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Today in Titanic History - with Searching
Today in
Titanic History

Tuesday, October 22, 2024
1886 - 1st class survivor Mr George Achilles Harder was born to Victor Achilles Harder and Minnie Mehl Harder in New York City, New York, USA.

1974 - 2nd class survivor Mrs Antonine Marie Mallet died in Paris, France at the age of 86.

1888 - 3rd class passenger Mr Nils Martin Ödahl was born to Ola Öhdal and Hanna Nilsson.

1887 - 3rd class passenger Mr René Aimé Lievens was born in Heldergem, Belgium.

1926 - Able Seaman and survivor Mr William Henry Lionel Weller died in a shipwreck at the age of 44.

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The Last Time Titanic Ever Saw Daylight: Part 2

Rated PG-13
© 1999 Michelle Kinder @
based on some characters
and situations originated by James Cameron

Jack's heart was beating wildly with joy and excitement. Never in his wildest mind had he expected Rose to come to him. She smiled at him, matching his mischievous glee with her own. "Now close your eyes..." A trace of surprise and apprehension crossed her face. He considered kissing her then and there as his eyes took in the splendor of the moment. "Go on."

Obeying his request, Rose placed herself entirely reliant on him. Moving his hand to the small of his back, Jack felt the same spark and sensation he experienced the previous night while leading her around the third class party. For a moment he nearly lost all concentration, but he forced the temptation down, determined to not do anything to jeopardize his future with her. "Step up," He led her toward the very extreme front of the mighty ship. Noticing her questioning movements, Jack added, "Now hold onto the rail," Then he felt himself growing worried something would go wrong: Rose might open her eyes before he was prepared to show her the surprise. "Keep your eyes closed and don't peak."

Rose enjoyed the game and the looked with eagerness to what this incredible man was prepared to show her. Her heart fluttered gently beneath her calm composure and every time his warm body grew close to hers as he led her forward remarkable sensations soared through each nerve in her being. She could feel his tender hands caressing her back and holding securely and lovingly onto her hand and at that moment, she knew where her heart truly did lie. "I'm not." Her voice seemed to say without even acknowledging it.

"Step up onto the rail. Hold on. Hold on."

An softly amused laugh from Rose echoed in the air around him and Jack savored it all, desiring to never let it end. By then the wind was washing her scent and her beauty into him. Despite the sudden turn of a chill in the air, they both seemed warmed by the passion between them and the sun setting in the horizon, the same sun casting a magnificent glow on her face that only added to the beauty Jack adored about her. The next question was one he had to ask, one he had to be sure of, "Do you trust me?"

"I trust you." She responded, setting his soul to heaven.

Gently, he lifted her arms away from her sides, recalling the song they enjoyed and the feelings of freedom he felt with the dolphins below him. The way Rose placed herself entirely into his care astounded him. It appeared she had given her heart away just as quickly as he had. "All right. Open your eyes."

When she did, her senses became alive and she grew in awe of everything around her. While she had seen several sunsets in her life, nothing prepared her for the spectacular array of colors that stretched across the ever flowing sea before them. The wind seemed to lift her and carry her on a magical flight. "I'm flying!" Rose exclaimed, elevated by the splendor before them.

Jack cherished the way she said his name after that. He always wanted to have her close and to see the same happiness that emerged through her. For once his soul seemed intertwined with another and every relationship he ever experienced in his life no longer mattered to him. Rose was the only he could possibly love... "Come Josephine in my flying machine," He began to sing, leaning himself forward even more so his face rested next to her velvet cheek. Rose laughed as Jack stretched his arms to meet hers, their fingers moving about each others. "Going up she goes, up she goes..."

Suddenly, the power of nature around him became too strong. Jack's desires appeared matched in Rose's gentle lean into him. Their hands spoke volumes through the movements, more than words needed. With the wind cascading over them, he slowly lowered his arms, still holding onto hers, until they encircled her waist. Rose turned to peer at him. Instead of sensing surprise or shock, all he saw in her eyes was the same reflection of his own fire and desire. She leaned toward him and he met her halfway, their lips locking as every door either had kept locked to their heart were opened.

They continued to kiss, to forget everything around them, each one growing more and more with passion. Jack marveled at the touch of her hand as it met the back of his head, its fingers running through his hair. Every ounce of fire and love poured out of them as they both surrendered to the night, the moment and to the mystical and inevitable power of their hearts....

It was Jack who finally pulled away, overcome with emotion. The entire moment seemed surreal. Rose's blue eyes met his and a smile formed. He couldn't help himself and leaned in to kiss her again. Pulling away, they both grew aware of the sun's absence from the sky, the cold night air enveloping them. "Are you cold?"

He expected her to climb down, but to his amazement she pulled herself closer to him and simply nodded. The feel of her close to him was incredible. There was nothing he wanted more than to just hold her. Suddenly her eyes stared into his, "Jack, come with me to my room," Her next comment put his own thoughts into words, "I don't want this night to end."

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