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Today in Titanic History - with Searching
Today in
Titanic History

Tuesday, October 22, 2024
1886 - 1st class survivor Mr George Achilles Harder was born to Victor Achilles Harder and Minnie Mehl Harder in New York City, New York, USA.

1974 - 2nd class survivor Mrs Antonine Marie Mallet died in Paris, France at the age of 86.

1888 - 3rd class passenger Mr Nils Martin Ödahl was born to Ola Öhdal and Hanna Nilsson.

1887 - 3rd class passenger Mr René Aimé Lievens was born in Heldergem, Belgium.

1926 - Able Seaman and survivor Mr William Henry Lionel Weller died in a shipwreck at the age of 44.

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A Love Never Fading: Chapter 49

Rated PG-13
© 1999 Isobel Christian @
based on some characters
and situations originated by James Cameron

June 1919

Rose ran a brush through her thick curls. She decided since it was probably hot outside she should put it up. She wrapped it in a loose bun and began to wash her face. Rose had just performed "Alison Jane." She played the lead, Alison. It was a very Copley role. She was onstage almost the entire time. It was dramatic but full of sarcastic wit. As far as Rose was concerned it was her best performance yet. The crowd had gone wild. Rose had poured her heart and soul into the role.

Now she was ready to go home. The role took a lot out of her and she wanted to go to bed. Plus, it was June. She had lost the baby a year ago. It seemed like it had happened only a few weeks ago. She sat down at her dressing table and put on her locket. Just then there was a knock at her door. Without even taking her eyes off the mirror she said "Come in!"

The door slowly opened and a shadow fell across the room. Rose was looking down at her hands because she had just put her engagement and wedding rings back on. She raised her head and looked in the mirror. The form she saw standing behind her didn't even seem real. She put her hands on the dressing table for fear that she might collapse onto the floor. "What are you doing here?" She asked out of pure shock.

"It's an interesting story." He said in arrogant tone. "I was visiting New York on a business trip. And while I'm making an appearance at a social gathering. I hear a man praising a young actress he has just seen in "Alison Jane" He can't stop talking about her talent and beauty. Not that I cared but I asked what her name was 'Rose Dawson, I believe it was' is what he tells me." He folded his arms across his chest. "You can only my shock. I knew I had to see it for myself so I come down to this theater and who do I find on the stage but my ex fiancee who left me for a bohemian child."

Rose swallowed hard. "Cal don't."

Cal leaned against the door. "Don't worry I'm not here to fight or reveal you to the rest of society. I just wanted to see if you were as good as everyone said you were.....You were." He straightened up. "Of course I've never really cared for plays and such but for it was, I was impressed."

Rose turned towards him. She stared at him for a moment. He looked harder then had had been. He looked more miserable. She shook her head. "I don't know what I'm supposed to say to you."

"You don't have to say anything." Cal stared at her. She was so beautiful. He'd forgotten how beautiful. She looked different. She wasn't as put together. She was freer. She had a wild, untamed fire inside of her.

Rose tried to think of something to say. "Congratulations on your marriage....and your children."

Cal let out a short arrogant laugh. "Indeed."

Rose furrowed her brow. "What does that mean?"

"Rose how can I have a good marriage when I'm still in love with you?"

Rose shifted in her seat. She put her hand around her locket and shut her eyes tightly. She needed strength now. Rose opened her eyes and stared at Cal. He seemed sincere. As sincere as he could be.

He arched his eyebrow.

"What do you want me to say?" She asked.

"Nothing." He sighed.

"Well, I feel sorry for Ivy that's for sure."

"Oh please. Ivy loves me as much as I love her. Or relationship is as good as my parents was. A marriage of connivance and obligation. A sensible match. If I couldn't marry you the next best thing was Ivy Wade. Ivy knows that. Ivy has known that since the beginning. And she has no problem with it."

Rose shook her head. "You see Cal. You see? That's what I was getting away from."

He looked down at the floor. He was ashamed it was visible. Cal began to speak, but his voice was now sad and defeated. "Was there ever a time where you loved me?"

Rose tightened her fists in the material of her skirt. She let out a sigh. "Yes, Cal, there was. But not in the way I should have. I loved you in the beginning, but not like I should have loved the man I was going to marry."

Cal nodded his head.

"It wasn't just you Cal. It was my whole world and all the people in it. It got to be to much. Nobody saw me. Nobody really looked at me. I was suffocating. I couldn't be me. I couldn't be who my father had raised me to be. I wanted to be free. I wanted to breath. I found that with Jack. He lets me be me. And I've discovered so many things about myself that I never knew about. He's uncovered them."

Cal swallowed hard. He looked around the room. "And where is he?"

Rose looked down at her hands. "He's missing."

"He left you?" Cal asked shocked.

"No! Of course not. He's missing in the war. In France." Rose was quiet.

"Oh yes. The Great War. Father got me out of that."

Rose looked up at him angrily. "I think you should leave now Cal. You've made your peace."

Cal nodded. "As you wish." He turned to the door and opened it. He looked back at her. "I really do love you. I always have."

Rose shook her head. "I know Cal."

He walked out and shut the door.

Rose looked in the mirror. "I need to get out of here." She picked up her purse and walked out of her dressing. She walked smack into Tim. "Tim!"

"Woah. Sorry Rose."

She smiled. "It's all right."

"Are you heading home?"

"Yes, I need some rest."

He smiled. "Well, goodnight." Tim started to walk away.


He smiled at here. "Yes?"

