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Today in Titanic History - with Searching
Today in
Titanic History

Friday, March 14, 2025
1871 - 1st class passenger Mr Frederick R. Kenyon was born.

1916 - 1st class survivor Mr Dickinson H. Bishop remarried.

1939 - 2nd class survivor Mr Masabumi Hosono died at the age of 68. He was the only Japanese passenger on the Titanic.

1980 - 3rd class survivor Miss Carla Christine Nielsine Andersen-Jensen died in Ferritslev, Fyn, Denmark at the age of 87. By her own request, she was buried in the nightdress she had worn on 14th April 1912.

1890 - 3rd class survivor Miss Velin Öhman was born in Eks parish, Mariestad, Västergötland, Sweden.

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Script: Cut Scenes: Back by Breakfast

Find more pictures from cut scenes in the Image Gallery under "Misc movie"
Hadn't we better get the women and children into the boats, sir?

Smith just nods, a bit abstractly. The fire has gone out of him. Lightoller sees the awesome truth in Smith's face.

(to the men)
Right! Start the loading. Women and children!

The appalling din of escaping steam abruptly cuts off, leaving a sudden unearthly silence in which Lightoller's voice echoes.

ON WALLACE HARTLEY raising his violin to play.

Number 26. Ready and --

The band has reassembled just outside the First Class Entrance, port side, near where Lightoller is calling for the boats to be loaded. They strike up a waltz, lively and elegant. The music wafts all over the ship.

Ladies, please. Step into the boat.

Finally one woman steps across the gap, into the boat, terrified of the drop to the water far below.

You watch. They'll put us off in these silly little boats to freeze, and we'll all be back on board by breakfast.

CAL, ROSE AND RUTH come out of the doors near the band.

My brooch, I left my brooch. I must have it!

She turns back to go to her room but Cal takes her by the arm, refusing to let her go. The firmness of his hold surprises her.

Stay here, Ruth.

Ruth sees his expression, and knows fear for the first time.

Why this was cut: Cameron had already cut a line by Old Rose when she sees the recovered brooch Ruth mentions in this scene, and Cameron wanted to keep Ruth unaware of the seriousness of the situation until Rose shocks her into it later.

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