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Today in Titanic History - with Searching
Today in
Titanic History

Tuesday, October 22, 2024
1886 - 1st class survivor Mr George Achilles Harder was born to Victor Achilles Harder and Minnie Mehl Harder in New York City, New York, USA.

1974 - 2nd class survivor Mrs Antonine Marie Mallet died in Paris, France at the age of 86.

1888 - 3rd class passenger Mr Nils Martin Ödahl was born to Ola Öhdal and Hanna Nilsson.

1887 - 3rd class passenger Mr René Aimé Lievens was born in Heldergem, Belgium.

1926 - Able Seaman and survivor Mr William Henry Lionel Weller died in a shipwreck at the age of 44.

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Rose's Angel: Chapter 38

Rated PG-13
© 1999 Holly @
based on some characters
and situations originated by James Cameron

Brandon had only been allowed to come home long enough for the funeral, then it was back to the war, as he so poetically put it. Rose kissed him goodbye, her eyes filled with tears. It had felt so good to be held in his strong arms, she hated to let him leave. "I love you Rose, I won't break my promise," he whispered in her ear. Then breaking their tender embrace, he walked out the door, closing it behind him.

Rose made certain Molly didn't mind staying with Eliza before she excused herself. Molly kissed her on the cheek. "Are you sure you're okay, Darlin'?" she whispered in Rose's ear.

"I'm fine, or I will be fine. Jack always said I was strong." Rose stopped, realizing she had said his name out loud.

"Well, Jack was certainly right about that," Molly said.

Not giving Molly a chance at saying another word, Rose ran into her bedroom, slamming the door behind her. Walking quietly over to the cedar chest Allan had bought for her, she slowly knelt down and lifted the lid. Digging deep to the bottom, she found what she was looking for, The Heart of the Ocean. Taking it out of the chest along with the dress she wore that fateful night, she gently cradled them in her lap. Bringing the dress to her face she inhaled deeply, almost believing she could smell Jack's scent. 'Almost,' she thought.

The tears that had been streaming down her cheeks turned to sobs. She sobbed out her anger at Jack, God, and herself. When she thought she had no tears left, she would cry harder. "Oh Jack, I am so sorry," she repeated over and over.

"Rose," Jack said, pulling her into his arms, wiping the tears from her cheeks.

"You gave me the greatest gift of all. You died willingly for me and I treated you so poorly. I am so ashamed," she said.

"It's alright. No need for apologies. Not between us ever," he whispered.

"But. . ." she started to say when Jack put his finger on her lips.

"Just close your eyes and get some sleep. I promise I will stay with you," he said.

"I love you, Jack Dawson," she said, falling asleep in his embrace.

Tommy appeared before Jack. "Are things truly going to be okay?" he asked.

"Yes," Jack answered. 'She won't need me for a long, long, time,' he thought.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Molly found Rose sleeping peacefully with her head resting on the cedar chest. "Good work, Jack," Molly said as she covered her with a blanket.

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