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Today in Titanic History - with Searching
Today in
Titanic History

Tuesday, October 22, 2024
1886 - 1st class survivor Mr George Achilles Harder was born to Victor Achilles Harder and Minnie Mehl Harder in New York City, New York, USA.

1974 - 2nd class survivor Mrs Antonine Marie Mallet died in Paris, France at the age of 86.

1888 - 3rd class passenger Mr Nils Martin Ödahl was born to Ola Öhdal and Hanna Nilsson.

1887 - 3rd class passenger Mr René Aimé Lievens was born in Heldergem, Belgium.

1926 - Able Seaman and survivor Mr William Henry Lionel Weller died in a shipwreck at the age of 44.

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A Love Never Fading: Chapter 29

Rated PG-13
© 1999 Isobel Christian @
based on some characters
and situations originated by James Cameron

"Come on Rose wake up." Jack smiled as Rose turned over and moaned.

"Oh, I don't want to." She finally opened her eyes and looked up at Jack.

He kissed her forehead. "Come one get up. We have an appointment."

"How can you be wide awake this early?"

"I had a good nights sleep. I told you we needed to rest."

"Your forgetting, dear, that we didn't do anything along the lines of sleep last night. That is why I'm tired."

Jack laughed. "How could I ever forget that?" He sighed. "Seriously now, I'm all dressed and I have your clothes out..."

"My clothes?"

"Uh-hu. You need to dress special for where we're going. So I picked your most suitable outfit." He smiled. "Now please get up."

"You're the devil." Rose picked up a pillow and threw it at his head.

* * *

Rose watched everything around her disappear. Now there was nothing but desert surrounding her and Jack. She was truly baffled. "Where is he taking me?" She thought. After she had dressed in the pants that Jack had laid out, she ate breakfast. Then a car pulled up in the driveway and Jack said they needed a car for where they were going. Rose knew they weren't going to the pier, because they could have walked there. They were now sitting in the back of a car and bumping along a desert road. Jack was smiling. He was holding her hand, like always, so she knew whatever they were about to do would be wonderful.

"You won't even give me a hint?" She asked.

"Nope. We'll be there soon enough and then everything will be clear."

Rose smiled. "So mysterious. I like this side of you." She poked him in the stomach.

Jack laughed.

They rode for about another 45 minutes. Rose looked out the window. She had stopped trying to guess where they were headed. She didn't even want to think about it because it got her to excited. Jack seemed so happy and pleased with himself, she knew it was going to be incredible. Then she saw a faint shape in the distance. As they drew nearer, it began to take the form of a building with a large field beside it. Upon closer looking she could make out tiny objects that almost looked like planes. And then she realized they were planes. Rose gasped a little. She saw one take off. Now they were so close, she could read the sign "Blacks Flying Field"


He put his finger on her lips. His smile could light up the world. "I took you flying before. Now I want to do it for real."

Rose smiled brightly. She threw her arms around his neck. "You're the most wonderful man alive. I love it. I love the idea. I love you! You really didn't have to."

"Anything for you. And I mean that with all my heart and soul."

Rose sighed. "Everything is so perfect."

"Here we are!" The driver shouted as he stopped the car.

"Thanks." Jack said. He got out of the car and helped Rose out.

"I'll be back in a few hours." The driver smiled and sped off.

Jack kissed the top of Roses head. "Come on."

They walked towards the big building. Rose giggled when she heard the yelling coming from inside. Two men were fighting over something technical and they were using words that would make a sailor blush. Jack looked over at Rose and smiled. They walked to the door and watched the two men go at it for a second. Then one of the men noticed them. After he turned 50 shades of red he walked over to great them.

"I...uh....sorry you had to hear that Ms"

Rose smiled charmingly. "That's quite all right, really."

He smiled. "Well, how ya doing?" He shook Jack and Rose's hands. "The names Hank Black that back there is my brother Ned." He paused for a second. "You must be the fellow who called up and wanted me to teach his wife to fly a plane."

"That's me. Jack Dawson and this is Rose, my wife."

