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Today in Titanic History - with Searching
Today in
Titanic History

Friday, March 14, 2025
1871 - 1st class passenger Mr Frederick R. Kenyon was born.

1916 - 1st class survivor Mr Dickinson H. Bishop remarried.

1939 - 2nd class survivor Mr Masabumi Hosono died at the age of 68. He was the only Japanese passenger on the Titanic.

1980 - 3rd class survivor Miss Carla Christine Nielsine Andersen-Jensen died in Ferritslev, Fyn, Denmark at the age of 87. By her own request, she was buried in the nightdress she had worn on 14th April 1912.

1890 - 3rd class survivor Miss Velin Öhman was born in Eks parish, Mariestad, Västergötland, Sweden.

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Script: Cut Scenes: Modesty

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Here you! You'll have to pay for that, you know! That's White Star Line property --

(turning together)
Shut up!

Jack leads her past the dumbfounded steward. They join the steerage stragglers going aft. In places the corridor is almost completely blocked by large families carrying all their luggage.

AN IRISH WOMAN gives Rose a blanket, more for modesty than because she is blue-lipped and shivering.

Here, lass, cover yourself.

Jacks rubs her arms and tried to warm her up as they walk along. The woman's husband offers them a flask of whiskey.

This'll take the chill off.

Rose takes a mighty belt and hands it to Jack. He grins and follows suit. Jack tries a number of DOORS and IRON GATES along the way, finding them all locked.

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