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Today in Titanic History - with Searching
Today in
Titanic History

Tuesday, October 22, 2024
1886 - 1st class survivor Mr George Achilles Harder was born to Victor Achilles Harder and Minnie Mehl Harder in New York City, New York, USA.

1974 - 2nd class survivor Mrs Antonine Marie Mallet died in Paris, France at the age of 86.

1888 - 3rd class passenger Mr Nils Martin Ödahl was born to Ola Öhdal and Hanna Nilsson.

1887 - 3rd class passenger Mr René Aimé Lievens was born in Heldergem, Belgium.

1926 - Able Seaman and survivor Mr William Henry Lionel Weller died in a shipwreck at the age of 44.

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Rose's Angel: Chapter 20

Rated PG-13
© 1999 Holly @
based on some characters
and situations originated by James Cameron Molly was pleasantly surprised at Rose's apartment. "It fits you perfectly, darlin'."

"I know, don't you just love the paintings and the sculptures?" Rose said, nodding her head in agreement. "I found most of them in pawn shops, and I am proud to say I have started doing some of my own sculptures."

Molly took in every inch of Rose's home. It wasn't very big, just a bedroom, a bathroom, a sitting room, and a small kitchen. 'She must have crammed everything but the kitchen sink in the place,' Molly thought. But it was absolutely charming. To the casual observer, Rose would look like a pack rat, but Molly knew Rose was collecting mementos of her experiences to keep as evidence of a life well lived. 'Good for her,' Molly thought, making a mental note to explain to Rose that she should never feel guilty for surviving.

"These are my most precious possessions over here," Rose said, bringing Molly out of her own thoughts. In the center of the room was a table filled with literally dozens of pictures. There were so many, the top of the table couldn't even be seen.

Molly's breath caught when she saw all of the things Rose had done. Molly hated to admit it, but she really believed Rose was telling wild tales to stay off the subject of Jack. But here was the proof. There were pictures of Rose fishing in Africa, and flying an airplane. Rose at the lake in Chippewa Falls, backpacking in Europe, outside the Courthouse in the United States and England where the Titanic hearings were held, some of Rose and Allan, and Rose and Eliza, quite a few of Brandon and Rose. But one in particular caught Molly's attention. Rose was seated on top of a horse with a roller coaster behind her and she was grinning just like she did on Titanic when Jack was around. She looked so peaceful and happy.

"You really are very happy, aren't you, darlin'?" Molly asked, certain she already knew the answer.

"Yes," Rose answered. "It hasn't always been easy. I have missed Jack terribly. I have to admit that I don't know what would have happened if I had not met Allan. But I am strong and independent. I make my own decisions. I decide whom I shall be with, and who my friends are. I wake up everyday looking forward to my next adventure. I go wherever I please. And I never ever worry about appearances or proper behavior." "Neither do I. I don't have time for that stuffy proper behavior anyway," Molly said, smiling. Both women laughed.

"Rose, do you have anyone special in your life?" Molly asked, out of concern. "I know I am prying, but I don't like to think you are going to take this second chance God gave you and live it by yourself," Molly finished, a bit hesitantly. She hoped she wasn't stepping into an open wound.

"Well, of course. I have Allan, and Eliza and we are very close. The artists I have been meeting are fascinating people. And for the record, Jack gave me that second chance with God's help," Rose answered, a bit too quickly.

"Rose, I mean love, girl! Do you have the love of a man in your life?" Molly said, a little too impatiently.

'Well, Jack is always in my heart,' Rose thought, but she knew Molly would never understand the connection between herself and Jack, even after death. "There is someone," Rose said, sounding guilty.

"I knew it. You're too pretty of a girl to be all by yourself," Molly said proudly. Then sensing Rose's guilt and unhappiness, she asked, "Honey, why are you sad? Doesn't this fella make you happy?"

"Oh yes, quite happy. I love him... I mean, I love spending time with him. Its just..." and her voice trailed off.

