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Today in Titanic History - with Searching
Today in
Titanic History

Tuesday, October 22, 2024
1886 - 1st class survivor Mr George Achilles Harder was born to Victor Achilles Harder and Minnie Mehl Harder in New York City, New York, USA.

1974 - 2nd class survivor Mrs Antonine Marie Mallet died in Paris, France at the age of 86.

1888 - 3rd class passenger Mr Nils Martin Ödahl was born to Ola Öhdal and Hanna Nilsson.

1887 - 3rd class passenger Mr René Aimé Lievens was born in Heldergem, Belgium.

1926 - Able Seaman and survivor Mr William Henry Lionel Weller died in a shipwreck at the age of 44.

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A Love Never Fading: Chapter 41

Rated PG-13
© 1999 Isobel Christian @
based on some characters
and situations originated by James Cameron

October 10, 1917

Rose clung tightly to Jack. Neither one of them even noticed the hundreds of other people who were crowded into the train station. Mothers kissing their sons good-bye. Wives and husbands. Fathers and children. It was a sad sight. There was barley a dry eye. Many people realized this would be the last time they would see each other.

Rose let Jacks scent wash over her. She needed to remember every detail about him. Even though every curve of him was permanently stamped in her memory. She could here his soft breathing in her ear. It's warmth tickled her neck. Rose sighed. She wished she could freeze time.

"I'm going to have to leave soon." Jack said in a whisper.

"I know but not yet." Rose looked up at him. "Here." She pulled a tiny picture of herself from her pocket, and placed it in his jacket pocket. "So you don't forget what I look like...Or at least to remind you of me."

Jack smiled sadly. "I could never forget what you look like. And everything reminds me of you.....It's good-bye for a little while, only for a little while." He kissed her.

"Jack. I love you." Rose kissed him deeply. She said "I love you" over and over. She wanted him to know how deep her feelings were.

"I love you." Jack said tenderly. He put his hand on her cheek. "Listen to me. I'm coming back. I can feel it. I swear to you...I promise you, I'm coming home. Have I ever broken a promise I made to you?"

Rose shook her head gently.

"I would never start breaking them now. So if you ever doubt it, even for a second, remember this moment. I will come home. No matter how hopeless things seem I swear I'll be home. Never loose faith. Promise me you'll never doubt it."

"I promise." She said with a voice full of emotion.

He wrapped his fingers around her locket. "Never let go, Rose. Never."

"I won't Jack, I won't."

He kissed her passionately. They stayed that way as long as time would permit. Jack ran his fingers around her face over and over. He kissed every inch of it. If his mouth wasn't against her body it was saying "I love you." Jack ran his hands up and down her back.

Much to soon for both of them the train whistle blew. Rose hugged Jack tightly. He kissed her tenderly as long as he could. "Last call for boarding!" A man yelled.

Jack smiled. "Don't worry. I'll be back before you can miss me." He kissed her once more and started to walk off.

"Jack!" Rose called.

He turned around quickly and stared at her with question.

"I miss you already." She said half sadly, half sweetly.

He nodded. "Don't worry about me, I'll be all right. I'm a survivor, remember?"

They stared at each other for a few seconds. The few feet between them seemed like miles. Finally Jack turned and headed for the train. As he stepped into the car, he wiped the tears from his eyes that he had promised himself he wouldn't let Rose see.

Rose watched the train pull out of the station. After a long while she headed for home. She had no idea she was about to embark on what would be the most difficult time in her life.

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

November 5, 1917

"Rose, what is it?" Maggie had walked to the door when she heard her friend enter. Rose was leaning against the door. The expression on her face was one of pure shock. At first Maggie thought she had received horrible news from the war, but then she realized Rose would probably in tears if that had happened. Maggie wondered if she should dismiss it. Rose had been very emotional since Jack left. She had thrown herself into to work to take her mind off of his absence. Of course Brian had been gone for four months so she two had not been herself. She was happy she had Andrew to keep her busy.

Rose walked over to the stairs and sat down. "Maggie...."

