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Today in Titanic History - with Searching
Today in
Titanic History

Tuesday, October 22, 2024
1886 - 1st class survivor Mr George Achilles Harder was born to Victor Achilles Harder and Minnie Mehl Harder in New York City, New York, USA.

1974 - 2nd class survivor Mrs Antonine Marie Mallet died in Paris, France at the age of 86.

1888 - 3rd class passenger Mr Nils Martin Ödahl was born to Ola Öhdal and Hanna Nilsson.

1887 - 3rd class passenger Mr René Aimé Lievens was born in Heldergem, Belgium.

1926 - Able Seaman and survivor Mr William Henry Lionel Weller died in a shipwreck at the age of 44.

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A Love Never Fading: Chapter 53

Rated PG-13
© 1999 Isobel Christian @
based on some characters
and situations originated by James Cameron

"Mmmm." Rose moaned. She opened her eyes and smiled brightly. It hadn't been a dream. Jack was home. She felt his fingers running through her hair and down her back. Rose propped her chin up on his chest and gazed lovingly at him.

Jack smiled down at her. "Morning."

"Good morning." Rose kissed his chest. She moved her lips up until they reached his mouth and kissed him passionately.

Jacks smiled broadened. "I've been waiting to wake up to that for..."

Rose rested her finger on his lips. "I know. I know how long we've both waited." She kissed him again. Then she laid her head under his chin. Rose laced her left hand through his right. "Do you realize that since you came back our bodies have been touching in some way? It must have been 13, 14 hours by now. Maybe even more."

Jack pulled her face up to his. "That isn't nearly long enough." He smiled. "The last letter I sent you, I said that when I came home I would take you into my arms and never let go. Well..."

Rose smiled. "Don't let me go. I'm afraid if you do, you'll disappear."

Jack kissed her. "Never. I'm not going away. Ever."

She kissed him back. "There's still so much we have to..."

Jack shook his head. "Not now. We'll talk later." He kissed her. "Not now."

Rose nodded and laid back down. "Then just hold me."

They laid with each other for a long time. They could see the sun spreading further across the room. After a while they began to kiss again. Rose whispered in his ear. "We really should get up."

"You're right. Why don't you go take a shower?"

"All right." Rose kissed him deeply. She lingered there for a few moments then got up. She walked to the door but turned around and smiled seductively at him. "Care to join me?"

Jack looked down at his hands. "Let me think..." He said in a sarcastic voice. He jumped out of the bed. "Of course."

Jack and Rose stepped into the shower. Rose fondly remembered the first time they had done this. It was their first morning in their apartment. They had done it many times since but she remembered the first time best. After a while she told Jack she was getting out.

Rose went into the bedroom. As she was changing she heard the shower turn off. Rose put her locket on and walked into the living room. She sat down on the couch and although she was happy she began to think about everything she had to tell Jack.

After a few minutes Jack came out and sat on the couch. Rose sighed gently when he wrapped his arms around her from behind and rested his chin on her shoulder.

"Rose...." He voice was quiet and steady. "I can't help but notice, there's no baby."

Rose felt that familiar pain in her heart. She took a breath and out of now where, tears began to fall from her eyes. She put her hands on her face and began to weep.

Jack turned around and held her to his chest. He rocked her back and forth. "What is it? What happened?" Jack asked quietly, while rubbing her back.

With tears still flowing freely Rose rested her head on his chin. "Jack..." Her voice was full of sorrow and pain. It shook with fright. "The baby died. I went into labor a month early and something happened. Something detached. I'm sorry...I'm so sorry. I didn't mean it."

Jack felt the hot tears run down his cheek. His stomach turned. "No, Rose, no." He hugged her tightly. "Don't apologize. You didn't do it. It's not your fault."

She pulled her head back and stared at him. "I was so scared. So scared that you would blame me and be angry with me."

Jack shook his head. "Don't think that." He kissed her. "I love you." Jack put his hand on her cheek. He was still crying. "Rose, I wasn't here for the pregnancy. I wasn't here when you lost the child. But I still loved it. I did. I thought about her or him everyday." He looked down for a moment then back into her watery eyes. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry for not being here. For not being able to comfort you. Just thinking about how devastated you must have been. You were all alone." Jack lost control and began to sob. For himself, for Rose, for the lost child, for all the pain and suffering they had gone through. And that they had done it alone. Hearing this news made the war a walk in the park. Whatever he had been through he was sure Rose had suffered more. The guilt consumed him. He sob harder causing his whole body to shake.

Rose wrapped her arms around him tightly. "Shu, shu, it's ok." She was crying. She rubbed his back. Rose had come to terms with the death of her baby. She would never forget it, but she needed to move on. It held a special place in her heart. She rocked Jack. It was her turn to be there for him. He had always been there to pick up the pieces. Now he needed comfort and consoling. He needed someone to hold him and tell things would be all right.

Both Jack and Rose held onto each other for dear life. Each praying they could take the others pain away.

