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Today in Titanic History - with Searching
Today in
Titanic History

Sunday, March 9, 2025
1867 - 1st class survivor Miss Grace Scott Bowen was born.

1864 - 1st class survivor Mr Algernon Henry Wilson Barkworth was born.

1870 - 1st class survivor Mr Edwin Nelson Jr. Kimball was born to Edwin Kimball and Emma Cook Kimball in Atlanta, Georgia, USA.

1980 - 3rd class survivor Miss Helen Corr died in The Bronx, New York City, New York, USA at the age of 84.

1997 - The sinking scenes for James Cameron's movie "Titanic" were filmed from the 6th to the 12th and were the most expensive filming days in motion picture history.

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Titanic: A Love Story
by Shannon O'Cork

Review by: Corey Ann
Rating: R

Titanic: A Love Story is an intricate tale woven around numerous passengers in first class. The first family that this story touches is the Lockholm family, whom consists of Swan and Smoke, two fifteen year old twins, and their nanny Mrs. Twiggs. Bayard and Audrey are their parents. Also along on this trip is Burt and Victoria VanVoorst, whom are expecting their first child. And finally, Lady Nicola Pomeroy, and Dove, her mother, whom Captain Smith has taken a fancy to.

The twins, Smoke and Swan may be strikingly alike on the outside, but on the inside they are as different as two girls could be. Swan has finally met her penpal Danny, whom is a violinist on board the Titanic. They begin to have a love affair, which Smoke disdains. Secretly, Smoke desires Danny as well, even if he is below their class. Who will get Danny first? Who will leave the ship as the virgin?

Smoke and Swan's governess is Mrs. Twiggs, whom really isn't a Mrs. She has taken the name for dignity's sake. She cares for Swan and Smoke dearly, perhaps more than their mother has. She has raised them from when they were babes. Secretly she fancies Col. Gracie. She also holds a great disrespect for the Mr. and Mrs. for their lack of help in rasing their daughters. Will Mrs. Twigg leave the twins after an episode with Swan that leaves Mrs. Twigg flabbergasted?

Audrey Lockholm is obsessed with her husband, and will do anything to protect him. In a weak moment, Audrey sought out a psychic, and the psychic forwarned Bay's death. She warned her of a woman with red hair, and of an ivory moon. Audrey is obsessed with this, and will do anything to stop it, even if it means paying for his soul...

Bayard Lockholm is obsessed with his work, and his wife. He is a co-owner of the IMM with JP Morgan, and is on board to make sure that Titanic's first trip is a smooth one, and to also watch over Bruce Ismay, whom has came off as a bit untrustworthy. Will his money be his key to survival?

Burt VanVoorst is not a handsome man, but he is a wealthy man, and he has a wife that adores him. When Burt finds out a deep dark secret about his wife, will he be strong enough to go on?

Victoria VanVoorst has a dark secret that few know. One of those few are on board the Titanic, and he is willing to spill the beans about her sordid past. She has kept a blue vial of cyanide close by since she married Burt, will she use it once Burt finds out her secret? Will the baby survive?

Lady Nicola Pomeroy is a widow traveling back to her homeland with her Mother, Dove. Leaving her life, and memories of her husband's tragic demise behind, or so she hoped. Someone from that past tries to meet again, and bring back all the painful feelings once again of a night she wished she could forget. Will he win? Or will Nicola come out on top?

Dove is a dove, and a heavenly creature for all to behold. Enchanted by her beauty, Captain E.J. Smith falls for Dove, and Dove falls for him. Will E. J. Smith leave his wife to begin anew with Dove? Or will Dove lose to the old and comfortable?

To find out the whole story I recommend reading this gripping tale on board of the Titanic. Any Titanic enthusiast should enjoy this read, which is an easy one!

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