"Will you walk me home? I really don't want to be alone right now."

"Of course." Tim came up next to her. "Come on."

They walked to Roses home. Tim asked her a bit about Jack and the baby, but Rose just said she was fine and changed the subject. When they reached the steps of the apartment Tim watched Rose climb the stairs. He stopped her.

"Rose wait!"

Rose turned and walked back to him. "Is something wrong?

He moved in closer to her.

Rose began to feel uncomfortable. Tim was standing extremely close to her. But before she could think about it, Tim pulled her into his arms and kissed her passionately.

When Rose realized what was happening. She used all her weight to push him away. Then as an instant reaction she lifted her hand and slapped him across the face. His hand immediately covered his cheek.

"How dare you! I'm another mans wife!" She cried.

"Rose I'm sorry. I..."

"I don't want to here it." She walked up the stairs.

"Rose please hear me out." Tim ran to the stairs with a pleading look.

"What!? What is you excuse?"

"I'm in love with you."

Roses mouth opened in shock.

"I've been in love with you for six years. It's real honest to God love. Just look at you. How could I not be in love with you? I used to think that if I got to spend one night with you. One passionate night. All my feelings would go away. But I realize now more than ever that, that would only make me want you more. I can't hide it anymore. It consumes me. And I know you feel something to. You can't deny that there's a special connection between us. I can't get it out of my mind that for some reason we're supposed to be together."

"Well, you better. Because do you see this ring?" She lifted her hand so he could see her wedding band. "This ring says I'm supposed to be with Jack. I love Jack. I'm married to Jack."

"Damn it Rose, Jacks dead! The wars over! I don't care how much he promised you. He's not coming back. Everyone who was supposed to come home did." The second Tim said that he regretted it.

Anger filled Roses being. "I can forgive you for everything you've done except that. Because what you just said makes Jack a liar. And my Jack is not a liar. Everything he has ever uttered to me has been the truth. He's meant it. He's expressed it with his entire being."

Tim shook his head. "I didn't mean to say that."

"Well, you did. And when Jack comes home. Because he will come home, he will here all about what happened. Now good night Mr. Calvert." Rose opened the door and slammed it behind her.

"Oh God." Tim whispered. He turned and walked down the street. Tears flowing freely form his eyes. He could still feel her on his lips. Oddly enough he didn't feel regret he only thought about how good it had felt to kiss her.

Rose pressed herself against the door. Her breath was heavy. She felt betrayed and guilty. How could Tim have done that? How couldn't she have realized? She felt tears in her eyes. Rose ran up the stairs to her room. She sat herself in the window and cried gently.

There was a light knock at her door and she heard Maggie enter. "Rose?" Her voice was gentle and comforting. Without even shutting the door she walked over to Rose. Maggie frowned. "What happened? I heard you come in so fast and then run up the stairs. What's the matter?"

"Tim just told me he was in love with me. And that he knew we were supposed to be together.........and that Jack was dead."

"Oh, sweetie." Maggie wrapped her arms around Rose. "First of all Jacks not dead."

"I know...."

"Second, can you blame Tim for being in love with you? You're the most amazing women I've ever met. All men love you. If I wasn't your best friend I'd be horribly jealous."

Rose laughed. "It's just so much to handle. Before Tim told me that, Cal showed up at the theater."

"Oh my. What happened?"

"He told me he was in love with me."

Maggie laughed. "Well, aren't you the popular one? It's like they always say, men come when you aren't looking."

Rose smiled. "It's all so surreal. I never imagined it would happen. Not in one day."

Maggie smiled. "Will you be all right?"

"I'll be fine." Rose looked up at her best friend. Maggie was her best friend. In her whole life she has never had a greater friend. She was always there for her. She always helped. Rose thought about all that had happened since Jack left. She would have survived without Maggie. "Oh, Maggie. I've been so terrible to you."

Maggie hugged Rose tightly. "No, no, no. You were upset. You were going through so much. I don't blame you. I wasn't angry. I understood. It's all right."

"I shouldn't have yelled."

"I would have yelled. I would have yelled more. Don't think about that. It was months ago. It's in the past. I haven't thought about it in a long time."

Rose smiled at her. Both women heard when they heard some noise coming from the door. It was Andrew. He had climbed the stairs and was now walking towards his mother and Rose. He smiled and climbed up into Roses lap. When he looked at her face he saw the tears and frowned. He put his hand on her cheek. "Wose?"

Rose smiled brightly. Andrew had started talking about a month and a half ago. One of the few words he could say was her name. But he couldn't pronounce R's so he replaced it with a W. She found it adorable. "I'm ok." She hugged him and gave him a kiss. That cheered him up because he laughed hysterically.

Maggie smiled. Rose looked over at her. "In a few months your going to have another little one to take care of. I hope it's a sweet as him."

Maggie nodded. "I hope so too. We've been very lucky with Andrew. I hope his brother or sister as a wonderful."

Rose smiled. "As long as it's healthy."

"I know." She looked at her son. "Come on. We need to let Rose sleep. And you should be in bed anyway. What did I tell you about leaving your bed?"

Andrew looked up at his mother and shrugged. Maggie laughed and lifted him into her arms. "You're so cute." She ruffled his hair, kissed his cheek, and left the room.

Rose smiled. She couldn't help but feel a little upset. Every time she saw Maggie or Brain so happy with Andrew, or watched them prepare for their second child, she felt a twinge of jealousy. But she loved them all and was happy for them. Besides someday she would be a mother. She hoped.

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