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Today in Titanic History - with Searching
Today in
Titanic History

Friday, October 18, 2024
1973 - 1st class survivor Miss Elsie Edith Bowerman died of a cerebral vascular accident (stroke) in Hailsham, Sussex, England, UK at the age of 83.

1959 - 1st class survivor Mrs Bertha Chambers died at the age of 80.

1909 - 2nd class passenger Mr Stephen Hold married Annie Margaret Hill, who was also on the Titanic, in St. Keverne Church, Cornwall, England, UK. They were in fact distant cousins as Annie’s grandmother and Stephen’s mother were sisters.

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Short stories: Gabriel's Story

Rated PG
© 1999 Kait Arrington @
based on some characters and situations originated by James Cameron

Author's Note: For those of you not familiar with Rose's story, it is mentioned in James Cameron's Titanic that Rose goes on to marry a man named Calvert. Gabriel is my interpretation of Calvert, and this was his story.

Gabriel looked silently out at the clear dark abyss surrounding the Titanic. It had only been a few minutes since the iceberg, but already the deck was filling with the curious passengers. He then turned once again to scan the hoards of people for the only face he cared about. Kait.

He thought back to the last time he had seen her. They had both left angry...and it had all been his fault. If only he had just kept his mouth shut. If only he hadn't argued when she said...when she said...

Gabriel yanked himself back to the present. The past wasn't important now. He had to find her. He took off at a run towards the third class cabins. He had seen the iceberg, and he knew that the great ship would not make it through another day above the sea. There wasn't much time to loose.

When he reached the lower decks, he found her room empty. "She must have felt us hit the 'burg," he thought to himself. "She must be on her way to the boat deck. That, then, is where I must go as well. I can't let her leave me yet. I may never see her again."

When he reached the main stairwell, he found it blocked with people, a massive iron gate at the top. Disgusted, he turned and fled down the corridor. A familiar looking man with sandy blond hair ran past him in the opposite direction, with him another man whom he had just come to know on the ship. The man paused for a moment when he saw Gabe. "Fabrizio?" Gabriel thought, trying to place that face. He then raised his eyebrows to Fabrizio, asking acceptance to join them in their escape. Fabi quickly nodded his approval, and he and Gabriel took off in the direction the sandy haired man had left a few moments before.

When they reached another stairwell, adorned with yet another gate, they pushed their way to the front to argue for its removal. After an exchange of words, they quickly lost their patience in the growing panic around them, and turned to look for another way. Still arguing pressed against the gate, Gabriel almost didn't see the bench the other men wielded in his direction, until he was pulled away at the last second by the sandy haired man's red-haired female companion.

It was over within three runs at the gate, and the panic ridden passengers fled the bowels of the ship, anxious for the chill of the open air above. Gabriel too fled the corridor, after quickly thanking Fabi and wishing him well. "That wasted too much time," he thought. "I must find her now, before it'll be too late!"

With that he turned towards the upper decks. They were much more crowded than before, and the noise that resulted in was almost unbearable. He was starting towards the starboard side of the grand ship when he realized exactly where Kait was. How stupid he was being! He hurried back to the door that lead down to the first class stairwell. That red haired friend of hers, her cabin was here somewhere...there! He had forgotten about that girl. She and Kait had met in the common room during the past night's party...Kait would never forget one of her friends, she had to be with her.

A flash of a lavender caught his eye. That has to be my Kait, he thought, hurrying after her. She adores that color. The woman turned the corner quickly, heading for the stairs that led to the third class areas.

"Kait!!"he cried in desperation. She turned, revealing a beautifully disheveled Irish vision, glorious brown curls swinging around her luminous blue-green eyes.

"Gabriel?" The sheer surprise on her face was quickly washed away by relief and...something Gabe couldn't quite place. She took a slow timid step in his direction, then abandoned her inhibitions, throwing her arms around his neck and hugging him with all she was worth.

"Oh, thank God, Gabriel! How did you ever find me?" She was crying now with pure emotion, and Gabe couldn't tell if they were tears of joy or sadness.

"It isn't important, we don't have time to be talkin'. I have to be taking you off this ship, now!" He grabbed her arm, half gently leading her half sprinting in a panic to reach the boat deck.

"Gabe, wait, Rose..."she tried to slow him. "I can't leave without seein' that she's ok!"

For some reason Gabriel thought that he might have something to say about Rose. "Rose..." he said, almost to himself at first, " I remember! I saw her with that man. You know, Fabrizio's friend...Jack? I'm sure they'll be taking good care of her. For now we must take care of you!" He once again took off for the deck, this time with Kait on his heels.

