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Today in Titanic History - with Searching
Today in
Titanic History

Tuesday, October 22, 2024
1886 - 1st class survivor Mr George Achilles Harder was born to Victor Achilles Harder and Minnie Mehl Harder in New York City, New York, USA.

1974 - 2nd class survivor Mrs Antonine Marie Mallet died in Paris, France at the age of 86.

1888 - 3rd class passenger Mr Nils Martin Ödahl was born to Ola Öhdal and Hanna Nilsson.

1887 - 3rd class passenger Mr René Aimé Lievens was born in Heldergem, Belgium.

1926 - Able Seaman and survivor Mr William Henry Lionel Weller died in a shipwreck at the age of 44.

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Rose's Angel: Chapter 17

Rated PG-13
© 1999 Holly @
based on some characters
and situations originated by James Cameron Nathan Hockley was an older version of Cal. If not for the streaks of gray in his hair, it would be hard to tell the difference between Father and son.

"Surprised to see me, Miss Dawson? That is what you are calling yourself these days," he said in a cold, cruel voice.

"What do you want, Mr. Hockley?" Rose said sternly. She was feeling confident, knowing Jack was right beside her.

"Is that your only question? Not how did I find you? Or does Ruth or Caledon know your alive?" he asked, smiling the same evil smile she had seen on Cal's face when he framed Jack on theTitanic.

'Two peas in a pod' she thought hatefully.

"I will ask you one more time. What the hell do you want? And then I am shutting the door!" she responded, now extremely angry.

"No need to be UN-lady like, Miss Dawson," he answered, quite startled at her new demeanor and appearance.

She was no longer the obedient girl who had been engaged to his son. It had been almost two years since he had seen her last. She seemed to have matured ten years. Her hair, which he remembered to have always been pulled up, now hung loosely past her waist. It gave her a wild appearance, as if she had no proper upbringing. The most shocking thing to him was not her hair, but rather the fact that she was wearing men's trousers and smoking a cigarette. She really looked like the steerage garbage she had left his son for.

"I just need to speak with you for a brief moment. I have a deal to offer you," he said, feeling slightly intimated by her.

Sensing Jack was comfortable with the situation, Rose stepped aside and let Mr. Hockey enter.

Nathan Hockley was about to take a seat when Rose said rather sternly, "Don't bother, Mr. Hockley, this conversation is going to be short and to the point. I don't have time for the likes of you today. Now how did you locate me?" She may have looked like third class filth, but she could still handle herself in a regal manner.

"You should have never had your picture taken by a professional photographer on the Pier at Santa Monica. He is using it as an advertisement for the Pier. It seems your face is all over California. I certainly hope you're getting paid for this little hobby of yours," he said, noticing all the pictures in her sitting room.

'I am not getting paid for it, but I most certainly will look into it,' she thought to herself.

"I am sure you next question is does Ruth or Caledon know you survived," he said in an even tone. Rose glared at him. The pure hatred and contempt that filled her eyes sent chills down his spine. Clearing his throat in an attempt to regain his composure he continued. "No, Miss Dawson, they have no idea that you survived and took that gutter rat's name."

Rose's anger had hit a boiling point and she had just about enough of Mr. Nathan Hockley. "His name was Dawson, Jack Dawson, and your son could take quite a few lessons on bravery, integrity, and self-sacrifice from him!" she began saying.

Curiosity finally got the better of Tommy, and he had to follow Jack to see what could possibly have pulled him away from their paradise. Tommy found Jack in Rose's living room laughing hysterically. It took him a few moments to figure out just what exactly was going on and soon he was laughing harder than Jack was.

"She is really giving him a long overdue arse whipping, so to speak," Tommy said, barely able to get the words out because of the laughter.

"Very overdue," Jack replied, regaining some control of him self.

"I am glad I am dead. Otherwise, I would never have seen this," Tommy said. His comment sent both men into another bout of laughter.

