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Today in Titanic History - with Searching
Today in
Titanic History

Tuesday, October 22, 2024
1886 - 1st class survivor Mr George Achilles Harder was born to Victor Achilles Harder and Minnie Mehl Harder in New York City, New York, USA.

1974 - 2nd class survivor Mrs Antonine Marie Mallet died in Paris, France at the age of 86.

1888 - 3rd class passenger Mr Nils Martin Ödahl was born to Ola Öhdal and Hanna Nilsson.

1887 - 3rd class passenger Mr René Aimé Lievens was born in Heldergem, Belgium.

1926 - Able Seaman and survivor Mr William Henry Lionel Weller died in a shipwreck at the age of 44.

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A Twist of Fate: Chapter 36

Rated PG
© 1999 Tracy Boardman @
based on some characters
and situations originated by James Cameron

Their stay in Pittsburgh had increased to three weeks, much to Rose's dismay. The project to build the school had begun and although she had witnessed the purchase of the land and the laying of the plans, she wanted desperately to get back to Philly. She knew there would be little time to see Jack before he left for New York, but something else was on her mind, something that may change things again. She was eternally grateful for the loyalty, friendship and discretion of Trudy, Without her, life would have been unbearable.

Rose sat on her bed, a tear sliding down her face. How quickly things change, she thought bitterly. How much courage did one need to live a life? She was eighteen, but felt like one hundred and eighteen. She had been through so much cruelty, mental and physical. She had fought so long and hard to make the decision. Her mind was decided, her plans made. It had been difficult, almost another kind of torture, frightened of the unknown, but excited at the prospect of freedom. Yet by another twist of fate, it was all gone, taken away and replaced by another endurance.

Jack would be leaving for New York soon if he hadn't changed his plans and gone earlier. Was he waiting for her? Should she go and goodbye? Surely it would be better to go and see him and explain things. No, she couldn't do that; it wouldn't be fair to either of them. But she did owe him a goodbye at least. To finish something that never started, to close a chapter on her life.

She wiped the tears away and got off the bed. No one was around. She crept down the stairs to Cal's study. It was unlocked, as she had expected. She went over to the safe behind the desk. She knew the combination and clicked the safe open. It was filled with papers, envelopes and jewelry boxes. The little velvet pouch she was looking for was at the back at the bottom. She removed it, relocked the safe and hurried up to her room.

Within the safety of the walls, she opened the pouch and removed the watch inside. It was a silver one that belonged to her grandfather. As it was a gentleman's watch it was of no use to her and because of the initials on the back it was no use to Cal either. Besides he had a new gold one everytime the fashion changed. Her grandfather's name was James Dewitt, and the initials JD were beautifully engraved upon the back. It would be the perfect farewell gift to Jack, to thank him for all his kindness.

She called Trudy.

"I am going out for a short while. Only a short time, I need to be back before Cal."

"Please let me come with you Miss Rose. In the circumstances, I don't want you going anywhere alone."

"Thank you Trudy, but this something personal and private I must do it alone."

She looked at the expression on Trudy's face.

"Very well, you may accompany me. Let us go now, before we are missed"

Trudy and Rose crept down the stairs and out of the door. Around the corner they hailed a cab. Rose had Jack's address still on the paper he had given her. She read it out to the driver and sat back.

She felt sick with fear and excitement. Her was beating very fast. How she longed to see Jack, but the task ahead made her so very sad. She said nothing to Trudy, but stared ahead. This was going to be one of the hardest things she had ever done.

Jack sat at the table and finished his coffee. His bag was open on the bed, partly packed. He had a few hours before the train left. During the time he had spent in his room and he thought over and over again what to do. He came to the conclusion that he had worked hard to get the rent on the apartment paid. To go to New York and not come back would be foolish. He had nowhere to stay and to expect the newly wed Fabri to put him up was not acceptable. He would see how things were in New York, talk things over with Fabri and then make a decision. He was expecting Susie to pop round and say goodbye at any moment. He was so indebted to her; she had been a rock to him. She had fed him, nursed him and just been there for him. The fact that she expected something more from Jack didn't make things easier. No, she hadn't said anything outright. But there were the looks, the smiles. Jack felt terribly guilty. He had done absolutely nothing to give her any ideas. But he felt almost pressured. New York seemed an easy option. But there was Rose. And she hadn't written to him again since she had gone to Pittsburgh. If she had gone to the park to look for him, he would never know.

