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Today in Titanic History - with Searching
Today in
Titanic History

Tuesday, October 22, 2024
1886 - 1st class survivor Mr George Achilles Harder was born to Victor Achilles Harder and Minnie Mehl Harder in New York City, New York, USA.

1974 - 2nd class survivor Mrs Antonine Marie Mallet died in Paris, France at the age of 86.

1888 - 3rd class passenger Mr Nils Martin Ödahl was born to Ola Öhdal and Hanna Nilsson.

1887 - 3rd class passenger Mr René Aimé Lievens was born in Heldergem, Belgium.

1926 - Able Seaman and survivor Mr William Henry Lionel Weller died in a shipwreck at the age of 44.

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Starting Anew: Chapter 27, A Reluctant Homecoming

Rated PG-13
© 1999 Shirley @
based on some characters
and situations originated by James Cameron

(Author's note-I never have been in Chippewa Falls, but with the help of some maps, books, and my own personal experiences in a few Wisconsin towns about the size of Chippewa Falls, I hope I have been able to create for you the feeling of that place. I also have an interest in Native American lore and have used some of that information in the story. There were Native Americans living in the Chippewa Falls area at that time, so the possibility of Jack knowing someone like the character you will meet in the chapters ahead is quite real. Through the words of that character, we will get more insight into Jack's background and Rose will receive some information that will be useful to her later.)

Jack and Rose had been on the slow and bumpy local for almost 8 hours now. It was stuffy and the seats were uncomfortable.

"Jack, I hate to ask again," said a weary Rose," but when will we be there? My back hurts and I feel stiff all over."

"I know, and I'm sorry this is taking so long. Chippewa Falls is kind of out of the way. But the last town we passed was Stanley. The next stop is Chippewa Falls,"answered Jack.

They had talked quietly all day about everything and nothing. From how sick they had been with the Chicken Pox as kids to the dreams they both had for a real education. Jack had explained that when he was in high school, all his parents had talked about was for him to go over to the State College in Eau Claire and get a degree.

"I had wanted to go on in school too,"said Rose."But as usual Mother squelched that idea when she got me engaged to Cal. Maybe someday Jack, our dreams will come true."

"Maybe,"he said dejectedly. "Right now, I just have to make a living."

Rose looked at Jack and he seemed almost a stranger. He had never been this quiet. And when he did have something to say, it was a cynical, depressing remark. She attributed it to the fact that he must be nervous about returning home.

"I hope so,"she thought. "I don't know how to deal with him right now."

The conductor came through the car calling, "Chippewa Falls, next stop. Chippewa Falls."

Jack grasped her hand tightly, but when she looked at him she saw panic in his eyes.

"Jack, maybe we shouldn't have done this."

"NO,"he answered firmly. "I have to do this. I want to do this. I just didn't think I would feel like this." He smiled nervously at her. "Only a few more miles now."

As the train slowed, Jack reached up and took down their cases. They slowly made their way to the vestibule and waited for the train to come to a jerky stop. The conductor stepped down and put a small stool down on the pavement. He helped Rose down first and Jack followed with their bags.

"You folks know anyone here?"asked the conductor.

"Used to," mumbled Jack. He thought for a minute. "Say is the Colonial Hotel still in business?"

"Sure is,"the conductor answered. "Lady named Helen Williams bought it a couple of years ago. Fixed it up nice. Well, we got be going." He looked from one end of the train to the other. He waved his hand to the engineer and yelled, "BOARD!"

The train rumbled off into the distance. As they stood on the station platform in the fading light of the May evening, Jack took a quick look around. Things seemed pretty much the same. A few more cars. A few less horses. Not too many new buildings. Lingering next to the depot were five or six twelve year old boys. It was the usual crowd that was there to meet the train. Once Jack had done the same thing. It was a contest among them to see who could carry the most bags and get the biggest tip.

"Hey mister,"called one of the boys, "where are you headin? Anyone meetin'you? Can I carry your bags?"

The other boys stood watching. They did not think that this couple looked prosperous enough for a decent tip.

"Can you manage to get these over to the hotel?"asked Jack.

"Sure thing. Follow me."

With their eager porter leading the way, Jack and Rose followed him to the hotel. It was a three story red brick building which stood in the middle of Bridge Street.

"What do you think, Rose?"asked Jack, before they entered the building.

"Oh, it looks fine. Anyway, I'm so tired, I could sleep on a board,"she answered.

