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Today in Titanic History - with Searching
Today in
Titanic History

Tuesday, October 22, 2024
1886 - 1st class survivor Mr George Achilles Harder was born to Victor Achilles Harder and Minnie Mehl Harder in New York City, New York, USA.

1974 - 2nd class survivor Mrs Antonine Marie Mallet died in Paris, France at the age of 86.

1888 - 3rd class passenger Mr Nils Martin Ödahl was born to Ola Öhdal and Hanna Nilsson.

1887 - 3rd class passenger Mr René Aimé Lievens was born in Heldergem, Belgium.

1926 - Able Seaman and survivor Mr William Henry Lionel Weller died in a shipwreck at the age of 44.

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A Love Never Fading: Chapter 31

Rated PG-13
© 1999 Isobel Christian @
based on some characters
and situations originated by James Cameron

"What a glorious shot. That was in Santa Monica?"

"It sure was. It's hard to believe that was 3 months ago." Jack fondly stared at the picture of Rose. It was one of the many they had from their honeymoon. In this one she was sitting on the pier with the sun behind her and had a dazzling smile on her face. He liked to keep photos of her at work with him. Erik had cleared out an old storage room and turned it into an office for Jack. It had his sketches and photos of Maggie, Brian, and Rose everywhere. Erik often came in to talk with him. Right now he was sitting on the couch admiring the new photos from Santa Monica.

Jack started telling him about each photo. The ones from horse back riding. The ones at the flying field. Ones from their day at the pier. Erik was delighted with every one. He was glad to see his money had been very well spent. Their conversation was interrupted by a knock at the door.

"Come in." Jack said. He smiled when he saw who there. "Hey Tim. What can I do for you?"

Since Jack had been hired he and Tim Calvert had formed a close friendship. They never really spoke outside of work, but Tim was a great guy. As well as they got along though Jack always felt like deep down Tim resented him for some reason. Whenever those feelings came up Jack pushed them aside he couldn't think of any reason Tim would envy him, besides Tim was never anything but kind to him.

"Hey Jack. Hi Erik." Tim smiled.

"Well, I better be going. I have a theater to run." Erik gave his farewells and left Jacks office.

"I hope I'm not interrupting." Tim said as he sat down on the couch.

"No don't worry, I was just showing Erik some of the photos from Rose and I's trip."

"Oh yeah the one you took back in September." Tim picked up one of the photos. He felt that familiar pinch in his heart. It was the one he always got when he saw Jack and Rose together. The photo didn't help much. It was Jack holding Rose tightly from behind. He had his head resting on her shoulder. And she was smiling brightly. "I'll never be that close to her." He thought.

Since he first meet Rose his feelings for her had only gotten stronger. At first he thought it might just be a fleeting infatuation. But in the 5 months he had known her he knew the only thing he felt for her was love. It wasn't unusual for Rose to come down to the theater. He loved when she did. They would have conversations with each other, the best conversations of his life, everything came so naturally. He lived for those days when she would visit. He would feel more alive then he ever had. But then Jack would come greet her and he would die all over again. What was worse was that he liked Jack so much. Against his better judgment they had become friends. Tim never even imagined his life could get so complicated. He put the photo back before he completely lost himself in misery.

"" His voice shook. Tim took a deep breath. "I just was dropping by. They don't need me in rehearsals anymore so I just thought I would say hi."

Jack smiled. "Yeah." He thought about what to say. "So have you made plans for Christmas?"

"Erik's. He has a big party at his house ever year. It's a combination of Christmas and New Years." Tim looked down at his hands. "Will you and Rose be joining us?"

"Yep. We'll probably bring our roommates too. It's the 28th right?"

"Yes, it's a Saturday."

"We'll defiantly be there." He smiled. "I can't believe it. It's Rose and I's first Christmas. This will be wonderful."

