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Today in Titanic History - with Searching
Today in
Titanic History

Wednesday, March 12, 2025
1912 - 1st class survivor Mrs Mary Graham Carmichael Marvin married Daniel Warner Marvin, who was also on the Titanic, in New York City, New York, USA. Their return trip from their honeymoon in Europe was on the Titanic.

1998 - James Cameron's movie "Titanic" was released into theaters in Croatia.

1997 - The sinking scenes for James Cameron's movie "Titanic" were filmed from the 6th to the 12th and were the most expensive filming days in motion picture history.

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For All Eternity: Part 2

Rated PG
©1999 Kirki @
based on some characters
and situations originated by James Cameron

Synopsis: Rose saved Jack from sure drowning by admitting that he didn't steal the diamond. They met up with Tommy and Fabrizio and made their way to the end of the ship, in anticipation of the final plunge.

The ship was 2 metres from the freezing water and moving quite fast. All around there were screams of terror, while the boats with those fortunate enough to be saved, sat helplessly and watched. There was the chilling fear of what was happening, running up and down the spines of Jack, Rose, Fabrizio and Tommy.

"Now, remember Rose, whatever happens stay with me. Don't forget what I said! A big breath! Here we go" was all that Jack managed to say before they were engulfed and sucked down by the massive ship into the dark water below.

As soon as the water covered her completely, Rose remembered the instructions Jack gave here and immediately started kicking for the surface. She tried to see Jack under the water, but with the water being black as the night, with a few bubbles here and there, it was impossible for any sighting. Starting to panic a little, as Jack had promised here that he was going to be with her all the time, she kicked with all her might and broke the surface.

She immediately scanned the area, while catching her breath. She had not completed a full circle yet, when Jack appeared before her. The relief was quite visible to those who would have noticed, on both their faces as they gazed lovingly at one another. Rose was the first to break their silent amazement.

"Oh Jack! I'm so glad you're here. I tried to look for you, when we were under but it was just too dark. When I surfaced, there were so many people I didn't know where I was going to find you."

Rose! I don't want you to ever be scared again. Like I said earlier, I'll always be with you. Listen to me now! We have to swim out of this crowd. Follow me."

Rose and Jack began to swim away from the thrashing crowd of people. As they neared an opening, Jack saw something floating in the water, which looked big enough to hold someone. He headed towards it with Rose close behind. Upon reaching it, he noticed it could only hold one person and gently helped Rose aboard. As he had previously decided, her life was more precious than his own.

"Jack, why don't you climb on too? We can both fit. The water is freezing and I don't want to lose you to exposure now!" implored Rose, to a now obviously shivering Jack.

"Rose ... the board ... can only hold one. You must keep going for me ... I 'm sure the boats will come back for us ... now that there's now more danger!" stuttered Jack, determined to calm her down and keep himself alive.

"Jack, when the boats come back and we're rescued, I'm going to find some way for me to show you how much I love you and appreciate what you've done for me." promised Rose, who was not beginning to shiver uncontrollably.

He took her hand and kissed it, while looking beyond her for the first sign of the boats returning. He couldn't decide whether he should tell her now, about his own feelings or leave it until they were rescued. If he told her now and something happened to him, she would be distraught. On the other hand, if he left it until later to tell her, and something happened before he could, she would be able to recover faster. After all, she is from a better class than him! He decided on the latter. They ARE going to be rescued, and he could do something really special for her, when he does tell her. Just then Rose broke into his reverie with a shout.

"Jack! Look! The boats are returning! They're coming back!" Rose could hardly contain herself with joy, although she was experiencing little stabs of pain with every movement. Jack gathered enough strength and will power to turn himself around, in order to see the returning boats. The couple was so excited, that they had not noticed that the noise level had died down quite dramatically since finding the board. They were now truly on their way to being rescued!

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