Gabriel headed for the first life boat he saw. Kait turned to him. "I can't leave you like this," she pleaded. "Please, come with me!" Her eyes blurred with unshed tears at the thought of losing him. She couldn't hold back her emotions any longer. Appearances and proper manners held no meaning to her now. She took hold of his rough jacket, pulling him over the small space between them.

She had never kissed a man before...but this seemed like a logical time to change that. Slowly she let go of his coat, placing her fingers clumsily on his shoulders. Her body trembled with pent up emotions as their lips met. Gabriel, still stunned, had no time to think about what was happening. All he knew was that he wanted it, more than he had ever wanted anything he had wished for.

His arms extended to encircle her waist, his fingers lacing behind her back. The cold held no power over them now. Time had no meaning. Their thoughts drifted, mingling with the passion of their kiss. Gabriel remembered again the last conversation they had...

* * * * * * * * * *

"Gabriel? I have something I'm needing to say," Kait said, as they left the third class dinning room earlier in the night.

Gabe, confused, stopped to allow Kait to gather her thoughts, which she seemed to be having much difficulty with that evening. She looked around, obviously nervous, and he knew not to push her.

"All right, let's take a walk on the boat deck before I take you back to your cabin," he said. Kait nodded, looking relieved at this suggestion, which would allow her a few more minutes to gather her courage.

When they reached the deck she knew it was now or never. "Gabe," she began, "how long have we known each other?"

Gabriel was confused. This was not what he had expected her to say. "As long ago as I can remember...I can't imagine my life without you, now!"

Kait seemed to brighten as he said this, and stopped walking to turn to him. He too stopped, confused at her strange behavior. "What is it you're wanting to say, Kaity darlin'?

Instead of answering right away, Kait turned to look at the cold ocean passing them by. Her papa trusted Gabe. They had been together all of their lives. That is why her papa allowed him to escort her on this trip until she got to her new job as a nanny in Boston...but then what? Would he leave her then? She knew she couldn't let that happen.

She took one last breath, and let it out slowly saying at the last instant, "I love you Gabriel..." She waited another moment before continuing, "I couldn't go on living' without you. Please don't leave me when we get to America, Gabe, please." She wanted to turn to look at him, to see his face, but she hadn't the strength. She couldn't stand without the railing's support now. Gabriel's silence was deafening.

Finally he spoke, but his voice sounded so cold, so distant. "You don't love me. You have a new life to start when we get to America, and I won't be getting in the way of it Kaity."

This gave Kaity enough strength to turn to see his face, but this was in vain since by this point he had turned his back to her. A silent tear ran down her cheek. She should have known! How could she be so stupid? No boy had ever looked at her with more than a friendly eye, why did she somehow expect more from him?

"Gabe," she began timidly...

"No! I won't hear it Kaity. I...I...I don't love you. You're not...I'm not...we aren't...just...No!" His nerves were gone by now. He did love her, he always had. He had threatened any boy who came near her back in their small village in Ireland, but of course she never knew that. He wanted so much for her. He couldn't let himself love her. She deserved more. Much more than he, a humble farm boy, could ever hope to give her. Denying his love was the only way to save her.

"Gabriel, please," she cried desperately, "just listen to me for..."

"Stop it Kaity. Stop this foolishness. I have to be going now. I'll walk you back to your room, it's gettin' cold out." With that, he took off his coat and placed it around her trembling shoulders.

Kait turned away from him to look out at the ocean. She refused to let him see her hurt. She took a moment to regain her composure. She then shrugged off his jacket and quickly edged past him with one fluid motion. She was too proud to show her defeat. He wouldn't see her tears. She didn't need him to walk her back.

Gabriel stood shivering on the deck, too shocked to stop Kait from leaving. She had never acted like that towards cold. So...unlike herself. He didn't stop to think about how unlike himself he was being...

* * * * * * * * * *

A scream nearby pushed Gabriel back to the present. Reluctantly, their lips parted, the air between them seeming dreadfully cold, more so even than the freezing water below.

Gabriel wanted to apologize, to tell her the truth...about everything, but there wasn't time now. "Go," he whispered in Kait's ear. It was all he could manage to say in his still shaken mental state. He nudged he towards the women waiting to board the quickly filling boats.

"Wait," she pleaded, "you must come with me Gabe. I won't be going without you. I know you love me Gabe...You know it as well, you're just too damned stubborn to admit it!"

