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Today in Titanic History - with Searching
Today in
Titanic History

Tuesday, October 22, 2024
1886 - 1st class survivor Mr George Achilles Harder was born to Victor Achilles Harder and Minnie Mehl Harder in New York City, New York, USA.

1974 - 2nd class survivor Mrs Antonine Marie Mallet died in Paris, France at the age of 86.

1888 - 3rd class passenger Mr Nils Martin Ödahl was born to Ola Öhdal and Hanna Nilsson.

1887 - 3rd class passenger Mr René Aimé Lievens was born in Heldergem, Belgium.

1926 - Able Seaman and survivor Mr William Henry Lionel Weller died in a shipwreck at the age of 44.

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Rose's Angel: Chapter 39

Rated PG-13
© 1999 Holly @
based on some characters
and situations originated by James Cameron

April 14, 1927

Rose rocked back n' forth in an old rocker on the back porch. She loved her new home in Cedar Rapids. It had needed some work but in no time Brandon had it just the way they wanted it. Rose took on the job of decorating the inside of the house. It was filled with photographs taken the past 15 years. There were pictures of her and Allan taken when she first met him, pictures of all her adventures, pictures of Allan and Eliza and herself and Brandon's wedding. Pictures of Brandon, Allan, Eliza, and her stills from all her silent movies. Pictures of the child Allan never lived to see Molly Elizabeth, named after Molly Brown. There were pictures of all the important events in Rose's life except one. Jack. She would never have a picture of him. She had tried to sketch his likeness over the years but just could not seem to get it right. It would look like Jack, it just didn't seem to capture his soul and she would end up throwing it out. She had finally come to the conclusion that Jack's image was forever etched in her heart and that was where it belonged.

Closing her eyes she let her mind drift through the memories of the past 15 years since Rose Dawson was born. She had helped change the Merchant Laws for safer passage across the Sea, traveled the world, went fishing in Africa, learned to ride an elephant, flew an airplane, went ice fishing at Lake Wissota, rode a horse like a man, became a successful actress. She found the brother she had always dreamed of, in Allan, only to lose him to War. She met the man she was destined to spend the rest of her life, found a best friend in Eliza and the Mother figure she had always yearned for in Molly. She feared nothing. There wasn't anything she wouldn't try just for the chance to say she did it.

She had secretly kept track of some of the Titanic survivors. Colonel Archibald Gracie was the first to pass away. She had heard he never really recovered from the shock of Titanic sinking and didn't live to see the first anniversary of that fateful night. Charles Lighttoller, Joseph Boxhall and Harold Lowe never became Captains while in Merchant service. 'Serves Lighttoller right for sugar coating his testimony at the hearings.

The company really took care of you for your lies.' Rose thought bitterly over the memory.

Madeleine Astor had a son whom she named after J.J. She remarried during WWI and had two more sons. Rose knew JJ to Madeleine was like Jack to her and she was happy to hear that she had found love and happiness.

Bruce Ismay 'that rat bastard' Rose thought hatefully lost his job as managing Director of White Star Line and had taken refuge at his home in England. 'I would not want to be you when you have to face God' she thought.

Ruth, whom Rose referred to her as instead of Mother, died in 1925. When Rose had read of her Mother's death she felt more of a loss for an acquaintance she had known briefly then the death of her Mother. It was cold but in Rose's mind Ruth stopped being her Mother the night Titanic foundered. Ruth had lived out her remaining years in the life style she was accustomed too; Cal had made sure Ruth was well taken care of. 'I guess you didn't need me after all Ruth' Rose thought bitterly.

Rose always figured Cal took care of Ruth out of a sense of guilt rather than honor. Caledon Hockley would never have any honor as far as Rose was concerned. Less than a year after Rose Dewitt Bukater died he married a society girl.

'Love was something Cal would never achieve, even with all his millions' Rose thought.

Eliza was a wreck after Allan died. Rose was eternally grateful to Molly for her help during the horrible time in their lives. Rose had been too lost in her own grief to be of any help. Molly was the one who went to Eliza's room in the middle of the night when she was sobbing in her sleep. Rose couldn't bear to go to Eliza it reminded her of the dreams she use to have after Titanic sank. Molly became a Mother figure for both girls, always wiping away their tears, helping them with decisions, and always listening to them when they needed someone to pour their heart and soul out to. Molly stayed until after the baby was born. Both girls began to perk up and Molly felt they no longer needed her motherly support. Rose had decided she was done being an actress and left the business. She was able to support Eliza, Molly Elizabeth and her self with the money she had saved while working as an actress.

World War One like every other war in history ended and Brandon returned home. Realizing both women needed a change of pace he moved them back to New York City where he worked as a carpenter. Rose found a few jobs on Broadway but didn't seem to have the acting bug anymore. Rose began to spend much of her time learning pottery, after a few months became quite good at it. Soon she opened her own shop and began to sell some of her pieces. Eliza had insisted on getting her own place, much to Brandon's dismay. When Molly Elizabeth was two Eliza met a wonderful man named Jordan Harris. Within a few months of meeting each other they were married. Rose was ecstatic for Eliza. Allan would always be a part of Eliza but she needed someone to love her who could hold her in her arms every night. That was something Rose knew very well.

As for Rose and Brandon they had been married six years. Neither one of them were that crazy about NYC and decided Cedar Rapids was as good place as any other to live. Besides anything was better than New York City in Rose's mind. Brandon found a job as a carpenter. Rose was able to open a small shop where she sold her pottery. Eventually they gave up their flat in town and bought the house.

The past fifteen years had been very good to Rose. Every April 14 she thought of all the people who lost their lives on Titanic, silently gave thanks for all her blessings. She hadn't spoken to Jack since the day they buried Allan. Rose could always feel his presence. He lived forever in her heart. Jack's voice had just grown silent. She knew if she ever needed him he would be there. Her love for Jack had not diminished in the past fifteen years; in fact it had grown stronger. She loved Brandon fiercely, but it would never compare to the love she and Jack shared. Each passing year made Rose realize just how much Jack had loved her to sacrifice himself so she could live. Not one day went by that she did not thank Jack Dawson for giving her a second chance. She missed him terribly. Nothing would ever fill the hole that had been left in her after Jack died.

"Rose I am home! Are you ready to go out and celebrate your birthday?" Brandon yelled letting the front door slam behind.

Abruptly pulled from her thoughts Rose grinned and patted her growing stomach. "I am on the back porch, Brandon." She replied.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

'Rose was 32 years old today' Jack thought proudly.

When he thought of her accomplishments and how far she had come he just beamed. He had never been more proud of anyone in his entire life. Their love for each other had bridged the distance between them, though Jack's arms ached to hold Rose, that love would sustain him until they were reunited in eternity.

"Our Rose is going to have a baby." Thomas Andrews said.

"My Rose is going to have a baby." Jack said smiling

"Yes, of course, your Rose." Thomas Andrews replied as he put an arm around the young man who had become like a son to him.

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