Today in Titanic History - with Searching
Today in Titanic History Wednesday, March 12, 2025 | 1912 - 1st class survivor Mrs Mary Graham Carmichael Marvin married Daniel Warner Marvin, who was also on the Titanic, in New York City, New York, USA. Their return trip from their honeymoon in Europe was on the Titanic.
1998 - James Cameron's movie "Titanic" was released into theaters in Croatia.
1997 - The sinking scenes for James Cameron's movie "Titanic" were filmed from the 6th to the 12th and were the most expensive filming days in motion picture history.
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Short stories: The Princess of Amen-Ra
Rated G
© 1999 The Piersons @ pierson@triplet.net
based on some characters and situations originated by James Cameron
One day the Princess of Amen-Ra died, and she was buried in a fashionable mummy case. She died in ancient Egypt. Hundreds
of thousands of years later, she was dug up and put up for auction. Four men bid, until finally one paid about fifteen thousand
dollars for the mummy case and the remains of the Princess. Finally, tragic things began to happen and twenty people died and
ten were injured that had to do with handling the mummy case as it was bought and the sold by many people. A man that had
bought it, started to hear strange noises coming from the attic, where he had stored the mummy case. He called a psychic and
upon her arrival, she was seized with fits. She asked where the evil spirit was and he told her the noises were from the attic. She
told the man to sell the mummy case as fast as he could. But no museum would take it, for the stories of the mummy case had
spread. Finally a dumb American bought it and had it put on the ship he would be traveling on, a White Star Line cruise ship, that
was to leave on her maiden voyage. That ship was on her fourth day. It hit an iceberg and sank. The mummy case accompanied
over fifteen hundred to their deaths, including her new master -- the ship was Titanic.

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