"Kait," he sputtered, "I...I...I do lov-...I can't go with you, and you know it. No men are allowed. You go. I'll make it, Kaity, I promise. I'll come for you when this is over...I wouldn't lie to you, you know that."

"If you can survive here, I'll survive right along with you. I'm just as strong as you are, and twice as stubborn!" She screamed the last few words, as if an increase in volume would change Gabe's mind.

"You would survive if you stayed here with me, but you don't have to go through that. You go on the boat so I'm sure you're ok and I won't have to worry about you. I'll stay here, and I'll see you when this is all over." Kaity shook her head, reluctant to leave him alone on this quickly sinking ship. Gabriel grew impatient, and grabbed her by the shoulders, shaking her just enough to let her know that he wasn't giving in. "This isn't a debate Kaity! Stop with your foolish pride and get into that boat! Either get in, or I'll be putting you there myself!" He cried this, giving her a last shake before pulling her tight in a rough hug. When would this girl ever use common sense instead of her fierce and foolish pride?

Shaken, Kait turned to the line of women waiting to board the boats. When she reached the front, she turned to Gabriel again. "I've always loved you Gabe. You know that don't you?"

Gabriel couldn't answer. He was hanging on to her every word, since he knew he was never to see her again. He wasn't stupid. He knew he'd never make it through this night alive. He couldn't even find the words to say that he loved her. He stared at that face he'd seen every day of his life. The arms that had comforted him when his mother died, holding him tight as he cried. The eyes he'd gazed into when he thought she wouldn't notice, which now were closed as tears streaked her face.

He reached out to wipe the tears away, to try to give her comfort, but the gesture only seemed to make her cry harder. He put his arms around her to support her, and suddenly her mind seemed to clear. She opened her eyes, and kissed him with more passion than she had ever expressed towards anything in her life. With a note of finality, she drew away from him and said, "I love you. Never forget me, that's all I ask."

With that, she climbed into the lifeboat as he had asked, with one last glance back at Gabriel. He stood still as a marble statue, one silent tear running down his cheek.

Kaity nodded, the tears running harder again. "I trust you. Please come for me. Never forget that I love you Gabriel."

Gabriel nodded, turning quickly away from the descending boat. He couldn't bear to see her go. He had to find a way to survive, to get back to her. It was then that he noticed the man standing next to him. It was Fabrizio's friend, Jack. He seemed to be watching the boat descend. Suddenly he cried out. "Rose!" he screamed. Gabriel watched as Jack turned and ran for the nearest door that led down into the ship.

Gabriel sympathized with that man. He must really love her, Rose. Gabriel turned and started towards the back of the ship. He was close to the very rear of the ship, when a crewman stopped him.

"You there," he said to Gabriel. "I'm short on crew, and I need a strong man to row this boat. You seem like a sturdy lad, can you help me then?"

Gabriel quickly nodded in agreement. "Right then. Get in right quickly, we haven't much time. Row away from here as quickly as possible. Watch for a signal from the other lifeboats to assemble together. Good luck lad, and thank you."

Gabriel felt a strong pity for this man. He was going to die, and knew it, but he was helping others to live. He saluted the man with as much honor as he could muster, all the while trying to hold in the tears of gratitude he so longed to shed.

The crewman nodded his appreciation, and began lowering the boat towards the sea below. The next half hour or so was the longest of Gabriel's life. He listened to the tortured and panicked screams or those not fortunate enough to escape the Titanic. Never before had Gabriel felt so much guilt. Why had he been allowed to live when so many others must die? Why did he have an impulse to scream for joy when so many near him were suffering? He had Kait's love, he knew that for certain now. He had been granted his life. He had now, at this moment, more than he could ever wish for, even in his wildest fantasies.

He turned in vain to try to comfort the borderline hysterical women in his boat. He knew what it would be to loose someone. He had felt it as his Kaity had been lowered down in the lifeboat. He was certain he was not to see her again. He could easily sympathize with these women, though he could do little to console their loss.

The time it took the Titanic to disappear beneath the ocean passed in a vague blur before the emotionally exhausted Gabriel. It was a torrent of screams, tears, and sights so horrible as to be the subjects of the viewer's nightmares until death...whenever that might be. Soon the lifeboats gathered, and Gabe relinquished his command to an officer from another of the boats. He didn't see Kait, but there were many boats, and Gabriel quickly volunteered to man the boat that returned to search for survivors.

The pale green light of the flare dimly lit the ocean where the Titanic once floated. The flare now cast its light over countless lifeless figures. Gabriel couldn't bear the sight of it, and instead resigned himself to his rowing.

