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Today in Titanic History - with Searching
Today in
Titanic History

Tuesday, October 22, 2024
1886 - 1st class survivor Mr George Achilles Harder was born to Victor Achilles Harder and Minnie Mehl Harder in New York City, New York, USA.

1974 - 2nd class survivor Mrs Antonine Marie Mallet died in Paris, France at the age of 86.

1888 - 3rd class passenger Mr Nils Martin Ödahl was born to Ola Öhdal and Hanna Nilsson.

1887 - 3rd class passenger Mr René Aimé Lievens was born in Heldergem, Belgium.

1926 - Able Seaman and survivor Mr William Henry Lionel Weller died in a shipwreck at the age of 44.

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A Twist of Fate: Chapter 4

Rated PG
© 1999 Tracy Boardman @
based on some characters
and situations originated by James Cameron

Dinner was a miserable affair. Rose picked at her food in silence; the sting in her cheek reminding her that silence was best. Cal shouted at the servants and complained about the food. Rose, only too aware of to what was to happen after dinner had a little more wine than normal, not that Cal noticed.

The time came to retire for the evening. As Rose expected, Cal decided tonight was the night to try for his son and heir. As she lay there, her mind wandered back to time when she loved Cal and she thought he loved her. What a naïve sixteen-year-old she had been! Encouraged by her mother she had been taken in by the Hockley charm and gifts. How she was envied at parties! She knew other girls would have done practically anything to gain the attention of societies most prominent bachelor of the time. And she had to admit, she had enjoyed being the envy of so many of those dreadful snobby young ladies she had attended college with. But as time wore on, she soon became aware of what price she had paid for those few moments of delight. Maybe she had never loved him, only mistakenly thought she did. What did a sixteen-year-old know of love? Maybe he never loved her. What did he once say about fox hunting in England? Ah that was it, the thrill was in the chase. And now she was cornered like that poor fox, waiting for the hounds to attack. Only it wasn't a pack of hounds coming in for the kill, it was Cal and Mother intent on destroying every ounce of free will and spirit that she had.

When Cal had finished he rolled over without a word. Rose did the same, but silently crying herself to sleep. Crying silently was a skill she had developed quite well over the last few months. Any sign of crying would send Cal into a rage, she had soon discovered.

Cal was soon asleep. But Rose couldn't. Every time she closed her eyes she could she Cal's face filled with anger and his hand lashing out of her. I have no one, she thought sadly. The only ally she had in the house was Trudy; all the other servants were picked by Cal. He reluctantly allowed Rose to keep her after the wedding. She had lost touch with all her friends, her real friends. She did not count as friends the shallow creatures that Cal insisted they dined with. She was truly alone. The only person whom she had any conversation with for a long time was Jack, the artist in the park. He looked kind of kind, Rose thought. Like he would listen to you, understand you but never hit you. Why couldn't Cal be like Jack? Or even why couldn't she have married someone like Jack? "Because he's poor!" She could hear her mother's sneering voice replying. Well Mama, Rose vowed. I wish I'd married poor and been happy than be in this situation. Thinking of Jack's friendly, smiling face Rose fell asleep.

Over breakfast the following morning Cal tried to be nice to Rose.

"Darling, you seem to be very melancholy of late. I am sorry I have neglected you so much and left you alone in the house. Truth is I'll busy for a while so I have invited your mother over for a few days to keep you company. You may go shopping together later or go for lunch or whatever you girls do." Cal smiled.

Rose tried to look pleased. "Thank you Cal, but I'm perfectly alright. There was no need to worry Mother"

"Not at all. She was only too pleased to be asked over. You two have not been together since our wedding. She will be here before lunchtime. The arrangements are made"

Rose was totally despondent. She knew her mother would only add to her problems. She would have despaired more if she knew what Cal had said to her.

"Rose is being very difficult at the moment" Cal had told Ruth. "I want you to sort her out whilst you are here. Do you understand me?"

Ruth Dewitt Bukater arrived on time. Rose stood in the hallway to welcome her feeling very nervous for some strange reason.

"Mother, how lovely to see you! I trust you had a pleasant journey"

"No Rose I did not. The roadways are rough and the vehicle is very hot and stuffy. I dare not open the windows in case there were fumes." Ruth was peering round the hallway. She ran a gloved finger across a picture frame and inspected it. "This hallway is not clean enough to my standards Rose. You really must have a word with the housekeeper. You must make a mark as lady of the house and not tolerate slack cleanliness."

"Yes Mother" Rose replied weakly. "Now shall I show you to your room?"

"No. Trudy can do that. Please arrange to have tea in the parlour in twenty minutes. I really need to speak to you."

Rose sat awaiting her Mother's arrival. I am in my own house and I am still at Mother's beck and call she thought angrily. She stood politely as her Mother entered. "Mother please take a seat."

Trudy poured the tea and Ruth asked her to leave which also annoyed Rose but she kept silent.

"Now Rose what I have to speak to about is a matter of urgency." Ruth leaned closer. Rose noticed how thin her lips were, a sure sign of anger. "Cal has made certain complaints to me about your behavior"

"What behavior?" Rose exclaimed "And how dare he discuss our private matters with you!"

"He discusses them with me because you seem unable to grasp a few certain premises young lady. Firstly, you are married and you have promised to honour and obey. Secondly, and this is a little more delicate Rose" Ruth lowered her voice "You have to produce a heir and soon"

"Mother, you really have no right to discuss this"

"Oh yes I do! Cal knows about the Dewitt Bukater fortune being gone. He was quite happy to accept you in our poverty. However, if you continue to be difficult Rose he could make life difficult for me, for both of us"

"Are you thinking of us Mother or yourself?" Rose demanded

"How dare you speak to me that way Rose. Cal was right, you do have an attitude. That is a fault you have inherited from your father. I had hoped it had been removed. Instead you will have to learn to curb it. It will not be tolerated by polite society and certainly not by Cal"

"This is my house Mother. I forbid you to speak to me that way." Rose was flushing with anger.

"No Rose, this is Cal's house. Never forget you are a Hockley in name only. You are here by the good reputation your father left. The Hockley's can destroy that. Do not make an enemy out of Cal, Rose" Ruth warned.

"Any bad feeling I have for Cal has been brought on by himself"

"I do not understand you Rose. Cal is a fine upstanding gentleman. He is handsome and generous and may I remind you there were many other women he could have chosen, but he chose you. You have this lovely house, clothes, every-thing any girl could want. He does not ask much in return."

"What about love? Some people think that is important in a marriage"

Ruth laughed. "Love Rose? You have been reading too many dime novels I think." He voice became steely again "Love does not pay the rent, nor does it buy your position in society. Love does not ensure your survival. "

"Survival? You are thinking of yourself again Mother. I tell you this much. You sold me Mother. You sold me to the Hockley's just to ensure that you remain in society. I will not be traded and used in this way!" Rose stood up.

"Rose if anyone sold you it was not me, it was your father" Ruth smiled as noticed the look on Rose's face. That got your attention she thought smugly.

"That's right Rose. Your father never spared a thought for you when he went to the poker table did he? He caused this situation. If you want to blame anyone blame him. He created the situation we were in. He thought of nothing but himself. Then after he made such a mess of everyone's lives he died and left the mess behind. Do you understand that Rose? I had to sort everything out. He caused 'your sale' if that is how you want to call it"

Rose studied her Mother for a moment then ran out of the door, through the hall and through the front door. She ran down the steps, down the drive and into the street. Only when she felt she was far enough away, did she pause for breath.

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