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Today in Titanic History - with Searching
Today in
Titanic History

Tuesday, October 22, 2024
1886 - 1st class survivor Mr George Achilles Harder was born to Victor Achilles Harder and Minnie Mehl Harder in New York City, New York, USA.

1974 - 2nd class survivor Mrs Antonine Marie Mallet died in Paris, France at the age of 86.

1888 - 3rd class passenger Mr Nils Martin Ödahl was born to Ola Öhdal and Hanna Nilsson.

1887 - 3rd class passenger Mr René Aimé Lievens was born in Heldergem, Belgium.

1926 - Able Seaman and survivor Mr William Henry Lionel Weller died in a shipwreck at the age of 44.

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The Last Time Titanic Ever Saw Daylight: Part 5

Rated PG-13
© 1999 Michelle Kinder @
based on some characters
and situations originated by James Cameron

Rose peeked around the door to find Jack sitting with an intense look of concentration on his handsome face, sharpening his charcoal with the artist's pad resting on his bended knees. As if by some strange force, all the nerves in her calmed as she realized she trusted Jack Dawson completely. He was so different than any other man she ever met. He cared about her as a person and valued her feelings almost seemingly above his own. To him, she simply wasn't merely a pretty ornament, but a living and breathing human being. For a moment, she leaned against the door frame just to absorb the true wonder of him.

The startling awareness of Jack's stunning blue eyes on her brought Rose back to the moment. He stared at her, fighting down the feelings of fright he felt inside. Jack wasn't scared to see her naked, well not entirely. More than anything, he felt terrified that he might not be able to control himself when she removed her final cloth barrier.

Her voluptuous form was covered by the form fitting robe, but Jack's eyes were still able to drink in every curve and he fought back the urge to continuously examine her, memorizing every inch. "Keep calm," He forced himself to remember as Rose playfully spun the ties to her robe, teasing him as she moved to him.

"The last thing I need is another picture of me looking like a porcelain doll," She stated as elegantly reached him. Jack's heart began to beat uncontrollably. Rose was so close and he could smell her perfume. His hormones urged him to pull the coverage from her and gaze unhindered at her body, but the more controlled part of him kept him back. She pulled out a dime and tossed it to him. "As a paying customer, I expect to get what I want."

Jack laughed silently as he caught the dime in his fist, impressed at how she remembered the smallest detail he told her from their moments together. But now, was the ultimate test of his endurance and self control. Rose stepped back slightly. He knew the next part.

His eyes were held so firmly on her and Rose's butterflies began to flutter in her stomach. She had nothing to be ashamed of she kept telling herself. If Jack did feel the way about her that she did of him, her appearance would not be a problem. With one quick sigh, she allowed the robe to drop to the floor, exposing her flesh in its entirety to him. Waiting, she became nervous once again and had to fight the urge to move her hands in front of her.

Suddenly, Jack's mouth dropped open in astonishment. Rose was perfect to him. Unlike other women such as Molly Brown, her corset hid nothing from her figure. True, Rose carried slight more muscle on her frame, giving her a true woman's figure, than the "French girl". As he sketched the woman in Paris, his eyes never appreciated the image before him nearly as much as they were as they devoured the delicious curves of Rose's body. Her creamy, ivory skin appeared flawlessly smooth and Jack's eyes momentarily paused on her well developed breasts. Sensing Rose's embarrassment, he quickly looked away and forced himself to avoid observing the area of hair below her waist in order to meet her eyes. "Over on the bed... THE COUCH." He corrected himself, completely flabbergasted at himself for letting the thought be heard.

Realizing his error, Rose smiled, amused that he was actually admiring her figure and she also admired the boyish fidgeting he was doing as she sat on the divan. "Come lie down." His voice instructed as he continued to stare at her. But for some reason, Rose wasn't as nervous as she expected herself to be.

Her arm reached up over her head and then she quickly pulled it down, wanting to somewhat cover herself again. Still, she wanted to place herself in a position that Jack would deem sexy. "Tell me when it looks right to you."

Motioning, Jack replied, "Put your hand back the way it was. The other hand right up by your face there," His eyes still scanned her form, admiring every aspect, but he knew the perfect way to also accentuate the entire image. "Head down, eyes on me. Keep them focused on me," He added, realizing that her eyes were the truest part of her and if he had them to concentrate on then he might be able to better control himself. "Just relax and try not to move." He drew in a deep breath as he began to sketch.

