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Today in Titanic History - with Searching
Today in
Titanic History

Tuesday, October 22, 2024
1886 - 1st class survivor Mr George Achilles Harder was born to Victor Achilles Harder and Minnie Mehl Harder in New York City, New York, USA.

1974 - 2nd class survivor Mrs Antonine Marie Mallet died in Paris, France at the age of 86.

1888 - 3rd class passenger Mr Nils Martin Ödahl was born to Ola Öhdal and Hanna Nilsson.

1887 - 3rd class passenger Mr René Aimé Lievens was born in Heldergem, Belgium.

1926 - Able Seaman and survivor Mr William Henry Lionel Weller died in a shipwreck at the age of 44.

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A Love Never Fading: Chapter 23

Rated PG-13
© 1999 Isobel Christian @
based on some characters
and situations originated by James Cameron

Monday, September 9, 1912

"I'm sorry son but I just can't give you the time." Erik frowned at Jack who sat in front of his desk.

"Erik, this is really important. Two weeks that's all I ask. I've been working here everyday since July. I've even been here on weekends, I've done overtime and never asked for the extra pay. Please. This is very important to Rose and I." Jack's eyes were filled with pain. He couldn't understand why Erik wouldn't give him time off.

"Look, if I could I would let you have the time off. Maybe if you gave me a reason, but you don't seem to have one. I'm sorry you know I am. My answer is still no."

"Please. I would tell you if I could but I can't. Just please give me the time, I swear I'll never ask for anything else." Jack was near tears.

Erik couldn't believe how shaken Jack was. He would gladly give him the two weeks off if Jack would just say what he wanted them for. He shook his head. "I just can't."

"Fine." Jack got up and started to walk to the door.

"Jack get back here."

Jack went back to his seat and held his head down. "Are you really going to give up that easily? I would think a man as madly in love as you would fight to the death to be able to go on his honeymoon."

Jack's head shot up. "How did you know I needed the time for my honeymoon?"

"So you and Rose aren't married are you?" Erik yelled he threw his pen down on the desk.

Jack shook in his seat. " sir. We're getting married Saturday."

Erik burst into hysterical laughter. "Well, it's about bloody time you told me. I've been waiting patiently all these weeks but you never budged. I'm sorry to yell at you like that but scaring it out of you was my last resort."

Jacks mouth hung open. So Erik had know all this time. "You're not mad?"

"Oh, I'm mad. Mad that I wasn't invited to the wedding. You know I look at you a Rose as my children." He raised his eyebrow.

"Erik you can come. If we had known that you knew, you would have been invited. I swear."

He smiled. "I know son, I know. Well, when is it?"

"It's Saturday at 5:00 "

"I'll defiantly be there."

"How did you find out we weren't married?"

"Well, Rose would never tell me her wedding date and she never wore a wedding band. Plus I heard you talking about getting married in September that night at Craws when you two were in the hallway. I thought you would come out and tell me but you never did. When you came in here and asked for 2 weeks I knew they were for your honeymoon. I also knew it was my last chance to get it out of you." He smiled.

"You understand why we didn't tell you right?"

"Yes, son, societies morals can be tuff on two kids in love." He laughed. "We, get over here and give me a hug."

Jack smiled and gave Erik a hug. "Congratulations son, Rose is a wonderful women. I know you will very happy together."

"We already are." Jack smiled. "Thank you so much Erik, for everything," he gave him another hug and left the office. Erik sat back in his chair and smiled. He finally got Jack to tell him his secret and now he could go to the wedding of the two people he had grown to love most in the world.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Wednesday September 11, 1912

"Oh, Rose you look beautiful." Maggie smiled.

"You do love. I'm not ashamed to say this is my best work yet." Sarah smiled up from Roses hem. Maggie had begged Rose to get Sarah to make her dress. They told Sarah that she and Jack had never married. She just said that their families didn't get along so they ran away. Sarah didn't pry.

"I love weddings. I'm so glad you invited me." Sarah beamed as she stitched the lace.

"How come you never married Sarah?" Maggie asked.

"Well, dear I was in love with a young man when I was about you girls age but things happened and we parted ways. Then I never found any one else. So here I am an old spinster." She laughed.

Rose looked at herself in mirror, and tears filled her eyes. "Thank you two so much. I couldn't have done any of this without you."

Maggie hugged Rose. "Oh, Rose you mean the world to me. You're welcome. I must confess though I had a ball doing all this so don't go thinking you were taking up my time."

"All right ladies make room for me." Sarah walked over and placed Roses vale on her head. "You look like an angel," she gasped.

Maggie stared in awe at Rose. She seemed to be almost glowing. "Jack will be beside himself when he sees you."

Rose's smile grew. She couldn't wait for Saturday. It was going to be the happiest day of her life. She knew that even if someone from her past found her they couldn't do anything because she and Jack would be legally bound.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Friday night September 13, 1912

"Come in." Erik had no idea who was in the theater at this hour. He was getting ready to leave and was almost annoyed that someone was bothering him. When the door opened though he immediately softened. "Rose dear, what are you doing here?"

"Erik, I want to ask you a question." Rose was speaking very quietly.

"What is it? Is something the matter?" Erik walked over so that he was standing right in front of her.

She smiled slightly. "It's just that I'm a little nervous about what you'll say."

"Well, don't be. You never have to worry about how I will react to you." He smiled and that seemed to comfort her.

"OK." She sighed. "Jack told me that you were coming to the wedding tomorrow."

"Yes, that's not a problem is it?"

"No, no. I'm glad you are. It would be nice to have an adult there. Especially you."

Erik smiled. He loved Rose so much. He was very close to Jack and treated him like a son, but it was different with her. He seriously began to look after Rose like she was his daughter. Erik had never had any children. His wife Betsy had become pregnant many times but lost the children, she had almost died twice. So they stopped trying, he didn't want to risk loosing his beloved wife. Now she was gone, he wished so much that he had someone to remember her by. Rose did that. She had a special fire inside of her that made him think of Betsy.

"What I want to ask..." She took a deep breath. "Would you give me away?" Rose looked up at him.

"Rose." He wrapped his arms around her. "Of course, of course. I would be honored too." Erik let go of her and saw that she was smiling.

"Thank you so much. I was afraid you would say no."

"Never. I am the one who should be saying thank you." He kissed her on the cheek. "I will see you tomorrow."

Rose hugged him one more time and left. She didn't notice it but Erik's eye's were filled with tears. She had just made him happier than he had been in three long and lonely years.

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