"Is anyone alive out there?" a crewman shouted. "Can anyone hear me?" He shouted this over, begging for some sign of life. The seconds dragged by and the silence became deafening.

Suddenly, a shrill whistle sounded behind them. "Turn about!" the crewman shouted, desperate to save any soul from the freezing waters. It only took a few moments to reach the source of the sound. It was a beautiful young woman, a blueish pallor to her face and ice strands in her hair. Somehow she looked familiar to Gabriel.

"Rose?" he though. "Is this the same Rose Jack had screamed at? The girl who was on his Kaity's boat?" Suddenly Gabriel was stricken with a sickening premonition. If Rose was here, where was... Gabriel glanced around them. "Please God," he thought, "not my Kaity, please..."Just then, a flash of lavender caught his eye.

Gabriel was on his feet and throwing himself into the arctic waters before he had a chance to register what he had seen. He was by her side almost immediately, the freezing waters having little effect on his numbed brain. He grabbed her coat, and began dragging her back to the lifeboat as quickly as his half frozen limbs would allow.

As they were pulled into the boat, Gabriel refused to let his grip on Kait's coat be loosened. After they were pulled in, Gabe quickly grabbed every blanket possible for her, ignoring his own frozen state. He cradled her in his arms gently, rocking back and forth unintelligibly, his lips forming a silent prayer.

"Kait, can you hear me?" he whispered in her ear after a moment. "Please Kaity, open your eyes. Kait? Kaity?"

Slowly, Kait's eyes fluttered open. "Gabriel?" she asked, her voice almost too quiet to decipher from the silence of the rest of the boat.

"Yes! Oh, Kaity, thank God! What happened? Why are you not on the boat where I put you?" The obvious relief in Gabe's face was partially obstructed by his sudden confusion.

"There isn't time Gabriel," she said. Her body was frighteningly still, her only movements in her slight intake of breath and the fluttering of her eyelashes. "I'm sorry I didn't trust you more Gabe. I didn't listen. Rose knows what happened...ask her...I'm almost out of time Gabriel." A look of regret passed over her face just then, but never fear.

"Don't say that Kaity," he said, "you're going to be fine." He said this with as much confidence as he could find, but he could no longer suppress his tears, which now fell freely into Kait's frozen hair.

"I don't want it to end like this Gabe," she said. "Don't be sad."She feebly reached her hand up to gently wipe his tears away. "I want you to be happy Gabriel, I love you."

Gabriel looked heavenward to the stars in an attempt to find his strength. Looking back down to Kaity, he said, "Kaity, I...I can't be happy without you, you're my life, you're my...I can't...I..." He took a deep breath. "I love you Kait. I've always loved you." His tears had subsided now, and he help her tightly to his chest. "Don't leave me Kaity!"

"I know you love me Gabriel, I always have...It was nice to hear you say it just once though..." Kaity smiled weakly up at him. "I don't want to go Gabriel, I want to stay with you, it's where I belong...but it isn't up to me anymore. Don't forget me Gabriel." She was fading quickly now, and it was all she could do just to keep her eyes open.

"Kaity, I'm so sorry, I was a fool. Know that I love you Kaity...I always will. I could never forget you." With that, Gabriel pulled Kait up to him, and he kissed her with all the passion and tenderness he had always felt for her but had been to afraid to express. Later in his life, Gabriel would come to look at this moment as the most beautifully happy and bittersweet of his life.

Kait smiled up at him once again, using the last of her strength to open her eyes and say, "Thus...with a kiss...I die. I love you Gabriel."Her eyes closed as she said the last word. She fell back into his arms motionless.

"Kait? Kaity?! Can you hear me Kaity? Kait, please...Oh Kaity," he moaned, cradling her motionless body. "I'm so sorry. Oh, God please, not my Kaity..." He sat like that, rocking her in his arms until daybreak when the Carpathia came and he was forced to let her go. To let her go forever. Unimaginable pain coursed through his body as a crewman gently lifted Kaity from his arms. Kaity was gone...forever.

It would be over a day before Gabriel had the strength to go in search of Rose. She was in the infirmary of course, recovering from the severe hypothermia she had suffered. Her eyes opened as he sat on the coarse blanket beside her. "Hello Rose," he said gently. "How are you feeling?"

Rose looked at him strangely, confused at first. Then the realization hit her. "You're Kait's friend aren't you? Gabriel was it?"

