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Today in Titanic History - with Searching
Today in
Titanic History

Tuesday, October 22, 2024
1886 - 1st class survivor Mr George Achilles Harder was born to Victor Achilles Harder and Minnie Mehl Harder in New York City, New York, USA.

1974 - 2nd class survivor Mrs Antonine Marie Mallet died in Paris, France at the age of 86.

1888 - 3rd class passenger Mr Nils Martin Ödahl was born to Ola Öhdal and Hanna Nilsson.

1887 - 3rd class passenger Mr René Aimé Lievens was born in Heldergem, Belgium.

1926 - Able Seaman and survivor Mr William Henry Lionel Weller died in a shipwreck at the age of 44.

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The Last Time Titanic Ever Saw Daylight: Part 6

Rated PG-13
© 1999 Michelle Kinder @
based on some characters
and situations originated by James Cameron

As he watched Rose gently rise from the divan, Jack felt his eyes continue to absorb every visible aspect of her body. His breathing once again shallowed and grew more rapid as she slowly walked to where the kimono robe still lay on the floor where she removed it only tantalizing moments before. Her movements were so graceful and smooth, the years of proper training and finishing school mannerisms on display for him to witness in all their glory as her perfectly manicured fingernails shone in the lamplight as she laced the ties to the robe together, covering her skin.

She made her way to peak over his shoulder at the drawing, just the slightest closeness causing Jack's heart to pound with wild apprehension. Rose placed her delicate hand on his shoulder and he knew she must have been able to feel how it shook. The smell of her skin filled his senses and the warmth of that slightest touch reached into every part of him. Her auburn curls brushed gently across his cheek as she leaned herself forward to peer at the image in his lap. "Date it, Jack. I don't ever want to forget this night. It's the night when I finally became free."

"It's also the night I know I'm in love," Jack thought to himself. In the bottom right side of the sketch he signed it just as she asked, "April 14, 1912 JD". When he glanced back up to her, he was overcome by the admiration he witnessed in her azure eyes. She seemed to truly enjoy it, appearing as if it moved her beyond words. Every fiber in his being melted with that glimpse into her eyes.

Rose stared at the image Jack had so clearly seen of her. He had looked past all the outward appearances and shown a depth to her inner self. Her soul radiated from her eyes and for a few seconds she could feel the excitement and awareness that Jack truly knew her deep within her heart. At the same moment, she was flattered at how she appeared so graceful and elegant and surprisingly attractive. Cal always told her she was so did some other men, but Rose continued to have doubts until that moment as she looked at herself temporarily through Jack's eyes. He truly did have a gift to see people - he had seen her completely.

Then, she felt his eyes on her once again and as she turned to him, she noticed how his eyes were drinking in her face. "Jack, I don't know what to say. It's absolutely beautiful."

"Just like its subject." Jack responded, a grin slowly breaking the serious look on his face. Rose marveled at the way his eyes lit up as she told him her reaction.

Jack handed her the entire sketch book as she thanked him. Leaning in for a kiss, his grasp became tighter again in a playful tease. She couldn't keep herself from laughing and finally she was able to make him release it.

Rose started for the safe again while Jack sat and pondered over how he had lost his heart to her for a moment. His mind recalled the first glimpse he ever had of her as she walked like a romantic heroine onto the deck, looking lonely and statuesque. He didn't mean to gawk, but never in his life had he seen such a loneliness and despair in someone so young and beautiful. Jack remembered seeing Cal approach her from behind and at that moment, he realized exactly what the reason behind that sadness was while they briefly exchanged heated words. The memory of her racing to the stern and how hard it appeared for her temper to cool long enough to realize what she was about to actually do caused him to laugh at her fire just as he had laughed when she rebuffed his attempts to learn if she really did love Cal while they talked the next day. Seeing her at the staircase as she came to dinner, he had been completely unable to believe his eyes. She appeared a goddess approaching a lowly man, at least he saw himself as a lowly man for that moment. As he witnessed the attitude and mannerisms of the refined Caledon Hockley throughout the meal, he actually believed he, Jack Dawson of Chippewa Falls, was more of a true gentleman than he ever would be. At the steerage party, Rose proved she was more than what she looked. She had impressed him beyond words and finally over came the protective barriers he placed around his heart. While they danced, he knew she had won his heart.

Finally, he decided to go to meet her. She stood near the safe with a pen in her hand. The diamond was back in its velvet box next to her. Briefly, he let himself take her in again, becoming entranced by her stunning looks, but he couldn't stay there forever. After all, his mother always taught him it wasn't polite to stare, but Jack could look at Rose forever. "What ya doing?" He asked.

