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Today in Titanic History - with Searching
Today in
Titanic History

Tuesday, October 22, 2024
1886 - 1st class survivor Mr George Achilles Harder was born to Victor Achilles Harder and Minnie Mehl Harder in New York City, New York, USA.

1974 - 2nd class survivor Mrs Antonine Marie Mallet died in Paris, France at the age of 86.

1888 - 3rd class passenger Mr Nils Martin Ödahl was born to Ola Öhdal and Hanna Nilsson.

1887 - 3rd class passenger Mr René Aimé Lievens was born in Heldergem, Belgium.

1926 - Able Seaman and survivor Mr William Henry Lionel Weller died in a shipwreck at the age of 44.

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Rose's Angel: Chapter 19

Rated PG-13
© 1999 Holly @
based on some characters
and situations originated by James Cameron Eliza was beautiful. She let her long, thick, blue-black hair cascade down upon her bare shoulders in curls. The wedding gown would have been considered scandalous in Rose's old world. It was an off the shoulder cream-colored dress made of silk, and very plain, except for the tiny pearls outlining her small waist. The train was three feet long, and the entire gown was trimmed with lace.

Allan looked dashing in his black tuxedo with tails as he anxiously waited Eliza at the bottom of the stairs. Rose almost giggled at the sight of Allan, the most serious person she knew, fidgeting with nervous energy. Brandon stood dutifully next to him, trying his best to keep Allan calm.

As the wedding music began to play, Rose descended the staircase. She had pulled her hair up for the first time since sailing on the Titanic. Her curly, long auburn hair was pulled up with tiny pearl ribbons. Loose curls that would not or could not be tied back fell around her face. She had put her foot down when it came to wearing a corset; that would have reminded her too much of the chains that once held her captive. Rose wore a floor length gown made of pink silk underneath and sheer light pink material on top of the silk. She carried a bouquet of pink roses cut fresh from the garden that morning.

Brandon stood waiting to take her arm as she reached the bottom. "You look beautiful," he whispered in her ear.

Rose beamed. She loved how she felt at this moment, so alive and free and happy. 'Thank you Jack,' she thought. 'Thank you for saving me so I could experience this moment and feel this joy.'

Jack watched her walk down the stairs and into Brandon's arms. She looked heavenly. He longed to be with her in body, not just in spirit. Brandon was going to ask her if he could go with her to California tonight. Although Rose did not know she was going to California, Jack did. Rose would say yes. He knew it. He must not prevent it, or let her know how he felt. He could feel her joy at this moment; he let it flow through him. Jack let her emotions consume him. It gave him strength to help her go on and him to continue to deal with his own sorrow.

The ceremony was beautiful. Eliza and Allan said their vows -- ones that they had written for each other. Rose drifted when they were promising each other eternal love. She could almost see herself and Jack standing there in their place. She closed her eyes and pictured Jack dressed in formal wear. He was so handsome. Those blue eyes that could see into her soul were staring intently into hers. They were being married.

"You must promise me you will survive," Jack was saying. 'NO, NO,' she thought. She brought herself back to reality.

Brandon took her hand. He had lost her for a moment to a memory, and a pain she would share with no one.

Rose saw the look of concern on his face. "I finally have the family I always wanted," she whispered in his ear.

Brandon squeezed her hand.

"I now pronounce you man and wife," the minister said.

Allan kissed Eliza full on the lips.

Brandon turned and looked longingly at Rose. "I am not letting you leave tomorrow without me," he said a bit more harshly than he had intended.

Rose looked stunned.

Thank God Allan turned and embraced her. "Wish me congratulations, dear sister."

The rest of the evening was a blur. Rose was kept quite busy being Eliza's attendant, which gave her the perfect excuse not to discuss her leaving with Brandon. Greeting all the guests, easily occupied her time. If she had to kiss or hug one more person she would scream, or so she thought.

Senator Smith said, "Rose, I have a dear friend of mine I would like you to meet. She has been very involved in helping Titanic survivors. I am sure you two would have a lot in common."

Rose looked into the shocked eyes of Molly Brown. 'This must be a day for surprises and reunions. Maybe the good Lord wanted to see how much I could endure in one day. Too late, I have survived the Titanic,' Rose thought, a faint smile crossing her face.

"Rose De-- I mean Rose, is that you?" Molly stammered.

Rose's eyes instantly filled with the raw pain she thought she hid so well. Seeing Molly was bringing back a flood of memories.

"He didn't make it, did he, darlin'?" Molly inquired softly. Tears began to fill Molly's eyes as she thought of the sweet man who shined up like a new penny. 'The world lost a fine young man,' Molly thought sadly.

Rose didn't have to answer, her eyes told the horrible truth.

"Well, how are you doing, darlin'?" Molly asked, trying to change the mood.

"I am doing very well," answered Rose.

The rest of the evening Rose told Molly of all of her adventures from the past two years -- how she had helped seek the truth as to why Titanic sank. She told about fishing in Africa, about Allan teaching her how to fly an airplane, and about riding a horse like a man at the Santa Monica Pier, which made Molly laugh. Some things were painful to tell Molly, such as visiting Chippewa Falls to see where Jack grew up. She explained why she let people think she died on the Titanic. Rose told her everything that had happened to her the last two years, except for how Jack died and the promise she made him. Of course, Rose did tell Molly that without Jack she would have died even if Titanic had never hit the iceberg.

Molly understood perfectly. At the end of the night, Molly gladly accepted an invitation from Rose to stop back at her apartment to see her pictures. This gave Molly the opportunity to make sure Rose was as fine as she said she was.

Rose and Molly kissed the happy couple good-bye. Rose promised Allan she would let him know where she was going when she left. Without anything else keeping them at the wedding party, the two women left holding hands looking like a mother and daughter who been reunited after years apart.

Brandon watched Rose leave. She had never answered him. In fact, she avoided him all evening. 'I am so stupid sometimes,' he thought. Eliza had told him one of these days his overconfidence was going to ruin him, and now it had. He should have discussed traveling with Rose instead of demanding to go with her. He had lost her. She was leaving for God knows where tomorrow and he would never see her again.


Now Brandon felt like he was losing his mind. He was hearing voices. He started to walk back into the party when he felt a breeze.

"You love her . . . keep fighting for her."

Brandon stopped dead. He wasn't really hearing this voice, he was feeling it. The truly crazy part was not that he wasn't actually hearing the voice, but that the voice was right. He loved her enough to fight for her. He was not about to give up. Brandon Calvert had never given up on anything in his entire life. Rose certainly was the most important person that had ever been in his life. He would not lose her. He was going over to her apartment this minute to tell her just how he felt. Somehow Brandon knew it would be okay; the voice said so. 'I am going to have to stop drinking whiskey, it makes my imagination a little too active,' he thought.

"I did it! I really did it," Jack said out loud. "I could have let him give up. I could have had Rose all to myself, but I didn't let him walk away. Instead, I gave him some of my strength. I set the wheels of fate in motion. Now Rose will never be lonely. She will have love in her life. Not just love from the grave. . . I love you Rose. . . I love you so much. . . I made sure you will continue to have love in your life, even when you were too scared to," Jack shouted.

He turned and slowly walked back inside Titanic, feeling very proud of himself.

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