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Today in Titanic History - with Searching
Today in
Titanic History

Tuesday, October 22, 2024
1886 - 1st class survivor Mr George Achilles Harder was born to Victor Achilles Harder and Minnie Mehl Harder in New York City, New York, USA.

1974 - 2nd class survivor Mrs Antonine Marie Mallet died in Paris, France at the age of 86.

1888 - 3rd class passenger Mr Nils Martin Ödahl was born to Ola Öhdal and Hanna Nilsson.

1887 - 3rd class passenger Mr René Aimé Lievens was born in Heldergem, Belgium.

1926 - Able Seaman and survivor Mr William Henry Lionel Weller died in a shipwreck at the age of 44.

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A Twist of Fate: Chapter 3

Rated PG
© 1999 Tracy Boardman @
based on some characters
and situations originated by James Cameron

Jack continued to tell Rose about his travels and adventures, from his home in Wisconsin, across America to Europe, around Europe and his return to America. Rose listened enthralled.

"I do wish I had seen it like that!" she sighed.

"But you've been to Europe" said Jack puzzled.

"Yes, but I did not see it like you. I saw through glass, through the windows of hotels and carriages and restaurants. I would have loved to walk by the banks of the Seine watching the artists paint. I wished I could have tasted ice cream on the streets of Italy and drank red wine in the sun in Spain." Jack noticed how sad she had become and it hurt him to see it. Although they had met briefly, he had become quite fond of her. She was different to anyone he had ever met, and more beautiful.

"But you can do that one day" Jack tried to cheer her up.

"I doubt it. If I go to Europe again, it will be in my glass cage" Rose smiled sadly at Jack. "Any way, you have not told me yet how you came to be here."

"Well, after a while in New York my friend Fabrizio met a girl and it was love I guess. He wanted to stay and I didn't so we parted company."

"And do you have a girl Jack?"

"Well er no" Jack smiled and looked Rose directly in the eye. "The only person I met who ever came close was er already taken"

"Oh how sad. I am sure you will find another"

"Yeah maybe. " Jack paused "Anyways I ended up here. I worked as a waiter to get enough money for a deposit on a place and a few months rent in hand, so I could concentrate on drawing again. It's been a while and now I feel the urge to put down all I've seen and remembered." He paused again. "I'd like to draw you Rose"

Rose flushed scarlet. "Oh Jack, I could not possibly!"

"Yes you could. It would be all proper in my studio, well apartment, but you could bring your maid and I assure you no harm will come to you"

"It's not that Jack. I do not fear you. It is my husband. He would not allow me to do it"

"That's a shame. Are you sure he would not lend you to me in exchange for a drawing?"

"I will ask, but I doubt it."

"Your husband likes to keep you to himself then?" Rose didn't answer. "You know. You've sat here and listened all about me, yet you've said nothing about yourself."

"There is not a lot to say Jack. I am from Philadelphia, my Father passed away some time ago and Cal and I have been married for two months. That is about it."

"I can't believe that's all there is. Is he a good husband?" As soon as he said it, Jack regretted it.

"Mr Dawson that is a very personal question and I believe you must be very rude to ask it." Rose stood up.

"Hey, it was just a question, I didn't mean anything by it. It's just that you don't seem very happy and I find that strange 'cos you're rich and" Jack swallowed hard "a very beautiful person."

Rose stood still and stared at Jack. Her first impulse was to follow etiquette and to get out of this situation as quickly as possible. She was a married woman and this conversation was not suitable. But something prevented her from walking away. This man was talking directly to her. He was being honest and above all paying her a compliment as a person not a possession. And she was finding herself attracted to him in way she had never felt about Cal.

"Jack" she faltered "I am married. You must not forget that" She noticed Trudy returning and sat down quickly so that she would not see she had been standing. "Now please, change the subject, Trudy is here."

Trudy had returned with a basket of sandwiches and some cake. She passed napkins over and began to unwrap the food.

"This good" said Jack tucking in. "But I can't except dinner from a lady. You must accept something in return. Maybe a drawing or two?"

"Very well then Jack, I will accept"

Lunch continued with pleasantries being exchanged. With lunch finished, Trudy cleared everything away and went to return the basket.

"Rose, look. I didn't mean to upset you. I've known you two days and I think you are a wonderful but sad person. I can only guess why you are sad. But I wish I could cheer you up"

"It is not your problem Jack. It is mine. Things are difficult for Cal at the moment. His father is terminally ill. I am sure that when things have been settled things will improve. He has a lot on his mind."

"Rose, can we still be friends? Please?"

"Yes. Now tell me more about Paris"

They whiled away most of the afternoon in conversation. Rose reluctantly announced it was time for her to go.

"I will try and come back to see you soon" she promised and after shaking hands Rose and Trudy set off back home.

As they came up the steps, the butler opened the door for them. Rose started up the stairs when Mr Lovejoy spoke. At that moment Rose realized he had been hiding in the corner of the hall!

"Mr Hockley has requested that you meet him in the parlour on your return"

Rose detested Lovejoy. "I will go when I have dressed" she replied and carried on up the stairs,

"Rose, you will come to the parlour NOW!" Cal emerged from the doorway of the parlour. Rose noting his anger came back down the stairs and followed him in.

"Where have you been?" Cal demanded.

"I went out for a walk with Trudy and.." Rose got no further before Cal cut in.

"You went for a walk. I see" Cal's voice and body trembled with anger. " I come home and nobody knows where my wife is. I AM THE MASTER OF THE HOUSE!" he stepped forward towards Rose. "I am the master of my house and I should know where my wife is at all times."

"We went to the park," said Rose weakly.

"You were to come back in the car yesterday. You did not. You are being difficult Rose and I will not have it" His right hand flew out and connected with Rose's cheek. This caught Rose off guard and sent her flying backwards fortunately into a chair and not onto the floor.

Cal stood over her cowering figure. "You will do as you are told Rose. I will not have it otherwise. You do not leave this house without my permission. Do you understand?"

"Yes Cal" replied Rose fighting not to sob in front of her tormentor.

"Good." Cal seemed to instantly calm down. "Now we have cleared that matter up I wish to resolve something else. As you know, I want a son and heir. My father has not long I fear and at the very least I want you pregnant before he passes on. Should he survive longer than anticipated, I wish him to be presented with his first grandson before he leaves us. I trust that the headaches you have troubled with of late will get better. Or do I have to call upon Doctor Henry to visit?"

"No Cal, that will not be necessary" Rose sniffed.

"Very good" Cal replied. "Now get dressed for dinner. Please put on the blue dress I bought for you last week and do something with your hair"

And with that he departed leaving a sobbing Rose behind.

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