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Today in Titanic History - with Searching
Today in
Titanic History

Tuesday, October 22, 2024
1886 - 1st class survivor Mr George Achilles Harder was born to Victor Achilles Harder and Minnie Mehl Harder in New York City, New York, USA.

1974 - 2nd class survivor Mrs Antonine Marie Mallet died in Paris, France at the age of 86.

1888 - 3rd class passenger Mr Nils Martin Ödahl was born to Ola Öhdal and Hanna Nilsson.

1887 - 3rd class passenger Mr René Aimé Lievens was born in Heldergem, Belgium.

1926 - Able Seaman and survivor Mr William Henry Lionel Weller died in a shipwreck at the age of 44.

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A Twist of Fate: Chapter 16

Rated PG
© 1999 Tracy Boardman @
based on some characters
and situations originated by James Cameron

"Please excuse me" Rose pulled her gloves back on. "I will be back shortly."

Jack watched her get up and go the cloakroom. He shook his head and pulled his hands through his hair. What a bastard Caledon Hockley is, he thought. If he were here now, he'd teach him to hurt women.

Alone in the cloakroom Rose dabbed her eyes. She stared at herself in the mirror. It occurred to her that she had done nothing but cry for at least the last week. Will things ever change? She asked herself. Will things ever get better? She had only been married for two months. They seemed the longest two months of her life. The European tour gave a big clue what her life following the wedding would be like. She had thought of throwing herself into the Seine then, when Cal raged at her in Paris. She had stuck a fork into her arm to draw blood at least one boring, dinner party. She was paraded around Cal's friends and colleagues like some show pony. She was sick and tired of it all. As she thought the other night, she was only eighteen. How many more years of this lay ahead? Now Cal wanted a son and heir. It was all about what Cal wanted, never about what she might want. She thought of Jack and Cal. They were so very, very different. She could feel herself being drawn to Jack. But what was the real reason? Was it Jack the person or Jack, a straw for a drowning woman to clutch onto?

Jack didn't feel very hungry, but he poured a cup of tea for them both. Rose will be glad of one when she comes back, he thought. If only he could get her away from Hockley. He was falling in love with her, he knew that. But even if she never loved him, he had to get her away from Hockley for her own safety and sanity. He couldn't have even guessed that her sanity had already been shaken to the core.

Rose took a deep breath and tried to steel herself. She had to go back out there and face Jack. Why did she think it would be difficult? Jack was her friend. And he was right. She shouldn't be treated so badly by anyone, not even Cal. Another deep breath. Come on Rose, she encouraged herself. Let's go.

Jack was relieved to see her returning. A little colour had come back to her face.

"I'd thought you'd like a cup of tea." Jack smiled and pushed the cup toward her.

Mother would have a fit at the lack of etiquette, smiled Rose to herself.

"Thank you."

"You OK now?" he asked concerned.

"I was OK before". Rose reprimanded.

"You didn't seem it to me." Jack took a bite out of sandwich. He didn't really want it, but it was food and it was there.

"Jack, I haven't known you very long, but I consider you a dear friend. However, you can't get involved in things that don't have anything to do with you. Cal is my husband. I promised to honour and obey him. I have not done a very good job of that so far. In fact being here with you now after what happened last time is not obeying. But I have to take a little control of my life. Me Jack, not you."

Jack was puzzled. "What do you mean being here with me now?"

"You really must forget everything I have said. Let's talk about the drawings."

"I don't want to talk about the drawings. There is something else. Something you're not telling me Rose. What is it?"

"Forget it, please."

"Rose." Jack stared into her eyes trying to work out what was going on.

Rose sighed and closed her eyes. The whole scene with Cal seemed to flash before her. She spoke quietly.

"Someone told Cal I was in the park with a blonde man. He naturally assumed the worst."

Jack felt like he'd been punched in the stomach. Cal had done this to Rose because of him. He ran his hands through his hair and fought for something to say.

"Oh, God. It's my fault. I'm so sorry, Rose. Truly I am."

He looked so wretched she took his hand.

"I didn't say it to make you feel bad Jack. It's my problem remember?"

"What did he do to you?"

"He just grabbed my arm and pushed me about a bit. He was drunk. He wouldn't have done it if he were sober. Now please, forget it."

Jack squeezed her hand. He noticed that she had taken hold of his hand first. This was it, now or never. He took a deep breath.

"Rose, why don't you come to New York with me?"

Rose studied him for a moment, looking into his blue eyes. Sometimes they seemed like a bottomless pool.

"Don't be silly Jack. How on earth could I ever explain that to Cal? It's impossible."

"No it isn't. If you wanted to go badly enough, you could."

"And what do you think would happen to me when I got home?"

"You don't go back home." Jack's eyes seemed to bore into Rose's soul. For a moment she wanted to say yes. How easy he made things seem. But life wasn't that easy. She could never get away from Cal. She was his possession and he would never let her go.

She smiled sadly.

"Thank you for the offer. I would love to attend your friends wedding. However, I must decline."

"You have a choice. This is a chance to get away from him."

"I married him. I knew what I was doing. I must live with the consequences."

"Rose. I've only known you a few days. You are the most truly amazing person I have ever met." Jack paused, he still held her hand. "This is so hard." He swallowed. "I think I, I care about you Rose. But I'm afraid for you. If you never, ever consider me to be more than a friend I'll be happy. But you gotta get away from Hockley. And I'll help you."

Rose had just been thrown the rope she was so desperately looking for. But she had to reject it. She released his hand and looked down.

"This conversation is no longer suitable. I do not want to discuss this again Jack. I came here to talk about buying your drawings. And about your friends wedding. Now lets sort it out. I will take ten drawings. Will that cover your costs?" Rose swallowed her tea, trying to behave far stronger than she felt.

"I can't take your money Rose."

"If it makes you feel better, think of taking Mr Hockley's money. Name your price."

Jack bit into another sandwich. "Depends on which drawings you want. I mean, if you want me to do drawings of you, then they'd be expensive. Rare you see." He smiled then took another bite. He felt as if his pride was being swallowed with the sandwich. He pushed the plate towards Rose.

"Have something to eat, please?" He asked. "They're pretty good and I can't eat them on my own."

She took sandwich.

"Well, how much?"

"I'd give you my drawings. You know that."

"You're supposed to be doing business here."

"You know how much they are. I ain't adding anything on. None even to fleece Hockley's wallet. I have my principles."

"I'll take twenty drawings then."

"This is getting silly."

The air seemed more relaxed and they laughed over their lunch. Jack loved to see Rose so happy, for once. Her laugh was like music to him, her eyes sparkled. Every time he noticed the bruise on eye, it pained him inside. He felt responsible for it in a strange way. Oh how he wanted to protect her from Hockley. But she had turned him down. Why? I guess I've nothing to offer her, he thought sadly. I'll just have to hope she'll be OK.

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