Maggie quickly sat down next to her friend. "Is everything all right? Nothing happened with Jack did it?"

"No, thank God." Rose said. "It's something else."

"What?" Maggie asked anxiously.

Rose was silent for a minute. "I'm pregnant."

Maggie gasped. "That's wonderful!" She got very quiet again when she realized why Rose didn't seem as happy. She was pregnant, but Jack wasn't here.

"It must have happened the night before he left." She put her face in her hands. Tears rolled down her cheeks. "I'm happy, I am. It's a blessing. But It's not supposed to be like this. Jack is supposed to be with me. He supposed to share this wonderful thing with me."

Maggie wrapped her arm around Rose. "I understand. But who knows. Maybe Jack will be back before the baby is born."

"Maybe." Rose said quietly. She sighed. "But I need to be strong. For the baby. And for Jack. I promised him I would be, and I will."

Maggie looked over at her friend. "How are you going to tell him?"

"Well....I'll just write him saying I have some news, and let it gradually come out." She stared at the floor and began to gently cry. "I just wish he was here. He should be here."

Maggie hugged her tightly. "Everything will be fine. You'll see. And Jack will be here....eventually. Don't worry."

The two friends sat with each other for a long time. No words needed to be spoken. They knew how important they were to one another. They had no idea how they would manage without the other. Eventually Maggie heard Andrews cries coming from his room. Rose told her to get him, she was going upstairs to write Jack a letter.

Once upstairs Rose pulled out the letter Jack had sent her. She had read it about 1,000 times. She laughed slightly to herself. The very first letter she would send to Jack would certainly have some incredible news for him. She sat at the table and to her surprise the words came as effortlessly as breathing.

My Dearest Jack,

I miss you my love. When I received your letter I felt like a part of you was here with me. I truly hope this letter finds you well. Maggie and I have been managing without you and Brian. Erik invited us to dinner at his house twice already. I know you've only been gone a few weeks but it feels like an eternity. The night you left was hell. I never thought I would lie in that bed without you. I'm getting used to it but it will never feel right. The apartment is colder without you. The autumn has set in and at night I shiver from the cold. I've caught myself expecting to feel your arms wrap around me. But sometimes I swear I can feel you. Your scent is still on the sheets. I've taken to sleeping on your pillow. Anything to be nearer you.

My 23 birthday past without much event. Erik, Tim, Ben, Jean, Anita, and Ella came over for cake and such. There wasn't much to celebrate without you. I have big news for you though. I went to the doctors today and he confirmed my suspicions. I'm going to have our child. A gift from the night before you left. I'm happy beyond words to know that a part of you is inside of me. But I must admit that when I first heard the news I was upset. Pain is not even the right word to describe how it feels to know that you won't be here with me during this time. Please, Jack. I beg you. Now more than ever keep yourself safe. You have a son or daughter to worry about now.

You know I could write to you forever. I would tell you about little, non-important things. But I know you only have a short time to read. Just remember this: I love you. Not a moment has gone by without me thinking of that. I'm staying strong for all three of us now.

Love Always,


* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Jack felt a lump in his throat as he reread the letter. "Rose is going to have a baby." He thought. Now he wanted to be home more than anything. He put the letter up to his face. He could smell Roses perfume. Jack closed his eyes. He remembered all those nights when Rose would lay in his arms. Her hair would cascade gracefully down her back. The sent of it would intoxicate him. The soft hair against his face put him at peace. Her gentle breathing made him smile.


Jack was snapped back into reality. He looked over at some of his fellow soldiers.

"Why, don't you get some sleep? God knows when you'll get a chance to do it again." One of the men sad before laying back down.

Jack knew he was right. It's just this was the first chance he had to read the letter. He couldn't believe the news. Jack pulled the thin blanket over himself. He hadn't had a good sleep in days. "It's only been a month." He thought. Jack closed his eyes. In no time at all he was having a much needed sleep. His dreams were of Rose. The letter triggered something in his mind because the visions of her seemed more real and clear than any time he had ever dreamt of her before.

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