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Today in Titanic History - with Searching
Today in
Titanic History

Tuesday, October 22, 2024
1886 - 1st class survivor Mr George Achilles Harder was born to Victor Achilles Harder and Minnie Mehl Harder in New York City, New York, USA.

1974 - 2nd class survivor Mrs Antonine Marie Mallet died in Paris, France at the age of 86.

1888 - 3rd class passenger Mr Nils Martin Ödahl was born to Ola Öhdal and Hanna Nilsson.

1887 - 3rd class passenger Mr René Aimé Lievens was born in Heldergem, Belgium.

1926 - Able Seaman and survivor Mr William Henry Lionel Weller died in a shipwreck at the age of 44.

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A Love Never Fading: Chapter 36

Rated PG-13
© 1999 Isobel Christian @
based on some characters
and situations originated by James Cameron

True to his word the very next day Jack started planning a trip with Rose. For the next two months they planned. They finally decided they would leave in September a few days after their two year wedding anniversary. After all the planning they realized they would be gone over a year. The only part of that, that they felt bad about was leaving Brain and Maggie. But after they explained it to them they understood.

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

Jack stomach was turning over. It was the beginning of August in a few weeks he and Rose would leave. That he was happy about. Right now however he had to give Erik the news. "He's been so good to us." He thought. Jack sighed heavily and knocked on the office door.

"Come in!" He heard Erik yell.

Jack opened the door slowly, he peered his head in. "Erik. I need to talk to you."

Erik smiled. "I don't bite Jack, you know that. Come in, come in, take a load off."

Jack walked in and sat in the chair across from the desk.

"What's bothering you son? You look nervous."

"It's what I have to tell you."

"Jack you're scaring me." Erik said in a suddenly serious tone.

"I...I'm quitting."

Erik's eyes grew wide. He leaned back in his chair and put his hand on his far-head. "I.....I don't know what to say. What's the matter? Do you have a better offer or something? Whatever it is I can double it. I'm a rich man Jack, I can give you whatever you."

Jack shook his head. "No, no, no. It's nothing like that. I'm quitting because Rose and I are going on a trip. A long trip. Europe, Asia, Africa, and Australia. We'll be gone a little over a year. I'm quitting because I know you'll need to find someone else to do the drawing."

Erik let out a long sigh. "I don't know what to say. I'm shocked to say the least. Why are you going on this trip?"

"It's something I promised Rose a long time ago. It's very important to us. More important than anything else."

Erik stood up. He turned around and stared out the huge window that was behind his desk.

Jack watched intently. Time disappeared Erik could have been standing silently for 10 minutes, seconds, or hours. It would have made any difference. Jack just wanted this all to be over. Finally God answered his prayers. Erik sighed, turned around and looked directly at Jack.

"I'll tell you what I'm going to do. You finish the posters for the next production. Then I'll let you go. But not for good. While your gone I'll get Mr. Nevil to take over your duties. I'm sure he'll have no problem coming back to his old job here. I know the actors will hate it but I don't care. I'll make it clear to him that this is only temporary. So, when you come back your job will be waiting for you. Just as you left it. You won't even have to clean out your office."

"Erik, I couldn't possibly...."

"Don't." He smiled. "Jack your the best damn sketch artist I ever had. All the actors love you. I love you. I always get compliments on the wonderful posters we have. And plus, the world is not kind to artists. I don't think it would be easy fore you to just find another job in your field. And you've got a wife to support. And may I add, your wife is one of the reasons I'm holding the job for you. She's like my daughter. I want to make sure she's taken care off."

Jack sat stunned. "Well...I....Thank you." He stood up and gave Erik a hug. "Thank you from the bottom my heart. Rose thanks you too. It means so much to us."

Erik smiled. "Anything for you two." He laughed. "Well, now we're going to have to break the news to the company."

They walked down the stairs. The company was rehearsing. Tim was onstage with Jean. The stage crew was putting up sets in the back round. Most of the actors were lounging around in the seats. Some were rehearsing in the aisles.

