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Today in Titanic History - with Searching
Today in
Titanic History

Thursday, March 6, 2025
1892 - 3rd class passenger Miss Bridget Delia Mahon was born to Michael Mahon and Ann Cawley.

1861 - 3rd class passenger Mr Carl / Charles Peter Widegren was born in Algutsrum, Öland Island, Sweden.

1894 - Assistant Waiter Mr Maurice Emile Victor Debreucq was born in France.

1998 - James Cameron's movie "Titanic" was released into theaters in Lithuania, Estonia, Romania, Latvia, and Bulgaria.

1872 - Saloon Steward and survivor Mr Alexander James Littlejohn was born in Whitechapel London England, UK.

1997 - The sinking scenes for James Cameron's movie "Titanic" were filmed from the 6th to the 12th and were the most expensive filming days in motion picture history.

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Columns: Corey's Article

To do, or not to do...that is the question. Do you salvage people's graves in hopes to preserve a bit of the Edwardian era for future generations? Or, do you let the wreck rest in peace, and leave the site so that future generations can appreciate the wreckage of a grand ship?

In salvaging the graves of the 1500 souls that were lost on the Titanic, you can gain something. You can gain knowledge from a world long gone. Teachers can preach it, and books can teach it, but when you believe it is when you see it, feel it, touch it. Pictures can say a thousand words, but when you hold something in your hands, words can't describe it. This stands true with the artifacts that have been recovered from the wreck. Stories have been told about people bursting into tears after visiting the touring museum that carries a few of the recovered artifacts. I have even been moved after seeing a simple bracelet that had the name "Amy" spelled out in diamonds. These small things bring reality to a situation that seems to be a fairy tale, with a drastic ending. This feeling could have in no way ben recreated with a picture. Without the salvaging of the wreck, this would have never been possible.

In preserving the site, and declaring it a historical landmark, we preserve history. We can preserve the wreck of the Titanic much like the wreck of the Arizona is protected. This is a graveyard, and should be respected as such. Although the bodies are long gone, the wreck itself is the symbol of all that was lost on that long night. 2200 lives were drastically changed at that site, but only 1500 of those people suffered a tragic death. The remaining 700 people also died that night, their lives as they knew it died that night. The people they once were died that night, and that site marks the beginning of 700 lives, as well as the death of 1500. This site also stands as a living monument of sorts to the survivors, whom looked death in the face, and lived to talk about it. This site is probably the largest monument that is not recognized as such. Should we destroy this monument just for a few artifacts and tokens from the wreck? I do not know the answers to this question. To be able to relive the tragedy? Or to let the dead rest in peace. Each person holds their answer in their hearts. I cannot change your mind, nor can you change mine. There are always two sides to every story, and there is never a definitive right or wrong. In this case, this rings true. There is much to be gained from both sides, but which side to choose? So, I leave you with the question, to do? Or not to do?

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