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Today in Titanic History - with Searching
Today in
Titanic History

Tuesday, October 22, 2024
1886 - 1st class survivor Mr George Achilles Harder was born to Victor Achilles Harder and Minnie Mehl Harder in New York City, New York, USA.

1974 - 2nd class survivor Mrs Antonine Marie Mallet died in Paris, France at the age of 86.

1888 - 3rd class passenger Mr Nils Martin Ödahl was born to Ola Öhdal and Hanna Nilsson.

1887 - 3rd class passenger Mr René Aimé Lievens was born in Heldergem, Belgium.

1926 - Able Seaman and survivor Mr William Henry Lionel Weller died in a shipwreck at the age of 44.

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Never Is A Promise - Prologue, Unable to Stay, Unwilling to Leave

Rated PG-13
© 1999 Beverly Davidson @
based on some characters
and situations originated by James Cameron

Rose was standing on a dock in Southampton awaiting to board another ocean liner when out of the corner of her eye she caught a sight so familiar and wrong. She spun to look at the huge behemoth at the other end of the pier. The ship looked old and dirty but somehow, somehow it was docked at the pier and not at the bottom of the ocean where it belonged. She began to run towards it, unknowingly desperate to board that ship. Her hat flew off as she pushed her way through the crowd that stood between her and the only person she ever felt she truly loved. Pins came loose as her hair caught on baggage and people who wouldn't or couldn't get out of her way. The pain she hardly felt as the curls spiraled down her back, so great was her need to be on that ship.

"Please," she begged the porter standing at the gangplank. He vaguely looked familiar to her. Rose's confusion and disorientation was so great she didn't notice the shabby condition of his once sparkling uniform. "Please let me on." She gasped for her breath. "Just for a moment, I have to find somebody." This must be a dream. She thought. Even if this was a dream Rose felt that the demon memories of that awful night would have to be exorcised. The man nodded his head solemnly and let her pass. She ran up the gangplank and through the hallways not noticing the cobwebs and dust that stirred as she passed. Up the grand staircase with it's once beautiful woodwork now dull and decayed. Out onto the promenade deck with naked holes that felt like eyes for windows. Was this a ghost ship? Rose wasn't sure that she cared. She slowed as she ran down the stairs to the bow of the ship.

So many emotions came rushing forward as she slowly walked to the bow. She was so sure that he would be here, as he was waiting once before. She knelt at the bow and placed her head in her hands. Was Jack somewhere on this ghost ship? Would he be a ghost also? Would he be waiting for her? Please, she prayed, let him be here. If this was a dream, why could she feel the soreness of her scalp where her hair was caught? Why could she feel the breeze as it brushed the long strands across her face? She was afraid to pinch herself; she didn't want to wake until she was able to see Jack. She stood up and placed her hands on the railing. Memories of another time came dancing behind her closed eyes. Without standing on the bottom rung she threw her arms out horizontally. "I'm flying" she whispered. She remembered the wind rushing through her hair and her scarf trailing behind them, the feeling of exhilaration as she finally allowed herself to be free.

Suddenly, she could feel him behind her, his rough hands sliding into hers. She could smell his scent, conte crayon, sweat and sunshine. His hair was tickling her cheek as he inclined his head towards hers to place a feather soft kiss on her cheek. His body felt warm and alive as he leaned into her back. "Oh Jack." She whispered and opened her eyes.

But the spell was broken and she stood on the bow alone.

He was here. Somewhere on this ship, he was here. She had to find him, needed to find him. She found herself once more running towards the back of the ship. She could see the railings beginning to deteriorate as she flew by them. She remembered the last time she ran down this promenade, only wanting to get off the slave ship taking her home to America in chains. She was desperate not to leave this time; she had to stay with Jack. Whatever the cost.

The stern of the ship came too fast. The Union Jack hung off the rusted flag pole in tatters. She slammed into the railing and her hands came away covered with rustical dust. She looked at her hands and at the stern in horror. Stalagmites were growing off the railing at an alarming rate. The sea was once again claiming the Titanic. She wiped her hands on her skirt, spinning as she screamed Jack's name. She didn't have much time left, she could feel it. "Please let me see you Jack!" She sobbed her voice breaking as she said his name.

The voice that spoke behind her made her jump and catch her breath.

"I thought I could do it, Rose." She turned to see him sitting on a bench that was covered with barnacles. He was leaning forward with his elbows resting on his knees. He stared out over the vast ocean, his expression melancholic. He turned to her now, his blue eyes looking intensely into her own. She wasn't frightened but she couldn't go to him, not yet.

"I thought I could bring you here to see you, see how life was treating you. Maybe to make sure you don't forget that I'm waiting for you." He looked down at his hands as he folded them on his knees.

"Oh Jack," She sobbed as she began to walk towards him, but he held his hand up to ward her off.

"No Rose," he whispered "I can't. I'm not strong enough." He looked at her with pain filled eyes. "You don't belong here. Not yet."

"I want to be with you, please Jack I miss you so much." Rose was sobbing as she held her hand out to him.

Jack stood up and came towards her. He placed his hands on cheeks and lowered his lips to hers. "I love you so much Rose." He kissed her gently at first and then with growing passion. Rose felt her knees go weak at his first touch. He broke the kiss only long enough to look deeply into her eyes. "But someone else loves you also. Someone else needs you more than I do right now. As much as I want to I can't keep you here. " He hugged her fiercely to him, as he did that last night as the stern was raised out of the water.

"Jack, please don't let me go." Rose was crying into his homespun muslin shirt. She could see her tear stains dampening the fabric. She held him so tightly she was sure they would melt into one person. "You jump, I jump, right?"

Jack raised his head to rest his chin on the Rose's hair. "Oh Rose, not this time. Remember all the things we said we were going to do? Remember Rose? Do them. Go ride a horse on the beach and becomes an artist. Become an actress in the moving pictures. Rose, just please," his voice faltered, "Rose, live." This time she could feel his tears on her hair. He pulled back and wiped her tears from her face. "Rose promise me. You promised me before, but promise me again that you will live. Live a full and happy life, have lots of babies. When your time comes, we'll be able to spend eternity talking about it, okay? I want you to be able to tell me about all the adventures you've had in your life. I want you to make your life count, Rose. I'll be waiting for you. That's my promise to you. I'll be waiting for you at the clock, like before, I promise."

"I'll never let you go, Jack. I promise. You will always be in my heart." She pressed her face to his chest and swore she heard his heart beating.

"That's where I want to be, Rose." He looked down at her sadly. "It's time for me to go."

Rose looked at him her eyes filled with pain. He kissed her one more time and held her close. "Come Josephine, in my flying machine and it's up she goes, up she goes " He sang softly in her ear.

Jack let her go and began to walk away. He turned and bowed to her deeply, tipping an imaginary hat to her. "Till we meet again, my lady." He blew her a final kiss, which she caught in her hand and laid over her heart.

Rose stood alone on the deck. "Jack." She whispered as she crumpled to the floor. Her heart felt as if it were going to burst. She curled herself into a ball and cried.

When she awoke the next morning, she was in her bed with sunshine streaming in on her. She was still curled in ball with her hand over her heart. Her eyes felt swollen from crying. She rubbed them as she swung her feet over the side of the bed. Rose stood and gasped.

Across the room stood a full-length mirror. In her reflection she could see the stains her hands made on her nightgown from the red rusticals. "I'll never let go Jack." She whispered as stared at the stain. "I'll never let go. "

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