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Today in Titanic History - with Searching
Today in
Titanic History

Friday, March 14, 2025
1871 - 1st class passenger Mr Frederick R. Kenyon was born.

1916 - 1st class survivor Mr Dickinson H. Bishop remarried.

1939 - 2nd class survivor Mr Masabumi Hosono died at the age of 68. He was the only Japanese passenger on the Titanic.

1980 - 3rd class survivor Miss Carla Christine Nielsine Andersen-Jensen died in Ferritslev, Fyn, Denmark at the age of 87. By her own request, she was buried in the nightdress she had worn on 14th April 1912.

1890 - 3rd class survivor Miss Velin Öhman was born in Eks parish, Mariestad, Västergötland, Sweden.

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Script: Cut Scenes: French Devil

Find more pictures from cut scenes in the Image Gallery under "Misc movie"

Jack strokes rhythmically, the effort keeping him from freezing.

Look for something floating. Some debris... wood... anything.

It's so cold.

I know. I know. Help me, here. Look around.

His words keep her focused, taking her mind off the wailing around them. Rose scans the water, panting, barely able to draw a breath. She turns and... SCREAMS.

A DEVIL is right in front of her face. It is the black FRENCH BULLDOG, swimming right at her like a seamonster in the darkness, it's coal eyes bugging. It motors past her, like it is heading for Newfoundland.

Beyond it Rose sees something in the water.

What's that?

Jack sees what she is pointing to, and they make for it together. It is a piece of wooden debris, intricately carved. He pushes her up and she slithers onto it belly down.

But when Jack tries to get up onto the thing it tilts and submerges, almost dumping Rose off. It is clearly only big enough to support her. He clings to it, close to her, keeping his upper body out of the water as best he can.

Their breath floats around them in a cloud as they pant from the exertion. A MAN swims toward them, homing in on the piece of debris. Jack warns him back.

It's just enough for this lady... you'll push it under.

Let me try at least, or I'll die soon.

You'll die quicker if you come any closer.

Yes, I see. Good luck to you then.
(swimming off)
God bless.

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