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Today in Titanic History - with Searching
Today in
Titanic History

Tuesday, January 14, 2025
1965 - 2nd class survivor Mrs Sylvia Mae Caldwell died of pneumonia in Normal, Illinois, USA at the age of 81.

1880 - 3rd class passenger Mr Karl Alfred Backström was born.

1957 - 3rd class survivor Miss Agnes Mccoy died in Brooklyn, New York, USA at the age of 74. Though the death certificate states heart attack, the family claims Agnes died during a burglary of her apartment. Foul play seems to be suggested because numerous bruises were found on her neck and face and by the fact that a coroners investigation was conducted.

1892 - 3rd class survivor Miss Anna Katherine Kelly was born to John Kelly and Ellen Flaherty in Cuilmullagh, County Mayo, Ireland.

1873 - 3rd class survivor Mrs Rhoda Mary 'Rosa' Abbott was born to Joseph Hunt and Sarah Green Hunt in Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire, England, UK.

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