The first lines followed the outline of her body, creating the sense of her beautiful physique. He was amazed at effortlessly the strokes moved across the paper in front of him, seeming to translate the image his eyes absorbed flawlessly. Feeling his resolve starting to falter as his eyes reached her breasts again, Jack quickly gazed over the top of his sketch pad again into her eyes that were filled with awe, love, respect, passion, and desire.

Rose couldn't believe how his intensity shifted from being awkward to being firmly concentrated on the task at hand, at how the artist in him took over. She could feel her heart beating uncontrollably and she was sure Jack could see it. Jack had an amazing effect on her, enlivening her senses and soothing her with his gorgeous eyes that were the window to his heart and soul. As those eyes looked up into hers, she became completely content, realizing for the first time how much at peace she was with him. The memory of his awestruck expression filled her and Rose laughed inside at how nonchalant he had seemed about his other sketches.

Jack's pencil continued to flow freely. Soft, flowing lines alluded to the luscious curls that cascaded down her back. The beauty of them, their shine and color, were unable to be shown in the black charcoal. He admired how much the color seemed to match her fiery spirit and he cherished his thought that she was probably named for the way it looked as a baby. Her full, pouty lips reminded him of the passion of their kiss on the bow and he desired with every ounce to kiss them again. The shape of her soft neck led his eyes downward still. Cal's expensive gift of the Heart of the Ocean no longer impressed him in comparison with the wonder of her bare body. His eyes once again found her breasts, their milky white skin smooth as silk. He knew there was no way the drawing would be able to accurately capture all of her enchanting beauty, but his eyes would never forget it. Jack could gaze at her not only all day, but forever.

As his fingers stroked the pencil lines of her breasts, Jack felt his cheeks and tips of his ears growing warmer and warmer. He knew he was blushing as he imagined how soft the real texture might feel and as he thought of how much he wanted to really run his hands over them. He heard Rose sigh. She always seemed to know exactly what he was thinking. "I believe you are blushing, Mr. Big Artist," Rose teased him. There was no way for him to deny it as the warmth of the embarrassment grew. So, he merely smiled, granting her the satisfaction of knowing she was right. "I can't image Monsieur Monet blushing."

He laughed quietly at the recollection of their discussion earlier on Monet's painting. This time, Jack was ready to playfully tease with her, but it came out showing a twinge of the desire he was feeling in its dry tone, "He does landscapes." She began to laugh and he feared the ruination of the perfect image he was creating. Since he did love to see her smile and he wanted her to always do so after seeing how melancholy she appeared with Cal, it pained him to chastise her. "Now, keep still. No talking."

"Sorry." Rose apologized as she sighed heavily. The contentment of simply being with Jack caused a new sensation to emerge through her being as his eyes continued to gaze up over the pad every few seconds, the same intense gaze she witnessed the first time they saw each other radiating back at her. It was a feeling she never before experienced and she knew then that she did indeed love Jack. His words from the previous day filled her head, "I see you."

Fighting the desire to surrender to his passion and bound over to cover her with kisses, Jack urged himself to continue the final parts of the sketch. The final portion were her hands, that he wanted to capture perfectly as well. They were fine, soft, beautiful hands that were untouched in comparison to his cracked, cut, and bruised hands.

Rose watched at the same moment as his hands neared the top of the pad, entering her vision. At that moment, she desired to feel Jack's hands on her as they had been while they danced in steerage, while he touched her cheek in the gym, as they supported and guided her on the bow, and as they unlaced the constricting corset from her much as he had released her from the confining life she lived. All her life, the men in her world each seemed to have the same hands: pale, smooth like a baby's, and perfect. Jack's were so different and so gentle. Despite having worked his entire life, he had such fine hands that were truly artists' hands. But they were strong too as she relished the memory of their touch on her.

Suddenly, they disappeared from her view and Jack pulled the sketch pad closer to himself. The intensity of his concentration seemed to falter. Becoming aware of how much he was about to lose himself to lust, his eyes sought hers with fury. They locked together and he smiled. "Rose, would you like to see it?" He asked, hoping to God she would like the portrayal of the feisty, independent, stubborn, passionate, and beautiful woman he created from what he saw when he looked at her. Jack hadn't changed a thing. The drawing was an exact replica of how she looked on the divan, but would Rose appreciate what he saw?

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