Rated PG-13
© 1999 Matt Easterbrook
based on some characters
and situations originated by James Cameron
Have any of you ever wondered what "Titanic"
would be like if Oliver Stone had created the film instead of James Cameron?
Well, believe it or not, Oliver Stone had written a version of Cameron's script,
using all his characters, before James decided to use his own. Here are a few
excerpts from the would-be film:
LOVETT: Well, here it is, the moment of truth.
Here's where we find out if the time, the sweat, the money spent to charter
this ship and these subs, to come out here to the middle of the North Atlantic...
were worth it. If what we think is in that safe... it will change the course
of history forever.
BODINE: Oh God, boss, is that what I think it
LOVETT: Yes. My theory was right. There was a
conspiracy to sink the Titanic.
ROSE: I don't see what all the fuss is about.
It doesn't look any bigger than the Mauretania.
CAL: You can be blase about some things Rose,
but not about Titanic. It's over a hundred feet longer than Mauretania, and
far more luxurious. (under his breath) Oh Rose, if only you knew the truth.
But you can't be told. No one must find out the truth. Ever.
(Rose comes running along past Jack. She is about
to jump overboard when ...)
JACK: Don't do it! Don't be absurd, you'll be killed. (under his breath) This
is the chance I've been waiting for.
ROSE: (almost falls) Aaaaaah! Help, help!
JACK: I've got you, I won't let go! (pulls her up, when suddenly CAL comes on
to the scene).
CAL: (instant recognition ... series of quick
edits of mass destruction to show what's going through his mind. But he recovers
quickly). How dare you put your hands on my fiancee? (The two men engage in
a tense battle of stares, as if one suspect's the other's secrets).
ROSE: This is Jack Dawson. He saved me. Let's
all be friends, shall we?
(Cal is seen whispering to J Bruce Ismay, then
ISMAY: The maiden voyage of Titanic must make
SMITH: I prefer not to push the engines until
they've been properly run in.
ISMAY: (frowning). I leave it to your offices.
(B&W flashbacks to a child drowning in an ice-fishing hole. Luckily we see
an adult there to save him. But turgid images keep flashing across the screen,
representing an omen of things to come ...)
JACK: And that's how I became petrified
of water. (CAL and ISMAY are seen walking nearby). I've told you my life story,
but what about yours?
ROSE: Oh what would you care? You're probably
thinking, poor little rich girl, why does she feel sorry for herself?
JACK: (voice over) Actually I was thinking about
how I'll be able to get you in bed while protecting you from the secret that
could end your life ... and that of millions of others.
FLEET: The water's calm. Too calm. Something's not right here. Hey, where are
the binoculars? (B&W flashbacks of gloved hands sneaking binoculars off
ship at Southampton). (ROSE and JACK are kissing on the deck. CAL and ISMAY
look at each other. They nod. ISMAY heads to the bridge. The following happens
in a series of very quick editing, with 41 different stocks of film being used
and some inverted and backwards, for effect. Others are B&W.)
CAL: Hey, look at that! (pointing to ROSE and
FLEET: Awww, isn't that sweet. (looks for a while,
then returns to gaze over the sea). Iceberg, dead ahead!
(ISMAY has killed the crewman who was steering,
and has taken over, driving the ship into the iceberg, mortally wounding it.)
(water has filled halfway up. CAL fires his gun
at JACK multiple times).
CAL: I hope you enjoy your time together!!! (he
then gets on a boat with ISMAY and sails away to safety).
(JACK and ROSE are hanging onto a raft, with
JACK losing life with each dying breath).
JACK: Promise me, you'll never let go.
ROSE: I promise. I will never let go, Jack. I'll
never let go. (We are treated to repeated images of Jack passing something into
Rose's hand before he slips into the water).
BODINE: Holy shit, boss! I can't
believe it.
LOVETT: Believe it. Hockley and
Ismay were supporters of the then-underground Communist Party in Russia. They
wanted to kill the powerful American politician Joseph Kennedy. But they needed
a scapegoat. The boat provided a perfect opportunity. But they hadn't counted
on the fact that Dawson was an American spy, and had warned Kennedy of the disaster
that lay ahead. Therefore Kennedy decided not to take the boat. Hero that he
was, Dawson stayed on board the ship to try and prevent the disaster from happening.
He knew that on board were secret plans to launch an attack on Cuba, even though
it had nothing to do with the whole situation. It was just something Ismay felt
was necessary. Dawson went down to the boiler room to tell everybody that there
would be a disaster that night, and to shut all the watertight doors. Everyone
thought he was a nutcase, however, and no one paid any heed.
OLD ROSE: Yes, and here are the
secret documents that prove it all. (dumps them overboard, and then dies).
BODINE: Aw, man!!!!
LOVETT: No, Lewis. It's best that some things remain unknown.
(end credits).
The End