They held each other for a long, long time. Finally Jack lifted his head and gazed at Rose. He shook his head. "I wish I had been here."

Rose nodded. "Me too. But we can't change that now."

Jack hugged her. "Tell me what else has happened in you life. I want to know so it seems like I'm apart of it."

"Jack, you have and will always be apart of my life." She stared into his eyes. "You're everything." Rose sighed. "I'll start with day I found out I was pregnant..."

For the next few hours Rose went over every single detail of the past two years. Maggie, Brain, Andrew, and little William. Jack was amazed by all of it. He cursed himself a few times for missing so many things. She spoke about everything she could remember. Even meeting Cal again. Jack said he knew Cal loved her and he wasn't surprised. He was worried Cal had tried or said something. But Rose assured him everything was fine. She told him everything with the exception of something very important. Tim.

Rose decided not to mention Tim coming on to her and professing his love. She knew it would hurt Jack to hear that someone had kissed her. Since that night Rose had made sure never to be alone in a room with Tim. Not because she was afraid but because she didn't want to have to talk to him about that night. Or about anything. She made sure Erik cast her in roles that were not romantically linked to Tim's characters. No, telling Jack was not the right thing to do. She would keep it a secret as long as she had to.

Jack kissed her and began to talk about the war. Rose was moved to tears. She couldn't imagine what horrors he must have seen. Jack told her what he thought he thought was necessary to tell. He had been trapped behind enemy lines and then taken prisoner for months. He was still held captive when the war was over. The people holding him prisoner fled so he and a few other men were left there to die. They escaped but Jack was shot. It was an accident but it ended up putting him in a coma. He woke up in a hospital and the war had been over for months. He was weak at first but they helped him get back. Eventually he was 100%. That's when they sent him home. He looked at Rose and his eyes grew wide. "Stay here." He ran into the bedroom.

Rose wondered what he was doing when he came back he had something in his hands. He smiled gently and sat back down. "Here. I kept everyone." Jack placed a stack of letters into Roses hands. They were the letters she had written him. They were even in there original envelopes.

"Some of them aren't in the best shape...because I read them so often."

Roses eyes filled with tears. "I kept all of mine to." She looked up at him.

Jack wrapped his arms around her and began to kiss her. Rose smiled. She kissed him over and over. "We're going to be all right, aren't we?" She said against his lips.

He smiled and kissed her. "Yes, we are."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Jack and Rose stayed up in their apartment for two more days. They weren't ready to share each other with anyone. They had spent most of their time in bed. Not only that but they shared stories and laughed. Both were finally back to how they had been. Happy people always ready for adventure. Rose and Jack were full of life.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"Good morning!" Rose bounced into the downstairs kitchen with a beaming Jack behind her.

Maggie and Brian smiled brightly. "Good morning." They said in unison. Immediately the noticed how different Rose was. She gave a dazzling smiled. Something she hadn't done in over a year.

"Jack, we've missed you." Maggie gave him a long hug.

"I've missed you." Jack gave her a kiss.

Brian smiled. He gave Jack a hug. "It's about time you got home."

Jack smiled. "Tell me about it."

The four adults ate breakfast together. And just basked in the glorious feeling of being together again. Jack was distracted when he noticed a little boy climbing into Roses lap. Jack realized that it must have been Andrew. Then he looked over and saw Maggie walking into the kitchen with a baby. He figured that was William. Rose had told him about the baby.

"My God." Jack said. "When I left, Andrew was as big as that little guy."

Maggie smiled. "Andrew has gotten very big. Would you like to hold Will?"


Maggie placed the boy in his arms. Andrew looked over at Jack. "That's my brother." He smiled proudly.

"I know." Jack laughed.

Andre tilted his head. "Who are you?"

Jack realized Andrew would have no recollection of him. "I'm Jack. I'm Roses husband."

Andrew giggled and looked up at Rose. He put his hands on her face and the hugged her around her neck. "I love Rose." He said happily.

Jack smiled. "I love Rose too."

Andrew nodded and laughed again. He looked back up at Rose and started to have a conversation with her. He was telling her about the things he had done the past few days. And he wanted to know where she had been.

Jack looked at Will and watched Rose with Andrew. He was amazed how close the two of them were. He couldn't help but feel pain. Rose deserved a child. A little girl or boy to nurture and take care of. He knew how much love she had to give and that she should be able to give it to children that were her own.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Despite the cold November weather they decided to go to the park to spend the day together. Andrew ran around and became Jacks friend. Jack thought he was the sweetest, most well behaved child he had ever meet. He thought he was adorable and noticed that Andrew had quite the crush on Rose. He told Jack that when he turned 10 years old he was going to ask Rose to marry him.

Brian caught up with Jack. He hadn't seen him since he himself had left for the war. They talked about the war and France. Their friendship was deeper now for two reasons. They both knew the horrors of war and both had taken care of the others wife while he was away.

When it started to get dark they all went back to the apartment. Maggie prepared a large dinner. Everyone wore a large smile. Life was perfect. Things weren't going to fine they were going to be wonderful.

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