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Today in Titanic History - with Searching
Today in
Titanic History

Friday, March 14, 2025
1871 - 1st class passenger Mr Frederick R. Kenyon was born.

1916 - 1st class survivor Mr Dickinson H. Bishop remarried.

1939 - 2nd class survivor Mr Masabumi Hosono died at the age of 68. He was the only Japanese passenger on the Titanic.

1980 - 3rd class survivor Miss Carla Christine Nielsine Andersen-Jensen died in Ferritslev, Fyn, Denmark at the age of 87. By her own request, she was buried in the nightdress she had worn on 14th April 1912.

1890 - 3rd class survivor Miss Velin Öhman was born in Eks parish, Mariestad, Västergötland, Sweden.

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Script: Cut Scenes: Cora's Final Breath

Find more pictures from cut scenes in the Image Gallery under "Misc movie"

The flooding is horrific. Walls and doors are splintered like kindling. Water roars down corridors with pile-driver force.

The CARTMELL FAMILY is at the top of a stairwell, jammed against a locked gate like Jack and Rose were. Water boils up the stairwell behind them. Bert Cartmell shakes the gate futilely, shouting for help. Little Cora wails as the water boils up around them all.



Rose and Jack struggle to climb the well deck stairs as the ship tilts. Drunk Baker Joughin puts a hand squarely on Rose's butt and shoves her up onto the deck.

Sorry, miss!

Hundreds of people are already on the poop deck, and more are pouring up every second. Jack and Rose cling together as they struggle across the tilting deck.

Why this scene was cut: Cameron believed it was too intense, though it was filmed.

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