Feeling more than just Jack's strength with her, Rose continued. "The fine gentleman you raised, sir, tried to frame an innocent man for stealing, which nearly got him killed. As for my punishment, I was struck so hard in the face I saw stars. The coward then attempted to bribe First Officer Murdoch for safe passage off the ship, with the knowledge that there were still woman and children left on board. When that didn't work, not only did he is leave his own valet to die, he used a steerage child to gain access to a lifeboat. Just imagine - steerage! He loathed them, but yet he used them to save his own life." That was just the tip of the iceberg. She was saving the best part for last.

Never hearing anything about Caledon's conduct that night except for how Rose left him for Dawson, Mr. Hockley was speechless. Rose starred at him. The hatred in her eyes had intensified and the great Nathan Hockley could only look down.

Jack and Tommy were beside themselves. They could not stop laughing. "I bet someone's daddy is going whip his arse tonight when he gets home," Tommy said.

"She isn't finished yet," Jack explained, as both men lost control to their laughter once again.

"Rose," he began. Then meeting her eyes, Mr. Hockley decided it was best to address her formally. "Miss Dawson, I have not come to recreate the events of that horrific night. I have come to make a deal with you. I will give you my silence on your survival in exchange for the Le Coeur de la Mer. I understand it was in your possession when Titanic foundered," he said, feeling a lack of confidence for the first time in his life.

'This is it,' Rose thought. "Mr. Hockley, I can tell by your reaction that Cal did not tell you any of his actions that night. You see, sir, I saved the best for last. His crowning achievement that night was when he tried to murder Jack and myself with a pistol belonging to that horrible manservant of his. You listen to me, you unimaginable bastard, I am keeping Le Coeur de la Mer and not only will you keep your silence about my survival you will give me the money from the insurance settlement. Because if you don't, I will come forward and make my existence known. The first thing I plan to do is have that devil spawn you call a son charged with attempted murder. Do not deceive yourself into thinking I cannot do it, sir. I know Senator Smith very well. I am certain he would be more than willing to assist me. After all he was the one who started the investigations regarding the sinking. I am sure he will be very interested to hear of Cal's actions that evening. Even if all your money can buy Cal out of trouble, the scandal alone would ruin your good name. Is any of this at all unclear?" she asked, feeling extremely relieved to finally give the Hockley's exactly what they deserved.

He had done is homework on Rose Dawson and he was certain she could carry through on her threat. Realizing that for the first time in his life someone had beat him, he said very quietly, "You have a deal, Miss Dawson." At the same time, he thought to himself, 'Wait till I get my hands on Caledon!' If it would not have ruined his good name also, he might have let her actually ruin Caledon.

"Oh, two more things," Rose continued, smirking at him.

Shocked over what had just taken place, Hockley could only look at her and nod.

"This insurance settlement will be made under extreme secrecy. No one can ever be able to trace it. I would like you to set up an art school where underprivileged children can attend, free of course, and develop their talent. I would like you to name it JD Art School. For this year only, I would like to make a donation to Molly Brown's foundation for steerage survivors of the Titanic. Is this understood?" she asked, at last finishing what needed to be done.

"Consider it done," he answered her dryly.

"Oh, and I need that check by tomorrow," Rose added.

"Of course, Miss Dawson, he answered as she held the door for him to leave.

'Now where was I?' she thought, going back to her breakfast.

"Did you see his face?" Jack said over and over between giggles.

"If I had known it was going to be this good of a show I would have sold bloody tickets," Tommy responded.

Jack was laughing so hard that he was unable to answer Tommy and just nodded his head in agreement.

Abruptly Tommy stopped laughing and said very seriously, "I understand the sacrifice you made now. I watched you that night when you had a chance to live. I thought to myself how foolish you were. You could have made it. But now I understand."

Jack looked into Tommy's eyes and said, "I didn't just do it because I felt she deserved to have a chance to really live. The main reason I did it was because she made me feel like the King of the World."

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