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Today in Titanic History - with Searching
Today in
Titanic History

Wednesday, March 12, 2025
1912 - 1st class survivor Mrs Mary Graham Carmichael Marvin married Daniel Warner Marvin, who was also on the Titanic, in New York City, New York, USA. Their return trip from their honeymoon in Europe was on the Titanic.

1998 - James Cameron's movie "Titanic" was released into theaters in Croatia.

1997 - The sinking scenes for James Cameron's movie "Titanic" were filmed from the 6th to the 12th and were the most expensive filming days in motion picture history.

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For All Eternity: Part 5

Rated PG
©1999 Kirki @
based on some characters
and situations originated by James Cameron

Synopsis: Jack and Rose run into Cal on board the Carpathia and are afraid of what might happen. Jack proposes and Rose accepts. The foursome are with the Captain preparing for the wedding.

The group of friends entered the cabin, each a little nervous in their own way. The Captain began to bustle about, searching for all the correct documents, before they can move off to the chapel for the ceremony.

"Can you believe that all this is real? I feel like I'm in a dream about to woken up at any moment. Please tell me that everything will be all right."

Rose was beginning to panic again and clutched Jack's hand a little tighter. Not only was she nervous concerning her upcoming nuptials, but the threat of Cal and her mother still hung over her head.

"Never fear, when Jack's near!" laughed Fabrizio, who had overheard this comment. "Jack, old buddy, how are your nerves doing?"

"Rose, Fabrizio. I am fine thank you and everything will be fine!" he answered, turning towards Rose with his last comment.

"Okay, I'm ready now. Will you kindly follow me as we go to the chapel." said the Captain, cutting into their conversation.

"It looks like it's time, come my Rosebud!" Jack had just discovered a new nickname for her. He got quite excited over it too. The look on Rose's face however, did not share the same excitement. It had reminded her of Cal when they had first started dating. He used to call her that all the time, until they were discovered and it was thought of as improper.

"Jack, honey. Thank you for trying to make me feel better, but please don' t call me Rosebud again. It does not hold fond memories for me." Rose quietly asked, while looking at the floor.

"Sure thing. Anything my love asks of me, I'll do. Try not think of the past, but of our future just beginning."

"Oh Jack, I'm sorry. I never meant to hurt you, I just won't allow Cal to interfere in our love." soothed Rose.

They had now reached the chapel and the group entered inside. The Captain immediately walked to the front and sorted out his books. There were other people already in the chapel, but the loving couple didn't seem to mind. They never noticed however, that among the congregation was Ruth DeWitt Bukater.

She had been praying, since she was brought aboard. Ruth was mourning the death of Rose. The scene of Rose bidding her goodbye, was replaying itself over and over in her mind. She kept trying to make sense of Rose's actions, throughout that whole fateful Titanic trip. Fear, regret, remorse and extreme sadness ran through her veins. She loved Rose with all her heart and never wanted to see her unhappy, only that was what she had succeeded in doing to her before her death. Ruth prayed for forgiveness and peace of understanding. Little did she know her prayers were about to answered.

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here to celebrate the union of these two souls in Holy matrimony," began the Captain. A few mourners looked up in surprise, they hadn't noticed the group enter. Rose and Jack glanced at each other and smiled. This was their big moment.

The Captain continued to drone on through the vows and promises and got to the part of, "Is there anyone here who does not agree to this union, speak now or forever hold your peace."

Once more, Rose and Jack glanced at each other, each unaware that they were holding their breath. Tommy and Fabrizio also exchanged a look before each began to search the room for any interruptions. At that precise moment, someone burst through the doors. The intention was not to stop the wedding however, but it did receive everyone's attention. Irritated that everyone was looking at him, he searched for Ruth. He had to tell her about Rose, before that gutter rat did something drastic. He did not like the look in Jack's eye when they spoke. Mildly put off by the interruption, the Captain continued with the ceremony.

"As there seems to be no objections, we shall continue. Jack Dawson and Rose DeWitt Bukater, you have come together to this place, to be joined together in Holy matrimony. To declare to each other your eternal faith, love and loyalty."

Having not noticed a wedding ceremony in progress, Cal whipped around in the direction of the voice, when it said Jack and Rose's name. He couldn't believe what he had heard. Jack and Rose, united in marriage? How can that be, Rose was his fiancee! He strode purposefully towards the Captain, with a look of pure anger on his face.

"Just what do you think you're doing?" boomed Cal's voice across the chapel.

Rose and Jack turned around to see Cal walking towards them. Instinctively, Jack grabbed Rose's hand and stepped in front of her. He couldn't believe his luck. Not again! Just when everything looked like it was going to work for them too!

"I asked you a question. How can you marry this ... this boy," Cal dripped out this last word, "when you're engaged to be married to me?"

Rose turned her back on Cal and faced the Captain. "I'm sorry Captain, we never expected this. Please continue. I wish to be married to this man."

She put her arm around Jack and drew him towards her. "Very well," said the Captain, now clearly irritated by all the disruptions, "let's continue. Excuse me, Mr Hockley. As you can notice your presence is not required here."

Tommy and Fabrizio, outraged by Cal's behavior, both stood on either side of him ready to do whatever's necessary to prevent further disruptions to Jack and Rose's happiness.

"Where were we? Oh yes, who gives this woman to be married to this man?" asked the Captain, smiling warmly at Rose.

It was to be at this stage, where Tommy would stand up for her. Only, he never had a chance to answer the question.

"I do." answered a quiet, yet determinedly clear voice.

Surprised by yet this other shock, everyone turned towards the direction of the voice. Ruth stood up quietly and walked slowly to the front. She had sat through everything that had happened, watching to see the reaction of her daughter. She was pleased to see that Rose was indeed happy with Jack and very much in love. She made up her mind, she was now going to rectify all that she had done wrong and please Rose.

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