He swallowed the last of the coffee and got up to wash the cup in the sink. There was a soft knock at the door. Expecting Susie, he shouted, "Come in", but no-one came.

There was another soft knock. Muttering to himself about Susie being annoying, he strode over to the door and flung it open. Instead of Susie, before him stood Rose. He stood for a moment, unable to believe it. She too stood in silence.

"Rose!" he exclaimed excitedly. "Come on in, come in"

She followed him in and he closed the door.

"Rose I am so glad to see you. " He suddenly awkward, not knowing what to say.

Rose smiled sadly at Jack. He was so happy to see her; she could see it in his eyes. But there was something else.

"Jack, are you OK? You've hurt yourself."

"Nah, it's nothing, just a fall. How are you? I missed you Rose."

"I missed you too Jack"

The politeness was too much for Jack. He blurted it out.

"Rose, are you coming to New York with me? I go today"

Rose had already spied the bag on the bed. She looked at the hope in Jack's blue eyes. She looked away, back to the bag and back to Jack. She swallowed.

"I can't Jack, I told you that"

"You are here Rose. You don't ever have to go back. Ever."

"I cannot stay long Jack. If Cal finds me gone ……" Her voice trailed away, words failing her. She back into the safety of Jack's piercing gaze.

"I just can't"

"You took the risk of coming here, to tell me that?"

Rose took a deep breath, to summon up some courage.

"I cannot stay Jack, Trudy is waiting for me in a cab downstairs. I came to say, that is I came to say…. goodbye and have a lovely time at your friends wedding" The goodbye didn't sound a final one, she knew.

"That is really kind of you Rose. I would have a better time if you were there too."

"Jack, please don't make this hard for me" her eyes pleaded with him. "I have a gift for you, something to remind you of me" She held out the velvet pouch.

Jack looked at her for moment and then gently took the pouch. He opened it and his face lightened when he pulled the watch out.

"Rose, this is beautiful!" He turned the watch over to see the initials on the back.

"It was my grandfathers. He had the same initials as you. I want you to have it"

He tuned it over again in his hands.

"I can't accept this, it was your grandfathers."

Rose walked forward and taking Jacks hands, closed them over the watch.

"I want you to have it Jack. Please"

Tears were forming in her eyes. This was too hard.

"I have to go Jack. I'm sorry"

Rose turned and started to go.

"Wait, please" Jack begged. Despite the pain, he managed to step in front of Rose.

"Please, come with me Rose, don't go back to Cal. Let me at least help you get away."

"Jack, I have to go back, you are making this difficult for me" she could hardly contain the tears. Jack too couldn't contain himself any longer. Still holding the watch he took Rose's hands. They stood silently looking at each other, then Jack leaned forward. Their lips met and for one moment they were united. A spark of electricity flowed through them. Then Jack suddenly pulled away.

"I'm sorry Rose, forgive me"

Rose looked at him longingly, but sadly.

"There is nothing to forgive Jack Dawson. Goodbye"

Rose stole one last glance at Jack before going out of the door and down the corridor.

Jack stood in the doorway.

"I'm back on Tuesday Rose. I'll see you then." He shouted after her.

Rose stopped out of sight of Jack, to get herself together. His words still rang in her ears; she could still feel his lips on hers.

Jack closed his door and miserably sat on the bed. He regretted kissing her, but remembered her words. He looked at the watch and opened it up. He listened to its smooth rhythmic tick. He had never seen a watch so grand. It was special and he knew it would always remind him of her.

Rose got into the cab. Trudy could see she was visibly upset.

"Are you alright Miss?" she asked.

"Yes Trudy" she tried to smile. "What I have done is for the best. For Jack, for me and for the baby."

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