"Yes," Gabe replied, only wincing slightly at the mention of his Kaity. "She told me right before....she told me you could tell me what happened to her after I saw her onto the lifeboat. Is that true? Can you help me Rose?"

Rose nodded weakly, closing her eyes as though trying to gather her thoughts. "Well, as you know, she got onto the lifeboat. You were standing there, on the deck next to.." She paused for a moment and swallowed hard before continuing. "Anyway, I think you turned away, did you not?"

"Yes," Gabe said nodding. "Just before Jack called your name and ran off..." He allowed his sentence to trail as Rose was succumbed to forceful tears. "Oh Rose," he said, "I'm so sorry. I had forgotten that Jack...that he...I'm so sorry Rose."

After a time, Rose's tears subsided for the moment. "I would suppose that I'm just not ready to talk about...about Jack. I will try to tell you about your Kaity, however, being that is what she wanted for me to do. You see, after you put her in the lifeboat..." Rose's eyes glazed over as she was encompassed by her memories.

* * * * * * * * * * *

Numbing pain gripped Rose as she sat cold and alone in the life raft. Jack's resolve shown through the pain on his face as he looked down on her. He had made it clear that she was to be saved, it was what he wanted. Rose's eyes helplessly scanned the raft for the answer to a question she hadn't realized she'd asked. A girl about her age caught her eye...was that Kait?

Suddenly the girl in question had leaped to her feet, and dove off the raft and back onto the doomed ship. Sitting still just a moment longer, Rose soon followed suit and also jumped off the raft, desperate to be reunited with her Jack. Almost missing the edge of the Promenade, several people had to stop to help her over. Kait was among them.

They stood staring at each other for but a second, but in that second they both knew their feelings were the same. Neither could allow their love to die alone. "Good luck," Kaity whispered just before they turned in unison to go off in search of their prospective loves.

Rose was not to see Kaity again until the very last moments of the sinking. As she and Jack ran to the rear of the great ship, they passed a group of panicked passengers encircling a priest, praying for salvation. Kait was among them, silent tears wetting her face.

As Kait stood from her kneeling position, Rose was struck by her confident movements, and her still apparent grace. The bravery on her face was only slightly marred by her pain. "Rose," she breathed, "I'm so glad you found him." She gestured to Jack.

"Where is your Gabriel? Did you not find him?" Rose glanced around, as if expecting him to appear at any moment. Kait's confidence shattered, and her head fell. She shook her head, her wild hair flying.

"He isn't here," she said. "I didn't trust him Rose. He said he'd come for me and I didn't listen..." The remembrance of the past hour sent a flood of memories into Kait's head all at once....

* * * * * * * * * * *

Turning away from Rose, Kait found herself facing the main first class stairwell, a part of the ship she had never seen. She was awed for a moment by the ostentatiousness of it, the sheer luxury. She had thought the third class common room a beautiful sight, but it paled in comparison...

She disregarded these thoughts as she bounded up the awe-inspiring stairs as quickly as possible. She ran to the last place she had seen Gabriel, on the boat deck next to what had been her life raft...but which had been hers? It could be the one to the left...or the one behind her...or that one to the aft. It could be any of them!

"Oh, God," Kaity thought, "which one was it? And where is my Gabriel?" With thoughts of Gabriel, she started of running, not quite sure where she was running, or even why. She ran from lifeboat to lifeboat, searching for Gabriel's familiar black hair, his tall strong figure, his deep eyes.

A strong pair of arms grabbed her suddenly, holding her still. Kait looked up to see the face of her assailant, but at that moment a flare went off overhead, momentarily blinding her. When time surrendered her vision, she was surprised to find that these strong arms belonged to Mr. Caledon Hockley, Rose's ex-fiance. Rose had told Kait about him.

Frightened, Kait struggled to get away from the man, but his grip was firm, and she was worn from the events of the evening. Exasperated, he pulled her away from the remaining boats and pressed her up against a wall, anger flashing in his eyes.

"Listen, whatever your name is, listen to me," he whispered harshly. "I don't want to have to hurt you, but I will if needs be. I just want your help. You are familiar with my...fiancé, Rose Dewitt-Bukator, are you not? I need to...speak to her, she has something of great...sentimental value to me. A beautiful necklace...That isn't the point. The point is, will you help me?" He shook her to emphasize his disparity.

Kait shrank away from him in feigned fear. Cal, sensing her to be terrified, loosened his grip on her just enough. Kait flew into action, twisting out of his grasp and punching him in the face with all the force she had in her. She turned and ran in the opposite direction. She had only run a few feet, however, when she saw one of Gabriel's friends.