"Can I have your attention?" Erik said loudly. Everyone turned and looked at him. He and Jack and walked to the stage and climbed on it. "Everyone, I have some bad news. Jack will be leaving us for a while. A year actually."

"What?" "Why?" "No!" "Please, stay!" Were the sounds coming from everyone.

"He's coming back, don't worry. Jack and Rose are taking a long trip. Their going all over the place. Europe, Asia, Africa, and Australia."

All the men looked at each other. They had all been enchanted by Rose. They were always joking with Jack how they were going to steal her from him. It was just joking. They all like her and had little crushes on her but that was it. Jack was a great guy and they knew how much he and Rose were in love.

Tim sighed. He hated hearing about Jack and Rose doing things together. This had got to be the worst. An entire year alone with Rose. "God he's so lucky" Tim thought. He was lost in thought when he heard everyone groan. Erik had just delivered the news that Mr. Nevil would be coming back to take Jacks place. 2 years ago he had been Tim's biggest problem. Now the annoyance of Mr. Nevil was nothing compared to the pain he felt from the gaping hole in his heart that was caused by the absence of Rose.

"We'll miss you Jack." Anita gave him a hug. "Have a wonderful time." Erik and Jack walked out to the lobby of the theater. "Have a wonderful time. And don't think about work. Or New York or anything else. Just pay attention to Rose and the beautiful places you'll visit. Your a lucky man. And a smart man for taking this time to yourselves."

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

It took a few days for Jack to finish all his work. The theater company through Jack and Rose a "Bon voyage" party. When September came Maggie and Brian took Rose and Jack out to dinner to celebrate their two year anniversary.

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

The day finally arrived when they would leave. In the late afternoon Brian, Maggie, Jack, and Rose went to the dock together. Rose and Jack were a bit worried about getting on another boat but they knew their whole trip would involve boats so they better get over the fear.

"Oh, I'll miss you so much." Maggie was in tears. She hugged Rose tightly.

"I'll write you from every place. And I'll buy you all sorts of things. I promise." Rose was also crying.

Brian gave Jack a hug. "Um...Maggie and I got you something for your trip." He handed him a brown package. "It's a camera. We bought lots of film to. And there's an envelope in there that Erik told us to give you. I don't know what it is."

Jack smiled. "Thank you. You're like my brother. You know that?" Brian smiled too. "I know exactly how you feel."

Maggie walked over and gave Jack a long hug. "Have a great time. And take care of her for me."

Jack laughed. "Maggie we are coming back."

"I know but a year is such a very long time. A whole year without seeing or talking to you two. You're our best friends. You're even better than best friends."

Brian gave Rose a hug and kiss. "Take care love. I'll miss our chats."

Rose smiled warmly. She and Brian would always have long conversations about books and other things. He was one of the most educated men she had ever met. And because when she was in boarding school they were required to read almost everything under the sun, they never ran out of things to talk about. Besides Jack, Brian was the dearest man she had ever met.

"All ashore who are going ashore!" A man yelled.

"Well, that's it." Rose said sadly. The entire group hugged each other over and over. They dragged out the teary good-byes. Then finally Jack and Rose had to leave.

"Good-bye, Good-bye." Maggie yelled and waved. She looked at Brian and frowned.

"Let's go on home. We'll have to get used to an empty house for a while now."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * Two hours later:

"What a lovely little room." Rose said as she entered the cabin.

Jack smiled. The room wasn't at all fancy. But it was nice. Medium size. It had a bed, dresser, night stand, desk, table, and closet. There were a few other pleasantries. "I'm glad you like it. I was afraid you were expecting the kind of room you had on Titanic."

Rose smiled at Jack. "No, I just wanted a clean nice room."

"Oh!" Jack grabbed the brown package. "Maggie and Bran bought us a camera."

