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Today in Titanic History - with Searching
Today in
Titanic History

Tuesday, October 22, 2024
1886 - 1st class survivor Mr George Achilles Harder was born to Victor Achilles Harder and Minnie Mehl Harder in New York City, New York, USA.

1974 - 2nd class survivor Mrs Antonine Marie Mallet died in Paris, France at the age of 86.

1888 - 3rd class passenger Mr Nils Martin Ödahl was born to Ola Öhdal and Hanna Nilsson.

1887 - 3rd class passenger Mr René Aimé Lievens was born in Heldergem, Belgium.

1926 - Able Seaman and survivor Mr William Henry Lionel Weller died in a shipwreck at the age of 44.

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A Love Never Fading: Chapter 14

Rated PG-13
© 1999 Isobel Christian @
based on some characters
and situations originated by James Cameron

Jack smiled. "You see Rose, it's fate. All of this happened for a reason. We're going to be all right." Without warning Rose threw her arms around him. "I'm so happy. Things are going to work out aren't they? You were right all along."

He hugged her tightly. "Come on. Let's go downstairs. Maggie and Brian will be able to help us." Jack ended the hug and looked into her eyes. "I love you."

Rose smile grew bigger. "I love you more." Jack shook his head "Not possible."

She looked at Jack. "You better put something on your feet. I can't imagine the streets of New York are kind on bare feet." He looked down. "You have a point." Rose giggled. "I'm going downstairs."

Rose left the room. Walking down the stairs she heard murmurs coming from the kitchen. "Hello!" she said bubbly upon entering. Both Brian and Maggie looked up in complete shock. What they saw in front of them was not the frail weak thing that had come to them last night. Standing in the doorway was a beautiful flower. her long red curls flowed freely down her back. The dress she wore, though tattered, seemed to glow. Her smile immediately warmed their heart. And her eyes sparkled brilliantly, lighting up the room. For the first time they both realized how breathtaking she was.

"Rose dear! How are you feeling?" Maggie asked. "I'm feeling wonderful. Look what I've found." She placed the money and necklace on the table. The couples jaw dropped. Brian spoke up. "That's...that's.....That's the necklace you were talking about." Rose nodded. "Yes, And look at the money. Cal must
have put it in the pockets along with the necklace. Jack and I can pay you rent now." Brian shook his head in protest. "What did we tell you? We don't want your money." She stared at them. "Are you sure?" Maggie smiled broadly and nodded. "Positive."

Rose's eyes were tear. "What's wrong?" wondered a concerned Maggie. "It's just that you don't even know us but you've already taken care of us more than you could know," She smiled brightly. "You're so wonderful." Brian smiled. "Anyone would have acted this way."

"Come sit. I'm sure your hungry. Is there anything I can get you?" Maggie started to move around the kitchen. "I am hungry. Anything you have is fine. Don't trouble yourself." Brian started to laugh. "Well, while she's busy doing that. I have something to show you." He handed her the article he had been reading earlier. "I'm sure you don't feel the need to relive your tragedy. But I thought you might find that interesting."

Rose read the story, because that's exactly what it was, a "story." She could never call the lie published about her a legitimate article. She was surprised about how much they made of her death. There were as many stories about her as there was about JJ Astor and Strauses. Placing the paper on the
table she sighed. "I was looking up at Jack, not Cal. I jumped off to be with Jack." Brian nodded. "I know love, I know."

Upstairs Jack sat on the bed. He slipped his socks on and tied his shoes. Looking over at the coat something told him to check the pockets again. Jack walked over and stuck his hands in the pockets. In the very bottom of one of the pockets, snuggled under fabric, was a ring. He pulled it out. "God, look at that thing. You would've gone strait to the bottom." In his hand was the engagement ring that had held Rose prisoner. He stared at it. It was a symbol of her old life. Expensive, beautiful, and cold. It was everything Jack knew he could never give her. He slipped the ring into his pocket and headed downstairs.

"Hello Jack." Maggie looked up from the bread she was slicing. "Good morning, well I guess I should say afternoon" Brian smiled. "Come sit down." Jack went and sat next to Rose. "Has Rose talked to you yet?"

"No, I was waiting for you to come down."

"Oh, well we were wondering if you could help us. You see, we have no clothes, no personal products, no anything. So we need to go out and get those things. Thank God we found that money, now we can afford to start our life." Jack looked at Rose then back at Brian. "It really helps us that the apartment is fully furnished. But we were wondering if you could show us
places to shop. Cheap."

Maggie piped up. "I can take you shopping. I love shopping." She walked over to the table with a tray covered with breads and cheeses. "I can show all the best places. There are lovely little shops. You can get lots of things very inexpensive. We'll have so much fun."

Brian rolled his eyes. "You two ladies will have fun. I am not letting you take Jack shopping. Especially not clothes shopping. We want him to stay our friend don't we? I'll take Jack around and get him what he needs," he smiled at Jack. "I've got you covered."

Maggie shook her head. "Men." She laughed. "All right, I'll take Rose you take jack." She looked at them. "Eat up you two. You'll need your energy."

While they ate the four of them discussed the daily plans. Rose and Jack split up the money. They each would have 250 dollars. Jack told Rose that was to much money. But he knew she was used to shopping in Paris boutiques, so really she had no concept of money in the real world.

In about an hour. The roommates stepped out into the April afternoon. Jack kissed Rose good-bye. Each of them headed there separate ways. "This is wonderful, I haven't had a girlfriend in years." Maggie beamed. "I haven't had a real friend ever. Mother didn't approve. I was too good to play with other girls. And playing itself was frowned upon." Rose looked down at the sidewalk. "Don't think about that stuff anymore. We'll have so much fun that it will make up for that. And Jack will help you get over those times." She smiled. "Yes, he will."

Brain looked over at Jack. "How about those women? Already gabbing it up. I know when we get back they will have swapped life stories and will have secrets that their keeping from us." Jack laughed. "I hope so. That would good for Rose. She hasn't had a real life, with friends and people to talk

"What about you?"

Jack looked at Brian. "I've lived life. I've seen this world. I had those experiences. But she, she's lived in a cage. She was trapped. I want to see her brake free and fly."

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