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Today in Titanic History - with Searching
Today in
Titanic History

Friday, March 14, 2025
1871 - 1st class passenger Mr Frederick R. Kenyon was born.

1916 - 1st class survivor Mr Dickinson H. Bishop remarried.

1939 - 2nd class survivor Mr Masabumi Hosono died at the age of 68. He was the only Japanese passenger on the Titanic.

1980 - 3rd class survivor Miss Carla Christine Nielsine Andersen-Jensen died in Ferritslev, Fyn, Denmark at the age of 87. By her own request, she was buried in the nightdress she had worn on 14th April 1912.

1890 - 3rd class survivor Miss Velin Öhman was born in Eks parish, Mariestad, Västergötland, Sweden.

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Script: Cut Scenes: Chippewa Falls Dawsons

Find more pictures from cut scenes in the Image Gallery under "Misc movie"
I put the diamond in my coat pocket. And I put my coat... on her.

He turns to Lovejoy with a sickly expression, his eyes glittering.

I'll give it to you... if you can get it.

He hands Lovejoy the pistol and goes back up the stairs. Lovejoy thinks about it... then slogs into the water. The icewater is up to his waist as he crosses the pool into the dining saloon.



Lovejoy moves among the tables and ornate columns, searching... listening... his eyes tracking rapidly. It is a sea of tables, and they could be anywhere. A silver serving trolley rolls downhill, bumping into tables and pillars.

He glances behind him. The water is following him into the room, advancing in a hundred foot wide tide. The reception room is now a roiling lake, and the grand staircase is submerged past the first landing. Monstrous groans echo through the ship.

ON JACK AND ROSE, crouched behind a table, somewhere in the middle. They see the water advancing toward them, swirling over the floor. They crawl ahead of it to the next row of tables.

Stay here.

He moves off as--

Lovejoy moves over one row and looks along the tables. Nothing.

The ship GROANS and CREAKS. He moves another row.

ANGLE ON A METAL CART... five feet tall and full of stacks of china dishes. It starts to roll down the aisle between tables.

ON ROSE as the cart rolls toward her. It hits a table and the stacks of dishes topple out, EXPLODING across the floor and showering her.

She scrambles out of the way and--

Lovejoy spins, seeing her. He moves rapidly toward her, keeping the gun aimed--

That's when Jack tackles him from the side. They slam together into a table, crashing over it, and toppling to the floor. They land in the water which is flowing rapidly between the tables.

Jack and Lovejoy grapple in the icy water. Jack jams his knee down on Lovejoy's hand, breaking his grip on the pistol, and kicks it away. Lovejoy scrmbles up and lunges at him, but Jack GUTPUCHES him right in the solar plexus, doubling him over.

Compliments of the Chippewa Falls Dawsons.

He grabs Lovejoy and slams him into an ornate columb. Lovejoy drops to the floor with a splas, stunned.

Let's go.

Jack and Rose run aft... uphill... entering the galley. Behind them the tables have become islands in a lake... and the far end of the room is flooded up to the ceiling.

Lovejoy gets up and looks around for his gun. He pulls it up out of the water and wades after them.



They run throught the galley and Rose spots the stairs. She starts up and Jack grabs her hand. He leads her DOWN.

They crouch together on the landing as Lovejoy runs to the stairs. Assuming they have gone up (who wouldn't?) he climbs up them two at a time.

Why this scene was cut: Cameron wrote this so that the audience could see Jack being heroic and getting his revenge on Lovejoy, however test audiences hated the scene because there was enough danger of the ship sinking so that guns and fighting didn't need to be introduced to up the ante. Thinking that the scene needed to happen but that it went on too long, he cut it in half but audiences still hated it. The entire fight scene was deleted for the next screening and Cameron was convinced that without it there would be confusion and negative feedback. To his surprise the audience loved it. This meant adding a shot of Rose and Jack running through a short hallway and digitally removing Lovejoy from the flooding dining room to keep the continuity.

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