He smiled. "So ya interested in flyin are ya? Well, ya come to the right place. Come on let's go out to the field."

The three of them walked out to the field and started the lesson. Ned joined them a few minutes later, he had brought a camera. The brothers told them it was custom to take photographs of the people they taught. For the next two hours the brothers explained everything to Jack and Rose. They decided that they would take them up separately then if they were comfortable Jack and Rose could go up by themselves. Hank took Rose up and Jack went with Ned. When it was all complete Rose decided she really wanted to fly the plane herself.

"Ok Rose you get in the drivers seat..." Hank was interrupted.

"Wait!" Jack smiled. He ran back to the building and when he returned he had a jacket and white scarf in his hands. "Put these on." He held them out to Rose.

"Jack where did you get these?" She asked baffled.

"I bought them back in New York. As soon as I found out we were going to Santa Monica I knew I wanted to take you here. I had to buy you something suitable to wear. So I did."

"But you've given me so much..."

"Don't say that." He put the jacket on her and while he did that he moved his mouth the her ear so Ned and Hank wouldn't hear him. "You've given me more than you could ever know. Just you looking into my eyes means the world. A jacket and scarf is nothing." He stepped back and draped the scarf around her neck. "Now, you're ready."

Rose walked over to the plane. Ned asked her to pose for a photo. She put her foot on the rest and held onto the seat. Her right hand rested on her hip. Rose gave a dazzling smile and the bulb flashed.

"That's going to be a beaut." Hank said to no one in particular.

Jack helped Rose into the plane and then hopped into the back seat. The engine started and she took off and glided into the air like it was second nature. She gasped at the sights. Rose felt so much power in her grasp. Everything was heightened. The wind blew in her face. "It's so beautiful." She said to herself. The plane soared around the sky. She wanted to fly forever, it felt so free. Rose became like a new person up in the sky. It was almost surreal. It was hard to believe that she was actually doing this. Something she had dreamed about for so long was actually happening. And the person she had to thank for all of it was sitting right behind her.

Rose stayed in the air as long as possible. She noticed the gas was getting low so she landed. Jack got out of plane and was going to help Rose but she jumped out herself and flew into his arms.

"Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you." She kissed his face over and over. "That was the best thing I ever done. I love you. Thank you a million times."

Jack laughed and pried her arms from his neck. "I'm glad you enjoyed it."

She beamed. "It was so perfect."

The brothers smiled at each other. "Well, it was a success then." Hank said.

"If you ever want to do it again, please, please, please come back. We would love to see more of you two." Ned shook there hands.

* * *

"I can't wait to get the pictures back. I bet there magnificent. The whole thing was so exciting. Maggie will never believe it. Brian will never believe it! Oh this is to much." Rose was speaking a million miles a minute.

Jack smiled across the table at her. They had decided to eat an early dinner at an ocean front restaurant. All Rose kept talking about was flying. He couldn't be happier. He knew she would enjoyed it but he never figured she would like it this much. "There's only one more stop on out trip now."

Rose arched her eyebrow. "Really? And what and when is this?"

"Tomorrow my darling rose we will finally go to a certain pier..."

"Oh Jack! You spoil me."

"Nonsense. What did I tell you? You pay me back everyday by coming and sleeping in my bed and waking up in my arms."

"But I feel guilty."

Jack put his hands over hers. "Listen, I've never had money in my life. When I was a kid we just had enough money to get by. My dad loved my mom so much, but I know it killed him that he wasn't able to by her all the nice things she deserved. Now, I work for a wonderful man who pays me much more than he should and he supports us when we do extra things. We have the money from Cal and selling your ring. I love being able to buy you nice things that you more than deserve. I know your old life made you a prisoner but I have to say you do deserve to wear diamonds and dresses that are made in Paris."

"Jack..." Rose couldn't finish she was to emotional, what he had just said was one of the most beautiful things anyone had ever said to her. "Tomorrow....tomorrow is the day everything comes true." Jack kissed Roses hand. "Everything."

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