"Its just Jack," Molly said, completing her sentence.

"Oh Molly, sometimes I feel so guilty. I will be laughing with Brandon and having the time of my life, and then Jack crosses my mind. And I can't help it; I feel like I am betraying him," Rose said, bursting into tears.

Molly took Rose in her arms and rocked her gently. "Don't you see, darlin'? Jack loved you. Anyone with eyes could see he loved you. Why do you think Cal and Ruth were pitching such a fit? I don't know exactly what happened in those final moments on the Titanic, but the Jack I knew would not want you to feel guilty, or feel that you are betraying him. The Jack I knew would want you to love and be happy. You said Jack gave you this second chance with God's help. Well, then, I suggest you should never feel guilty for surviving. You should only feel guilty if you had survived and wasted your life," Molly whispered, in her most comforting tone.

"Brandon asked to go with me when I leave in the morning. I am at such a loss over what to do," Rose said, as tears ran down her cheeks.

"Rose, do you love this man?" Molly asked quite frankly.

Rose burst out laughing.

Molly looked a bit taken aback. "Did I miss the joke?" Molly asked.

"No," Rose began, remembering Jack's words from long ago, "Do you love him? It's a simple question..."

"But to answer your question, Molly, when I look deep into my heart I have to be honest. I love Brandon very much," Rose replied.

"Rose dear, do you know how truly blessed you are? God has given you love, not once, but twice in your life. Don't be a fool and let it slip away." Molly sounded a bit like Ruth. "I am sorry. I know I am sounding harsh. I just would hate to see you lose this opportunity if you really love this man."

Rose looked Molly in the eye. For a moment she looked like a lost little girl, then right before her eyes she transformed into the woman Molly had met at the beginning of the evening. "I do believe you are right," Rose said firmly. "I love Brandon. I was blessed to have Jack and his love in my life. As much as I wish I could, I can't change the hand that fate dealt us. I would be foolish if I let Brandon get away." Rose smiled through unshed tears. "Oh Molly, would you be angry at me if I rushed you off so I could go look for Brandon? I promise I will come and say good-bye to you in the morning."

"Rose, I would be angry with you if you didn't." Molly was now smiling herself.

Rose walked Molly to the door. Molly turned to hug her, when Rose said, "Molly, I was planning on seeking you out one of these days to thank you."

"Thank me, for what?" Molly was truly puzzled.

"For being so good to Jack. You knew if you didn't help him they would have made him a joke. So for Jack and myself I thank you."

"No thanks necessary. Now you go find that young man of yours before he gets away," Molly said, opening the door.

Both women jumped at the tall handsome gentleman standing outside the door.

"Brandon!" Rose said, shocked.

"I think I will leave you two alone." Molly left quietly.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Molly opened the door of her hotel room. There he sat, looking just like he did on Titanic: his blond shaggy hair falling in his eyes, the playful grin beginning on the corners of his mouth.

"Well, Jack Dawson, a job well done. Although I must admit you scared the pants off me when you first showed yourself."

"I knew I couldn't convince Rose this is what I wanted, Molly. I wouldn't have been able to hide my feelings, she would have seen right through me. I couldn't let her know the pain it would cause me. But I reckoned an outsider, someone she trusted and who knew us both, would be able to convince her. I am sorry if I scared you. There was no other way. I don't know how I will ever be able to repay you for all you have done for me and Rose..."

"STOP!" Molly nearly shouted, unable to help herself. "No thanks whatsoever is necessary. I consider myself lucky to witness the love you and Rose have for each other even in death. If you ever need my assistance again all you have to do ask. Do you understand, Jack Dawson?"

"Yes." Jack slowly turned away.

Molly wasn't sure, but she could have sworn she saw the Titanic in all her glory, and Jack was boarding the ship. As fast as it appeared, the image disappeared. 'You really are a remarkable young man,' Molly thought.

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