Rated PG
©1999 Kirki @ Leos-Rooikop@mailexcite.com
based on some characters
and situations originated by James Cameron
Synopsis: Ruth successfully got rid of Cal. Rose and Jack said their personal vows to each other and are now husband and wife.
"I don't know about you my friend, but that must have been the longest and strangest wedding ceremony I've ever been to!" laughed
Fabrizio, while he and Tommy sat out on deck.
"I agree. What's important though is that Jack and Rose are finally together and when we get off this ship tomorrow morning, it will be the
beginning of a brand new life for all of us!" answered Tommy, content with both the world and himself at that moment.
The two men were not aware that, just beyond them in the shadows, lurked the person who was not welcome anywhere. Cal had
decided that since he could not have Rose for himself, that he would make life a living hell for all who were involved. Unfortunately,
that included the two friends relaxing on deck. However, Cal had not realized that he may have found his match in Tommy.
Little was know about Tommy, only that he was from Ireland and that he has sisters he loves to tease. Tommy Ryan was the best
prize fighter in his village. Well, actually he was before the town council had decided against violence in the village. It was also at
that time, when he had decided for himself that violence in any form was not going to get him anywhere.
Luckily for him, the Titanic was going to America, where his new life would begin. It was difficult saying goodbye to his family, but
they understood his quest for new adventures. Little did he realize that this quest would lead to his biggest experience yet.
"I just cannot understand how this steerage slum got away with this behavior," grumbled Cal to himself, spying on Fabrizio and Tommy, as
they laughed and chatted animatedly between themselves, "I'm going to have to think of a way to execute my revenge in just
the right way, so to claim my innocence of course! Where shall I begin?! Cal took one last glance at the men and made his way
to his cot to devise his revengeful plan. Meanwhile, Ruth had walked Rose and Jack back to her room she had been fortunate
enough to be given.
"I just want you both to know that I give you both my full blessing and also that I apologize for not believing in you earlier. Please, take my
room as my gift to the beginning of a wonderful life together." Ruth then gave them each a kiss and a hug and went to look for
Molly Brown.
It was with Molly Brown that she spent the last night aboard the Carpathia. Jack and Rose were fortunate enough to have privacy
for their first night as husband and wife. Although neither wanted to admit it, they were grateful that their firs night together as a
married couple would be on board a ship. Their first meeting was on a ship and all important memories thereafter. To an outsider,
they would be considered crazy as the sinking of the Titanic should have repelled them from ships instead of attracting them. To
them, it symbolized their devotion and commitment to each other.
"It was very generous of your mother to give up her room for us. She sure has come a long way since I first met her. Who would have
know!" Jack stood at the foot of the bed, shaking his head with a smile on his face. He couldn't believe how his life has changed
over a couple of days. Before, he could just pick up and go where the wind blows him, without a worry in the world. He knew he
can still do that, it just won't be as easy as before.
Jack sat on the edge of the bed looking up at Rose. The artist inside him was screaming to be released. Rose had the most
angelic look on her face, which proved how content she was with her life. "Ah Rose, don't move. I want to draw you, just as you
look now. I want to record this moment for all eternity."
"No problem. Only, I'm not sure if I can stay in this position for too long." Rose smiled at him, crossing her arms in front of her and
slightly cocking her head to the side. The movement caused her hair to cascade over her left shoulder. She was relieved that she
wouldn't have to reform to the restrictions of the upper class anymore. The biggest relief being the freedom of her hair. Now, she
could wear it down and in any style she desires. No more tidy chignons for dinner and visiting.
Jack had managed to locate some paper and charcoal earlier that day, as he had lost all in Titanic's sinking. He missed his
drawings. They were reminders of all his travels. He wasn't too concerned though, as now he could make new memories
together with Rose. "Together with Rose," how that phrase sounded so good. Never did he think to imagine that he would find
fulfillment so early in life. Snapping out of his daydream, he proceeded to move on with his mission of capturing his Rose, on their
wedding night. As it was only a head and shoulder portrait, the drawing was completed quickly. After viewing the portrait, Rose
turned towards Jack and took his hand in her own. "Jack, take me to the stars again, please. I want you close!" Rose had
barely completed her sentence when Jack gently kissed her and laid her on the bed.