Tim swallowed hard. "Yes......wonderful." He barely heard anything Jack said after that. He just stared at on of the photos of Rose. He would give anything to be the one she was sharing Christmas with.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Over the next year not much would change for Jack and Rose. Everyday he would go to work. Rose would be with Maggie. Erik came over often and the relationship between he and Rose was cemented. She would go to him whenever she needed fatherly advice. Winter turned into spring. When April 14 and 15 came Jack took off work. He and Rose spent the emotional days alone with each other. The paper was once again full of stories. There were updates on survivors. Apparently Cal had given Ruth enough money to live comfortably. He was still single. That surprised Rose she thought for sure he would have found some gold digging twit by now. Spring melted into summer. Jack and Rose were amazed that they had been together a year. They were still as in love as ever and probably closer. By the time their 1st wedding anniversary rolled around everything

had been going wonderfully.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"Where is that stupid pencil?" Jack pushed all of the papers out of the way. "Ah, ha!" he picked up his pencil box but was let down when he found it empty. "Damn it! Where is everything?" He put his face in his hands and sighed with frustration. He had been putting off buying art supplies for so long and now he had absolutely nothing to draw with. He had been using the same supplies Rose had bought him the day they moved in with Maggie and Brian. Plus there had been many art supplies at the theater but he had finally used the seemingly endless supply up. "Well, I have to restock. I'll need to find out where an art store is."

Jack went upstairs to Erik's office and asked him if he knew of any art stores. Erik laughed. He was surprised to find out that Jack didn't realize there was an art store just a few blocks from where he lived. Erik gave Jack money to by the supplies. At first he didn't want it but Erik told him he had always paid for the art supplies. He pointed out that if Jack wanted his own art supplies he needed to use his own money. Jack stepped outside and headed towards the art store. He pulled his jacket tighter to himself. November was a cold month. It was one of his favorites though. Probably because Roses birthday was in November. She had just turned 19 two weeks ago. God, 19, she was a completely different person from the 17 year old he had encountered aboard Titanic. But he was now 22 and was no where near the tumbleweed blowing in the wind he used to be. He was still adventures and up for anything exciting but the old Jack never thought about settling down. He could never imagine his life now without the presence of his wife and home.

He looked up and saw the art store was only a few feet away. The sign simply read "Art Supply Store." Jack smiled it had been a long time since he had been in one of these. He took a deep breath and stepped inside. A young girl, who seemed to be a little older than Rose, looked up from the desk and smiled brightly.

"Hello! Is there anything I can help you with?" She walked over to him smiled again.

"Umm yeah. I work down at the Courtyard Playhouse, I'm the sketch artist." He smiled charmingly. "I seem to be all out of supplies." Jack laughed.

"Well, that won't do at all." The girl replied coolly. "Let me help you pick out everything you need." She lead him towards one of the aisles. "By the way my names Chelsea."

"I'm Jack." He smiled at her and started to look over the coals.

Chelsea watched Jack intently. He was the most attractive man she had ever seen. His smile melted her. And he really seemed to know about art. She was so tired of people coming in not knowing what they wanted. She rarely got to talk about art with any of them. He looked like an artist. Chelsea was very interested in getting closer to him.

"So your a sketch artist." She smiled. "I bet you're really good."

"People tell me I am. I've defiantly gotten better." He moved his hands across the products and picked out some things.

Chelsea's eyes grew wide. She noticed the wedding band on his left finger. "A small inconvenience." She thought. Just because he was married didn't mean he wasn't looking.

"Ok well, now I need some other things. So I'll need your help." Jack smiled.

"I'll be glad to." Chelsea brushed him as she passed by. "I'll get to him." She thought.

Over the next hour Chelsea took Jack all around the store. She was glad that he needed a lot of things for work and personal use, it gave her more time with him. He would bring up his wife every so often but she would try to avoid talking about her. Apparently her name was Rose. "That's a snobby girls name" she thought. Chelsea would find little ways to touch Jack and would casually laugh at everything he said. She was upset when he finally had everything he needed. She lead him to the register.

"Thank you so much. I could never have gotten it all without you." He smiled. "I feel like I should repay you or like I owe you."

"Here's my chance." She thought. "Well, if you really want to repay me...You could take me out to dinner some time."

Jack smiled and laughed slightly. "Oh, I'm sorry I don't know if you realized it but I'm married." He held up his hand so she could see his ring. "So unless you want to go out with me and my wife, dinner is not an option."

Chelsea pouted. "Your wife doesn't have to know."

Jack couldn't believe what had just come out of her mouth. "I tell Rose everything. She's my wife and I love her. I would never betray her trust like that. Now if you'll excuse me I need to get home to her." He picked up his packages and walked out.

Chelsea smiled. "He'll be back. I know he will."

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