"How thoughtful of them. They didn't have to." Rose took the package and set it on the table. She started to open it. "What's this?" She picked up a fat white envelope.

"Brian said Erik gave him an envelope to give to us. He doesn't know what it is. He just wrapped it up in there." He walked over to her. "See what it is."

Rose opened the envelope. She gasped. "Jack! Look at all this money!" She flipped through the bills and found a note that read:

My Dear Jack and Rose,

I wish you nothing but the best on your trip. I'm giving you this money to make it more enjoyable. Think nothing of it. Jack, you had a bonus coming anyway. I love you both very much and would do anything I could to make your life easier. You are my children. God bless you both. Take Care,

Erik Kelly

"That was so wonderful of him." She smiled at Jack.

"He's a wonderful man." Jack had stopped being surprised when Erik gave him money. It seemed like he always was. But when he did get the money he was always worried that it would make Rose want her old life. Erik was a rich man who lived in a huge fancy apartment. Every time Rose was round that Jack worried.

"Rose? Are you sure you like the room? You don't want something nicer?"

She smiled. "Nope. Besides there's only one part of the room that I care about."

Jack was puzzled. "What is that?"

Rose laughed gently. She walked over to the bed and sat down. She smiled seductively and bounced on it gently. "Care to test it out?"

"Well, only if your asking." He walked over to the bed and started kissing her.

She leaned back on the bed and let him undo her dress. The she pushed him up gently. He looked at her with question. "What's wrong?"

"Do you remember what happened the last time be did this on a ship?"

He smiled. "Rose I don't think there are two many icebergs in the outskirts of New York harbor."

She smiled again. "I suppose you're right." She pulled him down on top of her and he completely removed her dress.

Jack moved the blanket to cover Rose more. The sun had set and the moonlight was poring in through the window. It made Rose look like she was glowing. "You know? The moonlight makes you look like the angel you are."

Rose smiled. She ran her finger around his chest. She laughed gently when he ran his fingers across her bare back. "Jack that tickles." That was a mistake because he just did it more. "Jack. Jack. Stop." She was laughing hysterically.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry." He stopped. "You just look so beautiful when you laugh."

Rose smiled mischievously. She pushed him off the bed and leaned over to look down at him. "I'm sorry but you look so cute when your surprised."

He climbed back in the bed. He smiled. "You're a sly one." Jack looked adoringly at her. "I wish you always dressed like that."

"Jack I'm not wearing anything."

"Exactly my point."

She laughed and laid down. "We're going to have to have dinner soon. I'm starting to get hungry."

"Let me just look at you a while longer." He kissed her neck.

She laughed again.

"What's so funny?" He smiled at her.

"Would you believe that I used to be the shyest of girls when it came to taking off my clothes. When I was a child servants used to dress me. I was so embarrassed. When you sketched me I thought I would die. I was afraid you would think I looked funny."

It was Jacks turn to laugh. "You? Look funny? Oh no, Rose, Rose, Rose." He kissed her face. "You sweet wonderful thing." He kissed her face. "You are the most beautiful women I have ever seen. Even before I fell in love with you I thought you were gorgeous. When I was persuading you to come back over the rail I could barely think I was so taken with your beauty."

She smiled. "God, I love you." She pushed some hair from his eyes. "Of course now it seems like I have trouble keeping my cloths on when I'm around you."

Jack laughed. "I guess it's because of how our relationship started. I sketched you and then...well you know. So it's hard to get out of routine." He kissed her. "I personally don't think it's a bad routine." "Neither do I." She kissed him. "But now I'm hungry. So lets get dressed and go get something to eat."

"Oooh." Jack pouted. "All right." He sat up.

"Don't worry." She rubbed his back. "When we get back we can do more of this if you like." He smiled. "Now that I think about it, I'm pretty hungry myself."

They got dressed and went up to get some dinner. After they were finished they went for a long walk around the deck. When they got back to cabin they climbed into bed and picked up where they left off.

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