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Today in Titanic History - with Searching
Today in
Titanic History

Tuesday, October 22, 2024
1886 - 1st class survivor Mr George Achilles Harder was born to Victor Achilles Harder and Minnie Mehl Harder in New York City, New York, USA.

1974 - 2nd class survivor Mrs Antonine Marie Mallet died in Paris, France at the age of 86.

1888 - 3rd class passenger Mr Nils Martin Ödahl was born to Ola Öhdal and Hanna Nilsson.

1887 - 3rd class passenger Mr René Aimé Lievens was born in Heldergem, Belgium.

1926 - Able Seaman and survivor Mr William Henry Lionel Weller died in a shipwreck at the age of 44.

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Starting Anew: Chapter 8, The Dinner

Rated PG-13
© 1999 Shirley @
based on some characters
and situations originated by James Cameron

Rose and Jack walked the two blocks from the elevated to the place he had chosen for dinner. It was in the Italian section of New York, and was a place he had found when Rose was ill. Whenever Molly had watched Rose, she sent Jack out to get some fresh air. On one of his walks around the city he had found himself in front of Trattoria Rosa at dinnertime. Seeing the name, he went in. The couple who owned it, recent immigrants, had been so kind to Jack. He had felt comfortable enough with them to share the story of what had happened to Rose and himself. When he had stopped by yesterday to tell them he would be bringing Rose for a special dinner, they were honored and promised a special menu and table just for the two of them.

As they approached the little cafe, Rose looked up at the sign and smiled at Jack. He certainly put a great deal of thought into everything he did, she mused to herself. As they went in, she noticed that it was just a little neighborhood place with plaid tablecloths and a single candle on each table. Vito, the young owner, introduced himself to Rose and greeted Jack in his warm, welcoming way. He led Rose and Jack to a table for two in a darkened corner of the restaurant. A vase with a single red rose stood on the table, along with a bottle of red wine and two sparkling glasses. Rose was impressed. Jack really knew how to do things properly. To her, this simply set table looked as elegant as anything she had ever seen in any Philadelphia mansion. Jack looked at her expectantly. He was waiting for some reaction from her, any reaction. He did so want to please her. He pulled out her chair to seat her and then sat down across from Rose. As he sat, Rose put his mind at ease. She laid her hand over his and gave him her most dazzlingly smile. The expression on her face told him everything he needed to know, how special she felt. Jack smiled back at her and visibly relaxed. Things were going to be fine.

Vito began carrying out dish after dish of tempting food. One thing that Jack knew about was Italian food. Before he and Fabrizio started on their long journey to America, he had stayed with his friend and learned to enjoy this type of cooking. For a moment Jack felt a sharp pang of grief thinking about his dead friend. Jack would always remember him. Tonight, however, he would focus on happier things, like a life with Rose. She seemed to be enjoying everything on her plate. Rosa, Vito's wife, stood and watched excitedly from the kitchen doorway as Rose and Jack ate her carefully prepared food. She had a feeling that something special was going to happen tonight.

Rose and Jack had talked about everything over dinner. They had finished the wine and the wonderful food. Jack, who was hardly knew the meaning of the word nervous, started to feel his hands grow cold. For what he was about to say in a few minutes would change his life forever. While he had no control over what had happened in that poker game in Southampton, tonight, he was fully in charge of his destiny. Provided of course, Rose agreed to become his wife.

The restaurant was becoming quieter as the last few diners finished their meals. Vito had stopped coming to their table. They were alone in their little corner. "This is it," thought Jack. And so he decided to plunge ahead in his usual straightforward manner.

Rose was just finishing her last bite of food and had her head down. Jack took her free hand and she looked up at him. He was gazing at her with that penetrating look of his. She could feel the electricity between them.

"Rose," he began and then stopped. This was not going to be so easy after all.

"What is it, Jack?" she asked.

He took a deep breath and thought how unbelievable this was. That Jack from everywhere and nowhere, was asking Miss Rose DeWitt Bukater, formerly of Philadelphia society to be his wife. "Okay, Jack, stop thinking and get on with it," he told himself. Rose still had her hand in his and was waiting for him to speak again. "Rose.....I think we should get married, that is, I want you to marry me." "There, I got it out," said Jack to himself.

Rose put her hand on her chest and closed her eyes. The mood seemed heavy now and Jack was worried, as Rose gave no response. She dropped his hand and leaned back in her chair. Then she opened her eyes and with a sort of sideways mischievous grin she quietly said, "Why Mr. Dawson, I thought you would never ask."

It was a good thing that the restaurant was almost empty because Jack in his usual exuberance, slammed one hand on the table and let out a loud yahoo. Rose no longer trying to be demure sat with her whole body shaking with laughter.

Vito and Rosa heard all this from the kitchen. They grabbed another bottle of wine and quietly approached Jack and Rose's table. By now Jack and Rose were holding each other's hands and their love was mirrored on their faces.

"May we join you?" asked Vito.

"Please do," said Rose.

Vito introduced the two Rose's to each other. Rosa looked at Jack, "So this is the beautiful Rose you worry about. Now you have a good life with her."

Rose was blushing furiously as Vito poured more wine and proposed a toast to Jack and Rose. Rosa continued relating her story to Rose, " Poor Jack, he comes here so worried about his Rosie. We feed him and try to cheer him up and he tells us the sad story of what you have been through."

Rose looked at Jack and realized how desperate he must have been during her illness to have confided in people who were strangers to him. They all talked awhile longer and Jack noticed Rose yawning. He had forgotten that this was her first day out of the hospital.

"Rosa, Vito, thank you so much for everything," said Jack.

"Oh yes," said Rose. " It was a perfect evening."

Amid much hugging and good-byes Rosa gave one last call to them as they left. "Next time, you bring bambinos."

Rose and Jack waved and looked at each other in wonder.

Rose fell asleep in the taxi on the way back to the hotel. She vaguely remembered walking through the lobby and Jack unlocking the door to what he told her was Molly's suite. Rose went into the bathroom and splashed cool water on her face. She was so tired that she could hardly think. But she did know for certain that she couldn't be happier. Jack had promised that the next few days would be busy ones, for they had much to do to prepare for a wedding.

Rose walked into the beautiful bedroom that was to be hers for the next few nights. Her thoughts were jarred for a moment by the vision of Cal entering her room on Titanic to present her with that necklace. "What happened to it," she wondered. Well, she knew she was happier without it. She only wanted Jack. She donned the nightgown that was on the bed. She was just getting under the covers, when Jack knocked.

"Oh, Jack, come in," she said. He approached the bed and pulled the blanket up gently around her shoulders. She looked at him questioningly with her sapphire eyes.

He answered her unspoken words, "Not tonight Rose. We're both too tired. We've got a lifetime ahead of us."

"Oh Jack," she sighed. "I don't know how I can be so lucky."

He bent down and kissed her with a promise of what was to come.

"I'll wake you up around 8, all right?" he asked.

"Mmmhmm" murmured Rose almost asleep. Jack turned off the lamp and shut the door. Life had been good to him. Right now it seemed a bit unreal, but certainly wonderful.

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