Looking at him, Rose smiled. She handed him the necklace case, "Will you put this back in the safe for me, please?" He nodded his consent and left the room. Rose watched after him for a moment, delighted to see him moving about with her. Then, she focused her attention once again on how she was going to make herself clear to her unloving fiance. After a moment, she wrote on the stationary, "Darling, now you can keep us BOTH locked in your safe."

She folded the letter into the sketch book and went to catch up with Jack who was still in awe of the wealth in the safe. "I'd hate to see how Cal will act if he ever loses one cent." He greeted her.

"Tell me about it. Any money spent terrifies him unless it's completely at his choosing."

"So, what now?" Jack asked, desiring to change the subject as quickly as possible and hoping she wouldn't tell him to leave.

Her hand found his and she smiled, coyly. Their eyes locked and for a brief second Jack actually believed Rose was suggesting.... his eyes moved into her bedroom where he saw the bed. He drew in a deep breath and forced himself to remember she was a first class girl, but Rose had seemed to surprise him with her forwardness at times. When her eyes looked in the same direction for a moment, his heart stopped. "I should change." With her words, his nerves calmed.

Rose began to head to the bedroom again, but suddenly she stopped. Her eyes scanned the room and every agonizing memory of her loveless relationship with Cal quickly flashed through her mind. If he returned while she was still there, there was no doubt in her mind that disaster would strike. He had made it quite clear to her that he wouldn't tolerate her independence and she knew before long the relationship would turn abusive. Her heart sank as she recalled the circumstances and the tears threatened to reach her eyes as she again felt the extreme loneliness and hopelessness she had on the stern two nights before. All thoughts of Jack were temporarily forgotten as she was overcome by the reminders of that fate that to her would be worse than death. Every moment she spent with Cal was a death trap to her and suddenly she felt all alone again, trapped.

Jack saw her stop and grew bewildered. On the dresser was a picture of Cal and her and then he realized what she must be thinking. He couldn't stand to see her confined and he knew that if Cal had his way, the fun, impulsive, fiery and beautiful woman he loved would be destroyed until she was quiet, meek, and submissive. She would be Rose Hockley all right if Cal had anything to say about it and no longer Rose Dawson. "Dawson!" Jack exclaimed in his head as he realized how far his mind had drifted. When was she ever Rose Dawson? "Get a hold of yourself, Jack." He shouted at himself.

As her head dropped, Jack knew precisely what she was thinking and he heard a gentle sob. The memory of the night they met filled him again, but now he knew she wouldn't deny him. "Rose?"

His voice brought her back to the present as she recalled hearing his voice that night. All the memories of their short time together filled her and Rose became aware that she wasn't alone anymore. Jack was there and she had nothing to fear. Her heart told her that he would always be there. She turned to him and he saw the tears that had formed in her eyes and hugged her, gently stroking her hair. "If Cal-" was all she managed to murmur.

"I won't let him, Rose. I promise I'll never leave you, no matter what happens," Jack comforted her, saying out loud the vow he was making in his heart at that moment too. "Like I said before, you jump, I jump forever."

Turning to look at him, Rose pulled him closer to her. His arms were so strong and protective, yet gentle and caring. She had never felt as secure as she did at that moment except for when he held her arm on the stern. "I've got you and I won't let go." She heard his words again. Then her own words regarding her engagement entered her mind, "I didn't think I was anymore."

Jack leaned in and softly kissed her once again. All the love he felt was conveyed in that kiss and Rose never again doubted his affection. With just as much love in her, she too returned the kiss. As they pulled away, she smiled, "And I'll never let go of you," He grinned and held her tighter. "Jack, I'm leaving Cal. I'm leaving my world behind. I want to be with you forever."

"Are you sure?" Silently, he laughed thinking of how she would adjust to his world, but he knew she was strong and courageous enough to survive. In many ways, though, she was still a naive girl and Jack knew he would love to hold her and protect her and see the world with her. More than anything, he wanted to be with her.

"Absolutely." They kissed again and this time his kiss found her neck. Rose silently pulled away and went to her bedroom. With one final glance and smile back to him, she closed the door. Jack watched after her, amazed by everything that happened since he saw her and fully aware that Cal wouldn't let the woman he was supposed to marry slip away so easily, but he was prepared to fight for her. Cal did love Rose, Jack thought, in his own way, but certainly not enough. Sighing, he tossed the entire thought of Cal from his mind, smiled at the memory of the evening with Rose, and then looked forward to the arrival of their new life together, a life he was more than willing to live.

The End

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