack, "I can see where Rose gets her beauty. She looks very much like you. But there is one difference. Rose smiles, and when she does, she can light up a room. It's almost blinding."

He stopped for a minute and looked at Ruth. And for a second he got eye contact with her.

"I've never seen you smile. Not even on the ship. You seem to have a perpetual frown on your face."

Ruth was churning inside.

"The fool. How can I possibly be smiling today."

But then she thought about what he said. He hardly knew her, yet he threw truth after truth at her. He seemed to be reading her mind.

"What is he? Some sort of clairvoyant?"

She could not even imagine how she had ended up on this dance floor. She had never cared for the physical contact with Edwin and when she became a widow, dancing was deemed improper behavior.

"Ruth, we're family now, and I want you to know that you are welcome in our home any time. That's what family is all about, being part of each other's lives."

"Oh really," thought Ruth, "this is getting ridiculous. Will he not cease this incessant prattling?"

She had never met such an outspoken man in all her life. Didn't he know his place? Welcome in their home indeed!

When the music stopped, Ruth heaved a sigh of relief. She tried to let go of his hand, but he insisted on leading her back to the table. Before he released her, he kissed her hand and thanked her for the dance. Ruth felt her throat constrict and the room began to spin.

"Ruth, honey, you're lookin a bit pale there," said Molly. "You catch your breath for a minute and then I'm takin you home. And anyway," she continued as she looked at Jack and Rose, " you two need to do some celebrating on your own."

When Molly and Ruth were out of earshot, Rose asked,

"Jack what was that all about? Mother hasn't danced in years. I couldn't believe what I was seeing."

Jack chuckled.

"Maybe it's high time she started. It might be good for her. It was the element of surprise Rose. I thought that by catching her off balance and shocking her a bit, I might get her to come around. You know, I think there is a lot going on with her, things that even you don't know about. I'm not sure, but just maybe I cracked her shell just a little. "

Rose looked at Jack intently.

"How do you know that? You knew all about me too."

He rested his chin on his hand and stared back at her.

"I watch people. I look at their faces, their bodies. I can just tell. It's something I've always been able to do."

"You wanted to dance. How about it?"

He stood up again and once more put his hand out. This time he knew the lady in question would have no problem accepting his offer. Rose got up and grasped his hand. She gave him a brilliant smile and followed him out to the dance floor.

They made their way out to the front portico of Stauch's. There waiting for them, right on time was Tom and May. Jack hesitated a minute before they walked to the carriage.

"Are you excited about tomorrow?"

Rose looked up a Jack.

"Oh yes, I'm excited. I've never been west of Philadelphia. I want to see all the places you've been. And I want to get away from here."

He nodded his head in agreement.

"Yes, I want to get going too."

Suddenly Rose took several deep breaths and laid her head on his shoulder.

"Hey, what's the matter," he asked.

She hesitated before replying.

"Nothing, just a little dizzy, that's all. Maybe it's the heat and the noise. I'll be okay. It was a wonderful evening Jack. The champagne, the dancing."

He tilted her head up so she looked at him.

"I think we should head back and make it a little more wonderful."

He took her hand and led her down the stairs.

"Come on, Rose."

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