"You're name is Tommy, isn't it?" she asked. "You know my...friend Gabe, don't you?" She glanced over her shoulder to see a very angry Caledon Hockley advancing on her. She turned back to Tommy, a look of pleading fear in her eyes. Tommy glanced behind her, then looked down to nod to her his understanding.

As Cal grabbed her arm, Tommy stepped between them, startling Cal to the extent of releasing her. Kait took a step back, into the arms of Fabrizio, another of Gabe's friends. He shielded her from what was to come next, so all that she does know is that Mr Hockley was lying on the deck when it was all over.

Kait turned to Tommy to thank him, but he just returned her gaze questioningly. "Why aren't ya with yer Gabe?" he asked.

"Whatever do you mean?" Kait asked, confusion and dread spreading within her.

"I saw your Gabriel get into a boat a while back. I guessed ya'd be with him," Tommy said. "Why would he leave ya here?"

Kait was beyond hearing. "Gabriel," she thought, "Gabriel got off this ship. He was coming for me. He told me he would! Oh, why didn't I listen?"

Tommy and Fabrizio soon left to search for some form of salvation, but Kait was still frozen to that spot, contemplating her own doom. She wandered the length of the boat, and found solace gathered around the ship's priest. She kneeled before him and began to pray....

* * * * * * * * * * *

Back in the present, Kait fell again to her knees as her slight frame was racked by forceful sobs.

Rose quickly dropped to her knees beside Kait, oblivious to the hoards of people surging around them in every direction, gently wrapped her arms around Kait's trembling shoulders. "You did what you did with good intentions Kaity. Now you have to try to save yourself so you can live to see him again."

This thought seemed to clear Kait's numbed mind a bit. "You are right Rose. It's done now, I have to change my destiny, not dwell on the past," she said. With that, her tears quickly subsided and she rose gracefully to her feet.

Kait was to stay with Jack and Rose throughout the remainder of the sinking. As the three floated half frozen in the Atlantic after the ship went down, Jack allowed Kait and Rose the place on the piece of floating driftwood. Being that both did not fit, the lower half of Kait's body remained in the frozen water below.

"Rose?" Kait asked after Jack and Rose's passionate whispering had stopped, "Tell Gabriel that I'm sorry. Tell him that I want him to be happy Rose. And Rose? Watch over my Gabe. Help him to be happy. Please Rose?"

Rose was hesitant to make suck a life changing promise. She took a slow breath to clear her thoughts before slowly nodding her agreement. "I will Kait. I'll watch over him for you, I swear it."

With that, their conversations ended, and the deadly quiet once again set in. It was not until the life boat began ever slowly approaching that Kaity spoke again.

"Rose," she started, "tell Gabriel that I'll be waiting for him. I love him so much Rose. I'm going to miss him, but I know he'll come for me some day. Thank you Rose, he means the world to me."

Rose opened her mouth as if to reply, but she was silenced by a loud shout. "Is there anyone alive out there?" it called. "Can anyone hear me?"

Rose turned to Jack. Kaity was never to hear what was said between them, but she saw the look on Rose's face as she moved to call out to the boat. Silent tears ran down her ashen cheeks, her fiery spirit doused by the cold water which had enveloped the great "unsinkable" ship, as well as the love of her life.

Stiff limbs barely supporting her, Rose propelled herself somehow off the saving piece of driftwood, and back into the numbing pain of the water. She moved slowly, have swimming and half drowning. When she reached the man's body, she pulled the whistle away from his frozen lips. Placing it to her mouth, she blew with more force than she thought possible...

* * * * * * * * * * *

"And that is all. You know the rest, I believe," Rose whispered. Her tears had stopped now, though her pain never would.

"I thank you Rose. You were a good friend my Kaity. Thank you for telling me her story, I know how painful it was," Gabriel said.

Rose nodded in return, words failing her. She would learn to control her tears. Her Jack was gone. This thought hit her with a renewed pain, and she bowed her head in remembrance.

"I'll leave you now Rose, you need your rest. I promise you, we'll be seeing more of each other, this isn't the end," he said as he rose from her bed and turned to leave the room.

"Wait," Rose called. "Gabe, may I ask your name? Your full name?"

Gabe turned to face her, pausing a moment to gaze into Rose's deep blue eyes. "I'm so sorry Rose," he said. "How rude of me. My name is Gabriel Calvert." With that he nodded his goodbye, turned, and left the room.

The End

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