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Today in Titanic History - with Searching
Today in
Titanic History

Tuesday, October 22, 2024
1886 - 1st class survivor Mr George Achilles Harder was born to Victor Achilles Harder and Minnie Mehl Harder in New York City, New York, USA.

1974 - 2nd class survivor Mrs Antonine Marie Mallet died in Paris, France at the age of 86.

1888 - 3rd class passenger Mr Nils Martin Ödahl was born to Ola Öhdal and Hanna Nilsson.

1887 - 3rd class passenger Mr René Aimé Lievens was born in Heldergem, Belgium.

1926 - Able Seaman and survivor Mr William Henry Lionel Weller died in a shipwreck at the age of 44.

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The Last Time Titanic Ever Saw Daylight: Part 4

Rated PG-13
© 1999 Michelle Kinder @
based on some characters
and situations originated by James Cameron

The diamond almost slipped completely from Jack's hand as her words stunned him, his mouth dropping open in astounded silence. Sure, he had drawn plenty sketches of that one legged prostitute nude while in Paris and they hardly caused him apprehension. Why did just the thought of Rose unclothed as he drew her cause a quick panic to rapidly flow over him?

Glancing with amazement into Rose's eyes, he could have sworn he saw the same shock and fear in the crystal clarity before him. She took in a deep breath and he noticed the way her full lips parted and her tongue touched the bottom one as a nervous reaction. "Are you sure that's what you want?" He asked.

A look of dread raced across her features and then the smile returned. She appeared to be fighting her own emotions. "I'm absolutely sure." Her voice quivered when she replied.

Tension between their bodies was once again becoming overt as he stared at her. Jack's eyes unconsciously found their way to examine her shape, already visualizing how she may appear without the cloth barriers between them. He shook his head as Rose placed her small hand on his shoulder, attempting to bring himself back to the current moment. Keep control, Jack he kept telling himself. How could he possibly sit calmly and form a picture of her as she sat in front of him nude? His hormones soared and he knew full well he was already aroused as he had been while holding her in his arms dancing and on the bow.

Rose's own body was shaking with extreme feelings of wonder. Would she actually be able to go through with it? Jack's smile faded while he looked at her. She knew she simply couldn't strip her clothes off there in front of him. Besides, didn't he have things he needed to prepare as well? Aware that no man including Cal ever had seen her naked before, Rose remained stunned she trusted Jack enough to allow him. Feeling uncomfortable for a brief second, she swallowed hard. "Perhaps you should get your things ready while I prepare..." Her voice trailed off before she could finish her sentence.

She knew she had to perform the necessary tasks without seeing him in order to convince herself to actually proceed. Turning her back, she started to make her way to her bedroom. Jack's voice interrupted the chaos in her mind. "Rose, you don't have to do this." He wasn't saying it to just calm her, but to also help his own surge of sensations.

With a simple smile, Rose replied, "I know, but I want to."

He watched the bedroom door close and suddenly his legs nearly collapsed beneath him as his breathing grew rapid and hard. What the hell was he doing, he kept asking himself. Why did she trust him so much? Why was she teasing him so? The whole time they had been together, Jack would keep in the back of his head the fantasy he had about Rose's voluptuous form. Now, Rose was the one bringing it out in the open. Jack told himself to calm down and then looked about the room to find anything to distract him and anything to help set up the scene.

Rose shut the door firmly behind her and almost passed out. Her pulse was becoming more and more rapid. She was going against everything she had ever been taught to be proper. Then again that was all part of the world she desired to turn her back on. After all, it was just art, wasn't it? With shaky hands, she removed her dress and soon found herself unable to reach her corset strings. A sigh of frustration reached her lips as she recalled how Trudy had always managed for her.

Dressed in her chemise and camisoles with the corset still laced tightly around her, Rose opened the door again. Jack dropped the supplies in his hand and then turned to stare at her, startled. She drew in a deep breath, "Could you, please, unlace me?"

Jack made his way to her. As he placed his hands on his shoulder and began to turn her around, his face grew red and he could feel the warmth of the blushing and wanted to kick himself. Relax, he kept repeating in his head. His fingers fumbled with the laces, softly untying them, moving from her shoulders to her waist.

The warmth from his hands was able to be felt through the thin fabric of her undergarments and Rose's pulse quickened once again as she nearly shivered from the contact. She sighed heavily, fighting the urge to spin around and kiss him. Her senses seemed awakened by his touch.

As his hands nestled at the small of her back, Jack felt every fiber in his body wanting to grab her and cover her with kisses. He had to fight them back with such force, not wanting to ruin anything. The corset finally came free and Rose felt the restricting garment loosely fall past her hips, relieved. Jack quickly caught it and handed it back to her as their eyes locked. He couldn't speak, he was so flustered. "I- I'll only be a few more minutes." She sputtered as she walked backwards into the room.

He wheeled around, letting the perspiration fall freely down his face after she was out of sight. What was God trying to do to him? He loved Rose so much and was so tempted by her beauty. Noticing the divan and pillows he arranged them for her comfort and modesty.

Rose haphazardly threw off the remaining clothing and slipped the necklace with all its weight around her throat. In her reflection, she could see the artery of her neck quivering with her pounding heart. Sliding the jade butterfly comb from her hair, she let her long, loose, auburn curls fall appealingly past her shoulders. With one final glance at her reflection, her breathing slowed. Rose knew she wasn't horrible looking, but she did still find herself unable to be completely content with her body. Part of her desired to be as small as some of the other women like the Countess of Rothes or her own mother, but still her curves had been commented on by several of her school friends and especially by Cal. Jack apparently liked them and found her attractive as she recalled the way he stared at her on the deck and the way his eyes lit up at the grand staircase. Still, she wondered how she would measure up in comparison to the other women Jack may have seen in Paris. Finally, she threw caution to the wind and realized that it was her body and she was proud of it and all that mattered at that point in time was her and Jack who was still waiting for her in the sitting room.

Tying her blue silk kimono around her waist, she realized it was somewhat see through. Cal had given it to her as a gift before they left Philadelphia and Rose had always stayed adamant about wearing it with less conspicuous night gowns beneath it in case he decided to call late at night. So normally she would've worried about her skin showing under it, but now she no longer cared. Jack would be seeing her body entirely anyways in only a few moments. Looking into the mirror again, she asked herself, "Ready, Rose?" Then with a nod, she reached for the doorknob and opened the door.....

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