They entered the tiny hall of the hotel. To the left they could see the dining room, which looked closed. The sign said "Closed on Weds." Rose groaned. She had at least hoped they could have a decent meal tonight.

A narrow desk stood against the wall and behind it stood a man of about 60 who was frowning at them.

"Yah want a room? Or maybe two?"he boomed as he glared at Jack. "Yah know yah can't have her up in the room with yah, unless you're married."

Jack put his hand over his face and shook his head. Of all the nice people in Chippewa Falls, why did this narrow minded, nosey guy have to be the first one to greet them?

Jack gave the man an exasperated look. "Just a minute."He turned to the boy who had carried their bags and gave him a dime. The boy fingered the coin and looked admiringly at Jack.

"Thanks mister. Nobody ever gave me a tip like this before."

Jack smiled and then turned back to face the surly clerk.

"We want one room, and we are married!"he said emphatically.

The man eyed them again. First he sized up Rose. She was neat and well groomed. Dressed in a nice traveling suit. And she did have a gold band on her finger. Looks a little too refined to be a loose woman. As for the man, he didn't look sophisticated enough to be doin' it on the sly.

Finally he said, "Alright, I'll give yah the benefit of the doubt. Sign here, that'll be $3 dollars a night.

"We'll be here three nights,"said Jack, and paid the full amount, $9 in advance. "Anyplace we can get some food?"asked Jack hopefully.

"Nah, everything closes up around 5. ‘Cept for that Reilly's over by the station. Yah know where it is?"

"Yes,"said Jack. "I know the place," he said tiredly. "Thanks."

* * * * * * * * * *

Jack opened the door to their room and expected the worst. Instead he was surprised to see a brass bed, covered with a handmade quilt. A velvet chair and table stood near the window. Everything was clean and looked inviting. He looked around to try and find the door to the bathroom.

"Rose,"he started tentatively, "I think the bathroom is down the hall. Sorry about that."

"Oh, I think I'll survive,"she said trying to smile. "I'm just tired and hungry."

"Me too,"agreed Jack. "I go over to Reilly's and get some sandwiches. That's about the best I can do tonight."

"Let me get ready and I'll go with you."

She had started opening her suitcase, when Jack spoke to her in a tone she had never heard before.

"NO, you're staying here!"

Rose turned to look at him, her red hair flying around her face.

"My God, you can't talk to me like that and tell me what I can and cannot do. You don't own me. You sound just like Cal." Tears formed in her eyes and she wondered if all men had this controlling streak in them. Jack looked at her shaking his head from side to side.

"Look, Rose, I'm sorry if I sounded sharp. You know I'm not myself today. But you really can't come with,"he said firmly.

"And why not?" she cried angrily.

Jack walked over to her. "I will never stop you from doing what you want, or going where you want, on one condition. As long as you are not in danger. And this place is not for you."

Rose turned her back on him. "And how do you know?"

He put his hand on her shoulder and turned her back to face him. "I grew up here remember? Reilly's is not a nice place. They have good food and that's about all that is good about it. The place is filled with lumbermen, railroad men and some locals who come to drink. They don't mean any harm, but more often than not, things get out of control. And some of those guys from the lumber camps haven't seen a woman in months."

He stopped to see how she was reacting. So far she had said nothing more.

"Look at it this way. Do you want me to get hurt in a fight defending you and then have our trip ruined? Because that is what would happen. Look at me, Rose."

Her eyes were cast downward. She was trembling.

"I'm sorry,"he continued. "I really am. I shouldn't have talked to you like that. But please understand my point of view here."

Quietly she apologized. "I'm sorry too. I shouldn't have compared you to Cal. I, I understand. I don't want anything to happen to you. Just hurry back."

Jack kissed her. Then he emptied his pockets of his watch and money, taking only enough to buy some food.

"I'll be right back,"he said as he tried to look cheerful. "I love you." He blew her a kiss and was out the door.

Rose went to the window and saw Jack cross the street in the twilight. For a moment she felt alone and miserable. She thought about the strange turns her life had taken since April 10th. Was that only less than a month ago? She had started on a journey with one fiancée, heading for a familiar home. And now she was here, married to a man she had only known for 3 weeks, in a town where they knew no one.

"What have I done? Where will this all lead? I hope I've done the right thing."

She saw him continue along the sidewalk until he was almost out of her view. Then as if he could sense her confusion, he turned and gave her a reassuring smile. Jack had that way about him. He just seemed to know what she was thinking. And with that smile, her fears were for the time being erased.

"How can I doubt him, when I love him so much?"

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