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Today in Titanic History - with Searching
Today in
Titanic History

Sunday, March 9, 2025
1867 - 1st class survivor Miss Grace Scott Bowen was born.

1864 - 1st class survivor Mr Algernon Henry Wilson Barkworth was born.

1870 - 1st class survivor Mr Edwin Nelson Jr. Kimball was born to Edwin Kimball and Emma Cook Kimball in Atlanta, Georgia, USA.

1980 - 3rd class survivor Miss Helen Corr died in The Bronx, New York City, New York, USA at the age of 84.

1997 - The sinking scenes for James Cameron's movie "Titanic" were filmed from the 6th to the 12th and were the most expensive filming days in motion picture history.

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Corey's Interviews: Judy Prestininzi

This month's interview is with Judy Prestininzi, primary extra on Titanic. Judy was in many scenes in Titanic, having some screen time with each area. Her experience is quite interesting!

Judy, who are you, and what was your part in Titanic?
I was mostly 3rd class [extra]. In the very beginning you can see my younger son and I on the forward well deck of the ship. We are right in the middle and there are only 3 of us. Then you can see me in the 3rd class dance. I am on the floor as Kate and Leo are dancing on the platform. I have on a light brown top and a dark brown skirt. I am on the deck when Kate jumps out of the lifeboat to run back to Leo. I have a brown shawl over my head. I am in the prayer group, right up front with the gray scarf. When the ship goes down and Kate comes to the surface I am directly to the left of the screen and you can hear me scream "Help us." I am the second to the last dead person that is picked up out of the water but we look like silhouettes. There are other pieces and parts of me throughout the film, but you have to know where to look. I am in James Cameron's Titanic on pg. 103, right behind Cora and 131 up front with the gray scarf. In the Illustrated Screenplay: The set of pics for pg.139 shows the group of us in the water, you see a woman reaching for a man, I am right above her.

Judy, what was your typical day like?
Long and hard. Always on set for at least 14 hours or more.

What are your thoughts on the final outcome of the movie? Did you like the movie or not?
When the film finally came out we arranged our own Extra's Premier in San Diego. We had nearly 400 that came. It was amazing. None of us knew what to expect. We loved it!

Did you contribute anything personally to the movie? Ideas or suggestions??
It all depends on how you look at it... I contributed myself and I was determined to do my best. I did a lot of helping out as much as I could. Like helping new people get to where they needed to be, following directions and doing things for the people in charge.

What have you learned from this experience?
That not everyone is cut out for this type of work. You have to be patient, listen, do what you are told, pay attention to everything going on around you. It is hard work, especially in action films.

Did you work with James Cameron directly? Was he as bad as he is said to be?
Yes, I did. He began calling my by name the second day. He applied my bloody make-up and called me his Bloody Dead Chick. Yes, he was demanding, but something you never hear is that he appreciated our hard work and told us so and thanked us too. If he got mad at you he would usually apologize. If you did good he praised you. I was fortunate enough to receive more praise, but I did get yelled at a couple of times. I never took it personal, it was all during the course of some very difficult filming.

If you could do it again, would you? Why/why not?
Absolutely, I would love to work with Cameron again! I wanted to see everything, do everything and meet everyone! Despite all the hardships, it was an awesome experience!

If you could change anything, what would you change and why?
Yes, I would change the way that they served our food and kept us separate from the crew. The food we had was horrible.

If you could be invisible and go back in time and watch a certain area of production, what would you watch?
I would love to see the scene the the water was dumped on the dome and be able to see the way the models were used up in the LA studios.

Did you meet any of the cast members?
Yes, Kate, Leo, Billy, Danny, Jason (gave him a ride to his hotel)! Gloria, Suzie Amis, Bill Paxton, all of Gaelic Storm (still see them!), Simon Crane and most all of the stunt crew, the sound crew, camera crew (i.e. Russ Carpenter), Jimmy Muro, the lighting crew, special effects, Don Lynch, Ken Marschall, Tom Nicolai, Gene Rizzardi, Rob Lugato, Jon Landau (producer), Josh McLaglen (Assis. Dir.), Sebastian Silva (Assis. Dir.), Bo Bobak (Assis. Dir.), Trish O'Neil, Ed Marsh (author of Cameron's Titanic and behind the scenes doc filming) & last but not least Jim Schmidt, Cameron's personal bodyguard and the man you see combing the other guy for lice!

Judy, did you take any momentos? Or did you receive any?
I have many items from the set, but almost everything I salvaged from where they dumped the set after production finished. I have a Carpathia blanket, a crew sweater, those were given to me. I have purchased items and traded things.

Judy, how did you get the job?
I went to a casting call in downtown San Diego, stood in line, filled out a 1 page application, took a picture and waited for almost 3 months for a call.

Judy, were you interested in Titanic prior to the job?
Yes, I developed an interest in Titanic when I was about 7 yrs. old, when I first saw the Barbara Stanwyk version.

Judy, have you been in any other movies?
No, but I was a guest on the set of Renegade a couple of times.

Judy, if you could meet anyone that was on the actual ship, who would that be?
I have met Mellvina Dean, she is great! I would have really liked to have met Molly Brown. I have been told by many, including her Great Granddaughter Muffet Brown, that I resemble her....weird!

Judy, if you had the chance to sail on the new Titanic, would you?
Yes, I would love it. I would like to go and be a speaker for the trip.

Judy, would you go down to the wreck?
I don't think so. I know what it was like for others and I don't think I would enjoy not having a bathroom for that length of time! Things would have to progress a bit more for me to go.

Judy, if you were on the Titanic, what would you have done to save yourself?
Gotten on a life boat!

Judy, would you have left your loved one behind?
No I would not.

Favorite scene? Least favorite?
Well, that could mean two things for me. My favorite filming...there were many, like when I was in the water with Kate, the poop deck, night shooting outside and when I got to play 1st Class. My favorite to watch...Gloria Stuart's scenes.

My least favorite filming...the 3rd Class dance, that was the most uncomfortable set of all. Never got below 95 degrees. Southampton was boring sometimes. My least favorite to watch....Kate running around below deck looking for Leo and then Kate and Leo running around trying to get out.

Favorite memory from the set?
The people I was able to meet and friendships that I still have. That I got to meet Arnold S.! The daily journal that I kept (trying to get published) and all the signatures that I have. Most important...the feeling of accomplishment and being part of something like this.

Any final comments?
We have become a part of Titanic's history. Those of us that were there have a perspective of Titanic that no one else has now. I have been able to experience most of her glory, touch things that have been lost to time and feel the loss in a way that is hard to explain. I hope that the memories of those that built her, survived her and perished with her will never be forgotten.

Thank you Judy for allowing me to interview you!

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