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Today in Titanic History - with Searching
Today in
Titanic History

Wednesday, March 12, 2025
1912 - 1st class survivor Mrs Mary Graham Carmichael Marvin married Daniel Warner Marvin, who was also on the Titanic, in New York City, New York, USA. Their return trip from their honeymoon in Europe was on the Titanic.

1998 - James Cameron's movie "Titanic" was released into theaters in Croatia.

1997 - The sinking scenes for James Cameron's movie "Titanic" were filmed from the 6th to the 12th and were the most expensive filming days in motion picture history.

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For All Eternity: Part 1

Rated PG
©1999 Kirki @
based on some characters
and situations originated by James Cameron

Rose couldn't believe that she had actually allowed Cal to blame Jack for stealing the diamond. Although extremely pricey, which you could probably live off for the rest of your life, who would want to be caught with that gaudy necklace?

"You're a nitwit, Rose! Here you eventually find the love of your life and you just stand there in a trance!" she angrily told herself, as she hurried away looking for Thomas Andrews. "What a lot of trust you have to give! Imagine, you've just trusted yourself an hour ago with Jack, and this is how you repay him?"

Finally, after many confusing corridors and throngs of panicking people, she happened across Mr Andrews.

"Mr Andrews, please help me. I allowed myself to be conned into thinking Jack was guilty of theft, and now I realize it was all a lie. Please tell me where they keep people who are under arrest?"

"Rose, what are you doing here? You must hurry to a boat."

"Please, Mr Andrews, I must free Jack. Even he should have a chance to live."

"Yes, yes. Take the elevator to the bottom, find the crew passage. On the other end, turn right. You should find him there. Hurry Rose, you know the situation!"

With those instructions, she ran to carry them out. She encountered minor trouble at the elevator, but managed to be quite persuasive! She knew the danger she was in, there was already knee deep water along the corridors, and it was rising quite rapidly. Rose also knew that her love for Jack will also carry her through. Finally, upon reaching her destination, she began to frantically call out for Jack.

"Jack? Jack, where are you? Please answer me!"

"Rose, oh thank you! Rose, I'm in here!"

"Oh Jack, my love! I'm so sorry for not trusting you. I just knew Cal was up to something as soon as you were dragged out of the room. I love you!" she cried, amidst kissing him passionately all over his face.

"Rose, I knew you would come for me. It was only a matter of time before you would know for yourself, what a slime Cal is. Judging from this water though," which was now waist high, "I think we need to act fast. Look in that cabinet there for the spare key. It's right at the top, left hand side." Jack was beside himself with joy. Rose had unconsciously declared her love for him, verbally, for the first time. He didn't acknowledge it, as this was not the time for it now.

Rose successfully located the key and freed Jack from those uncomfortable handcuffs. They just flew into each others arms, full of apologies for their mistrust and doubt. However, they couldn't delight too long in their reunion, as the water was still rising quite fast. They managed to make their way to the top deck, without too much incident. There they ran into Fabrizio and Tommy. Everyone was quite relieved to see the other.

Realizing that the panic amongst the other passengers was quite out of control, Jack commanded that now there were not boats left, they should make it to the end of the ship, in order to stay alive as long as possible.

They began to push and stream along with the others, to the highest point of the sinking ship. Jack looked around and was amazed, at how such a beautiful big ship, could be slowly sinking to its death.

"Rose, try to keep up with me. Now that we're finally together without any hassles, I don't want to lose you too soon. If ever, at that!"

"Don't worry about me, my love. You're my solid rock I'm leaning upon.

Remember our vow ... You jump, I jump? We're in this together, and I have no intention of leaving you."

"Fabrizio, Tommy!! Are you guys okay back there?" shouted Jack over his shoulder, looking at this two friends.

"Don't you worry about us. We can look after ourselves here. Just keep your mind on your beautiful Rose there, my friend." answered Fabrizio, touched by his friends concern over him. They had been friends from the first day Jack had left home, at the tender age of 15. They had been together ever since, through thick and thin. There is no way in hell, that this sinking is going to change things now.

After much impatience and struggle, the group of friends, finally made their way to the very end of the ship. The ship was now tilted completely vertical, and many unfortunate people were losing their grips and falling to their death. "This is such an unnecessary waste of human life." thought Rose, as every now and again, she watched helpless, while a new friend of hers, fell to the icy waters below.

Despite everything that was going on around him, Jack had managed to think clearly, in order to save himself and his friends. He made them all, even a reluctant Rose, to climb over the railing so that when the ship does finally plunge completely, they would not be caught within the suction.

"Jack, can you believe that it was only a few precious days ago, that we met here, and you saved my life? Look at us now, right where we started, and about to slip into the water after all!" Rose stated, with a dry smile.

"Who would've known! Rose, no matter what happens, believe me that I will always be there for you. Remember that, but you must listen to me now. The ship is going to want to such us down with it, to it's watery grave. When I give you the signal, you must take a big breath, and kick to the surface as soon as possible. I'll be with you all the time." Jack hugged her fiercely and gave her a quick kiss.

Fabrizio and Tommy had heard this exchange and marvelled at how level headed Jack was thinking. Obviously, he was not really thinking of himself, but of his lovely Rose. He was quite prepared to give his life for her. Neither of these men spoke, each were lost in their own thoughts and dreams as to what life will hold for them next. They were not prepared to die either!

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