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Is There Life After Love?: Part 2

Rated PG-13
© 1999 Jana Clayton @
based on some characters
and situations originated by James Cameron

October 1912

Rose Dawson was still working as a nanny for Elizabeth Vimont half a year later. She also happened to be at Mrs. Vimont's home when her contractions and labor began. Gently guiding her upstairs to her own bedroom, Elizabeth called the doctor on the telephone downstairs. He would be on his way as soon as possible.

The contractions were getting closer and shorter. The doctor walked in the front door at just the right time. He heard Rose scream in pain, and they both hurried to console her. Rose pushed hard for almost eight hours. Finally, the doctor announced, "I see the head! Another pushor two." Three pushes later Rose collapsed from exhaustion as her baby was born. "It's a boy!" the doctor told her.

Elizabeth had a towel and water ready to clean up the baby. She wrapped him up and handed Rose the sweet bundle. "Jack Dawson, this son of yours is the best physical memory you could have given me!" she whispered under her breath to the apparition she saw smiling at her, who was whispering words of comfort by her side. "Jack Tyler Dawson," she decided was to be his name as the doctor filled out the birth certificate. She felt her husband's lips on hers as though he was alive in the room with her. Even though Jack Dawson was her secret from a haunted past, she chose to name their son after his father, to further remind her of his eternal adoration for his sweet Rose.

Rose stayed with Elizabeth until she was able to travel with Jack. The first chance she got, she boarded a train to Los Angeles. She worked odd jobs to pay for a room to live in and money for a babysitter, even though she took Jack with her to the movie studios where she acted. She could have easily sold the beautiful necklace in her possession. She decided against it, as it was another proof that Jack Dawson was real. His only drawing of her was now sitting in a safe at the bottom of the North Atlantic, her other secret that time would protect for her.

She was even offered a contract as a singer, which she did for a few years at the same time she was an actress. Her best-selling album "Come Josephine In my Flying Machine" brought back sweet memories, as it was her and Jack's "song".